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Everything posted by gatorbait

  1. For the record I appreciate your posts. It's a refreshing change of pace around here. Coherent, rational and devoid of one-sided propaganda. The conservatives and anti Obama/Clinton people are getting stale as hell.
  2. Unprofessional and reckless you say? Trump takes the cake for that description. The media asks questions and holds people accountable in this country, it's what they do. If you don't like the bias from the left, don't watch it or read it. Fox was ruthless to Obama for eight years, I didn't hear democrats complaining and crying about it every day. The Russian investigation could very well bring about zero charges for Trump. Even the left knows this. However, Flynn, Manafort and Carter Page are facing some serious stuff, and whether you like it or not, they were directly tied to Trump and his campaign. All Trump has to do is say I am looking forward to being cleared by this investigation, I am not okay with countries interfering in our elections and will do my best to prevent that in the future. Instead he tweets and whines about a witch hunt. That's not my point though. My point is our president is an uninformed, thin-skinned, vengeful and reckless person. Someone who has risen that high and yields that much power should act with more class and dignity. His tweeting drags our nation's image through the mud. He is an embarrassment to this country, and I am not the only one who feels that way. The media has nothing to do with that.
  3. Trump is a disgrace, he deserves whatever he gets from the media and anyone else.
  4. http://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-russia-investigation-scared-2017-6 Tiberius, Pasta and anyone else who isn't on the right might want to check out this article.
  5. Did I say that? Aren't you the tool that was whining in every draft thread about how we didn't get Mahomes or another QB you liked? I want a professional GM who knows what they are doing. Anyone who fits that mold will be able to find the players to go along with our coaches and scheme. I liked Whaley but his professionalism, public speaking and drafts were more than questionable. Maybe he smoked too much pot? Sound familiar BuffaloBud420?
  6. Great question. I believe McDermott was the one who orchestrated the moving back, after all he is long-time friends with Reid. Whaley has been known to reach or move up, and the draft just felt different this year. I can't remember the last time the Bills picked up an additional first round pick or received a consensus A grade from all the experts.
  7. Lay off the reefer man. Every thought doesn't need its own thread. A good GM can find players for whatever scheme the coaches run. Dennison's offense doesn't prevent us from taking big players or a QB next year who can be a pocket passer.
  8. Wow! That is interesting, I have never seen anything like that.
  9. To the Gilmore guys blowing up this thread, he didn't deserve top 5 corner money. Gilmore is good but not great. Also, he doesn't fit into McDermott's scheme. Sean needs corners who can play mostly zone with some man and press mixed in there, and he needs tough corners who can come up and play the run. Gilmore is all bump and run and he stinks in run support. We just picked a durable corner who started all four years only missing a couple games. He is a smart leader and some experts say was the second highest rated CB in the draft. He can return punts, was a two year captain (wearing #18 for LSU is a big deal) and he can play inside/outside and man or zone. I love the pick. Oh, and we picked up another 3rd and 1st? That's what the pats and good teams have done for years.
  10. Polian and the marvelous one had a lot to do with the team going to four straight Super Bowls. I am grateful to Ralph and appreciate what he did, but I do not miss him as an owner.
  11. People should not drive when they are impaired, whether it is pot or something else. That is undeniable. Marijuana though is safer than alcohol, period. Safer on the body and driving. Moderation is key to anything in life. Stoners who smoke pot all day will experience negative side effects and could be using that time more productively. I smoked regularly in college, but now only hit a joint every month or two when i'm out on the golf course or fishing with buddies. I prefer to have a few beers or glasses of wine at night, but that's just me. There are a lot of successful professionals who smoke cannabis at night, just like there are plenty who enjoy a few drinks. I don't condone being a stoner just like I don't condone being a drunk. I think hardcore stoners make all people who smoke pot look bad. Can you post some of the other links 4mer? There are serious holes in this one and you might have others that make your point a little better. Here are a few highlights: "The fatal crash study does not determine whether drivers were impaired, and it notes that there was no sign of an increase in fatal crashes among those with marijuana in their systems until a full 39 weeks after marijuana possession was legalized in the state." "a 2015 study from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that motorists who used marijuana prior to driving were no more likely to be involved in a car crash than individuals who had not used any drugs or alcohol prior to getting behind the wheel. Meanwhile, the study found drivers with a blood alcohol concentration of .05 or above were seven times more likely to be involved in a crash."
  12. It's a gas station so expectations need to be tempered but it is a great one-stop-shop for people who drive a lot. Multiple kinds of decent coffee and creamers, bathrooms are always clean, a walk-in beer cooler that is always ice cold, more than edible subs and food, lotto vending machine and other things I have learned to appreciate. I don't want to hijack this thread with wawa talk but this was the only one mentioned that I could relate to. I wish I lived in western New York and could find good wings everywhere. You guys would be surprised how many people screw up buffalo wings down here.
  13. "The number of families with no workers has remained relatively steady since 1995, when the bureau began compiling the data." "There are currently 5.7 million job openings, millions of which pay roughly $50,000 or more per year," he said. "Policymakers need to address the skills gap that is preventing these unemployed families from seizing these available good jobs." I wish they would do a follow-up study and figure out how these families are getting by. Are they in between jobs? Living off of benefits? Running illegitimate businesses out of their house? Living off of family inheritance and trusts? Are they already retired? Dealing drugs? So many factors here to consider. Still, one-in-five was a surprise to me. Something needs to be done to get them working and paying taxes.
  14. He made Bill Nye look like a fool too. He's a solid anchor and he must be extremely popular to take over for O'Reilly. Maybe it's the way he smiles douchily during interviews or is a prick to opposing contributors but he bothers me.
  15. I always thought Maddow was only sexy to lesbians. Ana Navarro and Jack Kingston from CNN because Angela was already taken. Tucker Carlson from Fox annoys the hell out of me.
  16. I'm down here in FL, Wawa puts other gas stations to shame
  17. For the sake of our enemies, I like Trump being a wildcard. It is infinitely harder to play defense when you have no idea what's coming. If we could team up with China on everything and not just trade, that would be an unstoppable force going into the future. Wishful thinking, but it would be nice. Russia can suck it until Putin is gone and they elect a new President.
  18. I'm serious, that many thousands of posts is not an achievement. It is indicative of a lonely and sad personal life. I would bet $100 you are a skinny little nerd. Write a book or publish some more peer-reviewed journals for us to read. You are wasting your talents here.
  19. You should thank me for helping add to your ridiculously sad post count. Go outside once in a while Tom, it can't hurt.
  20. I want to know why Trump congratulated Erdogan for his win. Is it because Turkey is an ally or is it because he has Trump towers in Istanbul? Maybe he is just happy Erdogan won? Is it a mix of all three? It just seems kind of odd he would congratulate a controversial figure after a somewhat suspicious win. What do you guys think?
  21. If Rodak is right that is not too bad at all. We should match
  22. I will take it you are retired or don't want to say where you work.
  23. This recent stuff started because I posted an article that was already posted and you had to chime in on it and be a smart ass. The same one TPS posted last night. If you can't see that there's a handful of posters here who don't tolerate other people's opinions, then you're the clueless one. I've had my ass handed to me that's for sure, just not by you. I appreciate it, and I will evolve over time.
  24. If I was on the clinical side you should be very afraid. Luckily for everyone, I am a quality data-analyst manager and reporting on and improving quality is my thing. Politics and healthcare reform not so much. Where do they let a Muslim hating man like you work?
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