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Posts posted by beerme1

  1. My favorite was the call on Max when the Leafs were down 5-on-3 and Sundin clubbed him, Max retaliated, then about 3 Leafs took shots at Max.  Not that Max didn't deserve a penalty but so did everyone else involved.  The poetic justice was Drury scoring on the 4-on-3 anyway.


    Sundin is a B word.



    I laughed out loud when I saw the replay and they gave Max the only penalty. The refs were brutal last night as usual.

  2. He also showed good balance with his play calling averaging 35 passes per game, and 25 rushes per game.




    Ok so on average the offense was on the field for 60 plays excluding kicks. Does someone know what our average was?

  3. who will be left with? bresnahan and corey? blache and schoop? could it be -- gulp, gulp -- that no coordinators worth their salt want to come to buffalo? say it ain't so!





    If we are supposed to believe that everybody loves Dick, you would think some of these guys would want to be with him.

  4. Hell, the Bills even have two of the castoffs from the miserable Bears OL (Gandy/Villarial)!  Jauron will probably be "comfortable" with those guys. :D




    The very sad truth. I heard Gandy talking on the radio this morning and wanted to barf.

    Thanks Marv. Thanks a lot.

  5. It can always be worse.  Always.


    I for one...don't mind Jauron.  Really, I just don't care much.  It's Jamuary; the Bills' head coach isn't a concern for me for another seven months or so...and even then, I have family, friends, work, hobbies...basically, a full and satisfying enough life that I won't live or die by who coaches the Bills.



    I thought you were a true die hard Bills fan? <_<

  6. Remember, GW is tbe next HC for Washington, so Saunders knows he is there for the money and experience to get that HC job.




    I don't think so. Nothing is written that GW will be the next HC in DC.

    What is written is that he gets a million bucks if he is not named the next HC. To Snyder that million is equal to about ten bucks to me. No big deal. If he wants someone else at the time, he will go for that someone else and then GW can pout, take his extra mill and go away.

  7. Maybe he can hire Donohoe as his team president and GM, when he is feeling too old to keep up....they can obsess together!  It worked great for the Bills! :P


    On Mike Mularkey, he is saying that he has become one of the "hottest names" to fill co-ordinater jobs.



    TD in Raider nation! Sweet! Do you think they would eat him after he says he's embarassed to be a part of THAT community? B-)


    There are some really stupid people in the league right now as evidenced by some of the hires but MM would win that prize though hands down.

  8. " Get back on the grill. You, take the drive in orders !  "



    Nice! :P



    Nothing screams "we know what we're doing" louder than firing your GM after 10 days on the job.  Good call, jduncan1!





    Or having the coach you just re introduced for the long term quit 10 days later!! :PB-)

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