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Very wide right

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Everything posted by Very wide right

  1. Whenever you are pulled over immediately ask what the reason is BEFORE you submit license and proof of insurance.If the reason is a light bulb you can immediately prove its working therefore you are not required to show any documentation because the traffic stop is now considered null and void.If the officer pushes the issue simply ask for a supervisor.
  2. One thing is for certain,he wouldn't be calling his cell mates idiots and or dumbass or any of his usual rants.Fear has a way of making PC Rambos wise up quick.
  3. You'll always have a good alibi anyway,you could always prove you were at home on this board posting something.
  4. That's just not true.There are several "bad" arrests and many times charges are later dropped. Many times evidence is presented later and proves innocence.
  5. Do you remember the wire they bundled the paper with when the news truck dropped them off for you to deliver?You certainly couldn't give that top copy to any customers cause the wire always tore it up.So dad always got that copy.
  6. I don't know what the hell they were arguing about.The Klan was started by democrats and the Black Panthers are democrats. I guess they are just confused like all democrats.
  7. Wait a minute, are you telling me that someone with a history of drug use has a history of trouble with the law and then ended up in prison??? That's a shocker.Well at least shes a non-violent criminal and it should all end well.
  8. Eh, I think they both just need a job. Definitely both very insecure people
  9. Once again your sophomoric views on drug abuse and drug dealing keep you blind to reality.You dismiss any connection between drug abuse and theft which solidly lands you in the clueless column.Your other argument is that somehow as a society it's a bargain to release all of the non-violent CRIMINALS(lmao) from jail because we all know that they will all magically become law abiding citizens and never break the law again.As I said in my earlier post, you need to scratch below the surface of these silly liberal points because they ALWAYS fall apart under scrutiny.Furthermore,I don't know why I am wasting my time here because I have come to realize I am arguing with people who are not only misguided but either 15 years old or unemployed people that sit around all day long posting on this message board.Good luck and enjoy the state checks,I'm done here.
  10. OC I don't know if anything has changed in the last 24 hours but I believe DC Tom is Dumbass #2 right behind Dumbass and top troll #1 GreggyT
  11. What consenting adults choose to ingest might be my business if I find them in my house at 4am trying to steal, also those consenting adults aren't likely to hold a job and then its certainly my business when the welfare checks start rolling out to support the family .The fact that you don't understand that there is a solid connection between drug use and theft is laughable and speaks volumes demonstrating your complete lack of knowledge of the struggles that communities endure from the drug trade.The idea that an individual addicted to drugs just lives a normal lifestyle and performs perfectly well for an employer is fantasy.Speak to any police officer about the effects of drugs in society and you'll start to understand.Yeah I know,Police are bad.................but criminals are good.
  12. LOL, please allow me to challenge you to think a little deeper.After these "non violent drug offenders" are successful getting their clients addicted to the life destroying drug of choice or those who just enjoy their daily crack or heroin fix fall apart, who do you think pays THAT bill? Yes that's right,the US taxpayer, the same people who's houses are broken into or cars are stolen to support the drug habits of these "non-violent drug offenders".Before you parrot these ridiculous liberal ideas you should stop and think things through.I would also submit that it would be "completely unjust" to expect any community to have to endure the costs both financial and or personal due to the stupidity of releasing those who have committed serious crimes.Now go ahead an parrot some ridiculous liberal personal attack comeback, it's always good for a laugh.
  13. I think most people agree that criminals belong in jail.Thats why the socialist state of New york just had a massive man hunt for two escapees.Your thinking is in the minority I assure you.
  14. Gatorman,I'm Very wide right.We should get together and hold a think tank sometime.
  15. You think allowing criminals out of their cells is a good idea? Say hello to the warden for me when they let you out in the yard for exercise this afternoon.I'm speaking from the perspective of a person that's not incarcerated. A president can effect changes in national security.I would explain but it would be better if you did your own research.The time spent enacting this change would be time better spent than deciding how to overturn our judges and police agencies work trying to keep our law abiding citizens safe.
  16. Yeah one guy was talking about how Rex took the Jets to Dave and Busters before the Bills game last year.
  17. Thanks Mark.I was a nervous wreck.Its so cool that we have a head coach that does things like this.
  18. Some would say that allowing criminals back into society is a bad thing and ones time would be better spent securing this nation against terrorism.
  19. Well Well Well, While a terrorist was assaulting our USMC in Tennessee, Mr. Obama was busy at his historic visit to a prison in Oklahoma working on the release of criminals into society
  20. It's funny how the left just throws out these comparisons so recklessly and they get away with it.Donald Trump speaks the truth about the border and they go straight to the fake outrage card.
  21. I'm soooo excited to see Rex jump out of a plane,this is so amazing! GO BILLS
  22. I wouldn't worry too much.If anthing happens Misses Pegula can look for another fired coach with a big name to hire.
  23. Actually I think you're criticizing a man for having standards and it's you who are unable to view these issues clearly because you like many here view everything through a prism of wins and losses.
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