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Everything posted by NorthBuffaloKid

  1. I don't agree with him being coordinator of the year...There have been many questionable play calls. Never saw a middle screen... At the beginning of the Jets game, he had the number one rushing offense and passed it the first 6 plays (I believe that they were 3 and outs). It was a windy, raw day - perfect to run the ball, but we tried passing at first. I think that he did well, but not THAT well.
  2. I find it interesting that we fans seem to think that we know more than the people who are paid to make decisions and deal with the stuff daily. The press is knowledgeable, and want to sell "papers" (print or electronic), so they are out there on the fringe many times. Taylor is having a very good year for a 1st year starter. He's had his ups and downs, but what human doesn't? (insert Belicheck joke here) Congratulations on being named an alternate. I'm sure that he'll comport himself well, representing the Bills with style and class. I am concerned that his style of play can lead to injuries, so the back up position is vital.
  3. Let's not bring his foot thing into this. ;-) Yes, he did all of those things. He brought hope, which has been dashed. I'm sure that no one feels the sting more than Rex. Let's see how we finish up. Let's see how we handle the off season. Let's give the Pegulas time to think about what to do.
  4. I agree. It may be that restructuring the whole thing is proper at this point. It seems as if there is little to no structure now, with some nice pieces(players) scattered about. When everything is destroyed, it's a perfect opportunity to start again. (I know, we've all heard that phrase WAY too many times!) I know that it has been only one season, but I feel strongly that Rex isn't the answer. But then again, what do I know? Let's see what unfolds. And dream of better times.
  5. In a nutshell, more time is needed. That being said, it doesn't seem as if Rex has learned from his time in NY. Poor clock management. Poor play challenges. Confusion on the field.These were the knocks he took there and continue to take now. He should take this off season on those and the current penalty crisis and figure it out. If he can't do that, he's not the coach that everyone thinks he is.
  6. and have the opportunity to offer advice that would be accepted to anyone in the Bills organization at any time, what would it be? I'd tell Mr. Wilson to keep Jerry Butler and Bill Polian at all costs, even knowing that Butler would be with us for a short time.
  7. We still have 3 games to go. Time to evaluate our talent and assess the talent out there. I'll leave the predictions until after the pre season next year. GO BILLS!
  8. I was talking with a friend about the Ralph. It's in the middle of the snow belt, far from the city. I feel as if any new stadium should be on the waterfront. Bethlehem steel is right there, rotting. There are limited things that the real estate can be used for, due to the toxic soil, but I think that spectator sports should be OK there. There is plenty of room for a stadium. And a drag racing strip. And maybe a NASCAR track. As for the curse, I'm not sure...but just in case, the stadium could be restored to it's original condition with the proper Shaman to help rectify the "problem"
  9. I agree 100%. These athletes have egos that are actually larger than their wallets. It's the coaches' job to rein that in and focus the team. Rex hasn't done that all year. He seems to let them run wild on and off the field. Shady should be ashamed.
  10. I'd tell Rex that I would have thought that he learned from his mistakes in NY. Poor clock management, challenges and letting the players run wild. Then I'd ask him how he planned on handling these problems from here on out...
  11. There's a fine line between making Brady worry about the pass rush and becoming a dirty team. I would like o see Brady on his keister as much as anyone, but not at the expense of becoming a dirty team. We can win without having to resort to dirty tactics. GO BILLS!!
  12. The front lines for both the offense and defense. They play disciplined, focused, passionate football and we win...Period
  13. I want a competitor....Someone who is willing to go out there and play. He's been used as a "decoy" since he's gotten here. I've seen demonstrations of concentration and strength that would make you want him to get the ball more often. He's not wrong. We're keeping a Ferrari in the garage, occasionally bringing it out into the driveway to show off. Ferraris need to be driven! Sammy needs the ball!
  14. You can't expect a tiger to lose it's stripes. Love him or hate him, Rex will be Rex. Off the field. On the field, he didn't keep his composure well the first 2 games. After that he's done fairly well (he's had a couple of relapses - wristband, anyone?). The Bills need to show professionalism on the field. They did that fairly well against the Titans and the result was an ugly win (as opposed to an ugly loss). If they show focus, self restraint and play passionately within the rules of the game, we have a good chance of winning. GO BILLS!
  15. I've seen grown men cowed by a superior. Stunned like a deer in the headlights. When everything that you've worked for...all your dreams and hopes are in the hands of someone that you know is incompetent, it deflates you terribly. You may know that you're good, but no matter how hard you try, how well you do, the result will be YOU SUCK... It's hard for a grown man to take, let alone a kid in his early twenties. I think EJ is our future. Tyrod is our present... GO BILLS!
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