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Very wide right

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Everything posted by Very wide right

  1. LOL, cant get jobs? Show me a person who is unemployed and Ill show you a lazy whiner.If a person spends 8 hours a day applying for employment I submit that its almost impossible to be unemployed more than a month. You make a good point here. Must have been something he had seen on tv
  2. Wow,do people like this ever stop and think about the people affected by these tragedies before they post this garbage? Your family thinks that ?.Hmmm ,why doesn't that surprise me?You must have a great view from the couch by the window.Dont worry Tom, I thought I saw a UFO once when i was 7.
  3. Two more police officers are slain in the line of duty in Mississippi.Another banner day for the likes of Greggy and DC Tom. The strange part is that there are no buildings burning ,no real media coverage and no sign of Al Sharpton.Just three thugs arrested for murder and two grieving families. .My prayers and respect go to the fallen heroes and their families and always remember ,BLUE LIVES MATTER.Now go ahead Greggy, piss on their graves scumbag.
  4. And the liberal false narrative continues................... Hands up,don't shoot bullcrap
  5. Here's another try if scumbag doesn't please you.How about sub-human mongrel.What you should really do to show your disdain for law enforcement is go protest the police at that officers funeral that was murdered in New york city.You might have some competition there though because the Westboro Baptists will probably be there as well,they think like you.Hopefully one of those heroes of law enforcement will step out of line and give you what your parents should have when you were growing up.Take DC Tom with you,it would be good for him to get off the couch. What an F-ing moron
  6. You understand the risk involved?? really? I submit that if you did understand the risks involved you would be ashamed to post this drivel.
  7. A police officer was murdered in New york city this week.That must be viewed as a victory for your side scumbag.And yes,that murdered officer is and was a hero in my book.God bless him and his family.
  8. I think it's called consumers buying what they want because they earned the right to when they went to work and earned a paycheck.Isn't it a shame that liberals cant just stop people and make them conform?
  9. Yes I do and I'm very proud to respect and honor the men and women of law enforcement as well as the military.It's so funny when idiots like you have trouble and run right to the phone and call the very police you despise for help.It's a good thing all you have to worry about is posting here all day and watch your "shows" on tv because you wouldn't function in society,your clueless.
  10. Hey Tom,Since you like this cop stuff I checked the TV section and they have a dragnet marathon coming soon.You can still post here all day long during the commercial breaks.Better set the alarm to get up at noon and wash the robe and slippers for this all day event and don't forget the microwave popcorn and pizza.Enjoy.
  11. Lets see, you support racing and speeding on public highways,support a heroin dealer that has been arrested 20 times but you dislike law enforcement.I think I get the picture.You support thuggery and are either too young or weren't raised with any respect for law and order in society.I'm done here.A great professor I had once said, "You can't argue with ignorance".Goodbye loser!
  12. No idiot,as a black man myself I don't hate myself,my father,my uncles ,brother or grandfather.Two of the police officers that I respect so much are black men. You are employing a ridiculous Saul Alinsky technique of Rule number 5, ridicule.Because I respect law enforcement in this case somehow you ridicule me for it and suggest that I hate black men. You are a true moron.
  13. They are heroes but because you are still a child you resent authority and don't understand that most often these heroes are found to be innocent when the facts come out.By the way,for you too suggest that I respect these officers because they allegedly are guilty of murdering a black man cements the suspicion I've always had that you are a true moron.By your logic the next time an officer is killed in the line of duty you will be celebrating.I'm confident that once the truth comes out these officers will be vindicated.The facts will show that the heroin dealer that has been arrested 20 times was not mistreated by these heroes of law enforcement.
  14. To the heroes of law enforcement pictured here. Thank you for your service and I am sorry for what the thugs and liberals have done to you.
  15. OMG, the sheer terror this invokes in liberals.The thought of people actually keeping the money they work for instead of the government getting to waste it.
  16. Well, hopefully the BPD just gives all the criminals a wide birth in those communities from now on.Just let the community turn into areas where thugs run things.It will be perfect ,no arrests and the police don't have to worry about Al Sharpton destroying their careers. That should make everybody happy.
  17. They say owners resemble their pets I believe that
  18. So the thugs are celebrating another victory for liberalism in Baltimore.Thugs riding down the street verbally abusing law enforcement and extending the middle finger in their faces for all to see.Hopefully the men and women of law enforcement give the thugs what they want in that community, No arrests and let the community run wild.
  19. Keep working hard Greggy, in a couple years you can be the kid with the glasses saying adorable things too! Judging from the GECKOS IN SPACE interest you should be a teenager in just a few years.
  20. Silly liberals on tv and the idiots that watch them
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