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Posts posted by beerme1

  1. Hello Mr.Saban here's what I think we can do if you hire me. We can fool the world if we draft a tiny wr and have him break an arm in the pre season. Okay now stay with me, late in the year when the games matter, we will catch a team asleep at the wheel when we line him up in the backfield and direct snap the ball to him!!! :(


    I'm telling you it's brilliant! I guarantee a three yard gain out of this play. It's that big.

    I ran this play in Buffalo after extensive research and practice and sure enough, it was good for a three yard gainer.


    Hey, hey get your hands off me! Don't touch me. I'll leave on my own. You don't need to push me. I'm outta here.

  2. I'll bet a Krispy Kreme that he'll land an OC position for '06 that will pay him at least what he was making as HC, and will be a candidate for HC spots after '07.



    Ill take that bet and bet dozens of them!! Time has proven he must have sucked in PA. And we know what he did here. If there is an owner out there who wants that type of gimmicky non tough, non run, brand of football, then let him have him. And TD and Kordell!!! <_< It's the only way the package works!

  3. i didnt really want sherman at 1st,but after reading about his defensive coordinator jim bates i like the idea of sherman.....what i really like is if sherman does good say in 3-4 years sherman can be the gm when levy dosnt want to do it anymore and then maybe bates gets the head coaching job.



    Sounds like an ideal situation to me. Except that Bates would be gone before then.

  4. A month or so ago I asked a question about Ralph driving a car when he comes to town.

    He gets off his personal jet and gets into his personal Ford Taurus alone and drives off.

    Some people mentioned they've seen him drive a blue Bills logoed PT Cruiser.


    Well today channel 2 showed Ralph driving the Taurus and Kilgore mentioned that Ralph liked that inexpensive automobile or something like that :D


    But the screwy part is he was driving Dick Jauron!!! 0:) Presumably back to the airport.

    So I glean a few things from this.

    1. Ralph must really think highly of Jauron to personally escort him back to the airport or to lunch or anywhere and

    2. Jauron is missing something upstairs or must be dying for the job to get in a car with Ralph behind the wheel :( Perhaps this was Ralphs way of testing his mental toughness and is actually part of the interview process ;)


    More power to a man at Ralphs age if he can still drive, but knowing how he speaks, I dont want to be on the road near him. :huh:

    I wonder what was going through Jauron's when Ralph was probably going 45 on the thruway? Hell what do I know maybe he was going 85!

    Either way, I wonder what was going through Jauron's mind? :huh:


    I'm thinking he was very slowly saying to himself, h o l y s h i t !

  5. Some one I know (no not the merchandise specialist in the bills store :blink: ) had a couple of things to say to me over the weekend.


    First off, he said Haslett is a jerk.

    Secondly he said Marv doesn't care for him due to some disagreement they had previuosly and he would find it hard to believe that Levy would bring him in.


    Not saying it for any reason other than saying it. Not looking to be flamed, not looking for anything. Just sayin, that's all.

  6. I believe that MM has taken his entire family, distant relatives and all and is setting up some sort of comune in Idaho or Nebraska.

    He and his family I think will be home schooling every single individual of that family that is currently under 21 and any newborns from here on out. They will be western amish people and live in a barn.

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