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Very wide right

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Everything posted by Very wide right

  1. I'm not worried about how he got off the hook.I'm more concerned with the lack of character that been building on this team.That's one intangible that will haunt us in the end.
  2. He was one of the best WWF actors ever. Rest in peace.
  3. THIS, Get an android next time and skip the insurance it's a ripoff. High deductables and then most plans give you a refurb anyway.Get an Otterbox.
  4. Do you feel that you suffer losses in that business from the big box stores like Home depot? I knew a man that owned an electrical supply firm that was actually put under when Home depot arrived in town.
  5. LOL, Gugny you apparently don't understand that a business leader either answers to stock holders or their own livelihood depends on employee performance.I don't know if you ever worked in a professional environment but employees that cry in the workplace are not in demand.A CEO or business manager wouldn't be worth much if they allowed a person like this to stay on the payroll.This would not make them without class just smart and effective.
  6. I would tend to agree if this is a retail position but if someone is in a professional career and they cry before a meeting that unfortunately demonstrates weak management and poor hiring choices.No organization could possibly be successful with employees like that.
  7. Crying? No offense but you work with some weak individuals.If I was in charge and I saw people crying those people would be gone.You cannot be successful with weak minded people on the payroll.Is this a retail store?
  8. Yes I have been following this story closely because if I had a son he would look like Cecil.
  9. LOL, thats the guy everybody used to hate in the 90s because he was winning superbowls
  10. Most would agree with you that stars do get the treatment but the original poster was suggesting that the whole team was getting breaks.Also, don't be so quick to believe that Toms reputation has taken such a hit.Most fair minded people know that hard evidence was never there in this investigation and I wish they would have collected game balls from every NFL game that week and compared them all.I believe that would have ended that controversy quick,just my opinion.Remember,most people who hate Brady do so because he has won so much.
  11. No challenges being issued.It's been my experience that when you spend valuable time dealing with people who sleep till noon and have nothing to lose you don't accomplish anything. Your kind and many others will ALWAYS trip themselves up and I can get more satisfaction watching that happen.Now go check on that microwave taco.Done with this thread.
  12. Remember that? That was the game when the Bills walked off the field and went to the locker room and didn't line up to defend the extra point so the Pats went for 2.That was a long time ago. American Patriot symbolism will ALWAYS be needed
  13. I know you would! But we both know you like to insult from afar.It works well when you are trash and have a big mouth while being a coward at the same time.
  14. So you believe there is a league mandate that the Patriots are to be given special treatment by officials? Because if what those in this thread are suggesting is true then there must had been at some point a meeting with all game officials to be on the same page.This is Jerry Springer mentality on display.
  15. You are correct sir at least in these forums because in my opinion the moderators simply don't do their job to allow such a statement to stand.However I would argue that the cowards here would all refrain from this stuff if they were standing in front of the person they were addressing.
  16. One can certainly understand your confidence after all we have had so much success against Brady.Makes perfect sense.
  17. Tom this is what i was talking about.I always knew it was illegal to threaten someone however I found out today that when you threaten someone over an internet connection it's a Federal crime.
  18. Ok Thanks,please don't be shy with all this advice mixed in with your childish insults, I hang on every word.
  19. This is definietly a must win for the Bills if they want to show growth from last year.A loss here would be troubling for this organization.
  20. See ,Tom is smart enough not to get involved with directing threats against people.What OC did is prove if you give a fool enough rope they will hang themselves.Calls were made today and knocks are coming soon.
  21. Now I'm nervous.A guy with nothing on his mind and nothing to do all day that has an insecurity complex to boot is threatening me! I don't mind a troll like Greggy and a clown like DC Tom but this guy could be truly dangerous.Never been threatened before.
  22. LOL, You show your insecurity about your money situation then go on to suggest your classy.Do you not see what a tool you sound like? What a pompous ass.We were all out for dinner the other night and a clown trying to impress his date spouted this same crap.Needless to say everyone was laughing at him. Thank you so much, I always love advice from a guy that spends all day posting on a politics site.Don't be offended but I would look to a higher source if I needed advice. Says the guy that saw a missle hit the pentagon and yes, he was the only one to see it! I see your up too 50,288 posts! Great life buddy.Stay online all day and call people juvenille names.
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