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Imran Q

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  1. If that's what you get from this, smh. I expect these comments to be lost on some. I guess we know where you stand. I sincerely hope you don't ever have anyone in your family to through the same thing.
  2. I hope Zay is OK. While drugs may certainly be one explanation, some of these actions are classic expressions of a schizophrenic disorder. I'm glad his brother was there to prevent a possible suicide. On a side note, I think a large number of comments in this thread are utterly embarrassing. A person has gone through a traumatic near death experience, may be seriously ill, and is hospitalized and people here are mocking him incessantly. You guys have judged him and carried on with absurd comments without knowing anything about the situation. If you all will turn so fast on a player and person you were rooting for 24 hours ago, you should turn in your fraudulent Billsmafia cards. Embarrassing. I'm glad you guys don't represent most fans. Here's to hoping it was something stupid like bad drugs and not a deeper underlying mental illness. Sorry, it had to be said.
  3. Wow what an unintelligent and generally ridiculous response.
  4. Says no teammate of his ever. Are you guys seriously holding things against him years after the fact? Are you discarding all the good he has done for Oakland? Like working with kids in the city of Oakland for example? Sometimes (many times) I sense folks get bitter when Bills players leave. I wonder what you folks think of guys who have truly been toxic like Richie Incognito? Or does he get a pass because he's the best pulling guard in the league? I'm having trouble following the logic guys.
  5. What's up with the Marshawn hate here? He may have had some ups and downs but he was always a great teammate, well liked, and played hard. He's been likable everywhere he's gone.
  6. Nice read. The comments on race were intriguing but not surprising. Sometimes it seems the NFL players are operating in two different worlds. Would be a great topic for some deeper writing.
  7. I don't get the personal hate of Gilmore all of a sudden. Because he had a bad game he's not a bad person? Someone talk me through the logic.
  8. This may have been discussed but I couldn't find anything. Does anyone know where MSG Western NY is on DirecTV? Google tells me it should be 635-1 but wiki says there was a dispute with DirecTV which isn't carrying it. Any help would be appreciated. Confused in Chicago.
  9. EJ for sure had a quarter he won't forget. That said, 5 minutes left and the team has a lead and 85 yards of buffer. I'm more disappointed with our disastrous defense than EJ. For as bad as EJ was he dug himself out of the hole and returned the game to a high win percentage. Ej is what he is and as the backup when you get handed a win the defense has no excuse to blow it. None.
  10. The short version. 1. Plug Chromecast into TV 2. Click the Chromecast icon while playing. But you don't need to stream. You probably can't type the Y and A of Yahoo on Sunday morning without the game popping up.
  11. For those who want to stream, it's literally this easy. 1. Go to your nearest Best Buy. 2. Ask salesperson to direct you to Chromecast. 3. Buy said Chromecast. 4. Plug in Chromecast to HDMI slot 5. Switch AV to the HDMI slot. 6. Set it up (takes 30 seconds) 7. Play the game on yahoo. 8. Hit the Chromecast logo on the playback.
  12. I can't believe this post generated a thread. I can't believe I contributed to it.
  13. Well spoken Alphadawg (great movie Btw). The hater comments on this board are absolutely asinine and I'd imagine a bit conveniently readjusted after the fact. I doubt anyone of these guys was hating on Harvin after his TD sparked the team in the Colts game. Harvin has been nothing but a class act and has performed well (leading the team in receiving). There are no indications he has been a bad teammate so the people saying they were weary of him based on his prior incidences are demonstrating a flawed confirmation bias. Harvin didn't choose to be injured. It's a rough sport. Injuries happen. I wish him the best and hope he can come back this year. And as for the people complaining about his salary, that's laughable. Would you have preferred the Pegula's just put it in their retirement account instead? Give me the potential playmaker please.
  14. Hate to say this but some of you have a myopic viewpoint here. This streaming is not as much about you guys as it is opening up to newer markets they don't have satellite, don't have cable, and maybe don't even have TVs. And it also opens up the game to an additional 2 billion people. As for the game, www.yahoo.com. Stream to your TV or don't. Either way it's an easy get.
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