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Everything posted by WEATHER DOT COM

  1. Of course. It’s a little more complicated though when he’s one of dozens of players on the team. It is a personal philosophical conundrum I’m sure many fans are also going to be dealing with.
  2. Agree. Seeing him on the field Sunday is going to be sad and is going to be quite a WTF moment. How can I cheer for him?
  3. The details in the warrant, specifically the cops identifying her bruising immediately as they arrived on scene, is enough for me to agree with your first sentence here. Absolute psychopath behavior. Don't want Von back in Western New York again.
  4. Kneels. This coach is a total loser. Why not try to win the game? He should be walking back to Buffalo. So pathetic
  5. Pretty clear it was an accident based on the footage. Nobody is doing that on purpose. So sad for the family the grief plus the burden of the narrative this has caused. Thanks for the update RIP
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