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Everything posted by VaMilBill

  1. So many unclutch plays by numerous offensive players. Not just this week. It’s awful
  2. My worry is josh will ignore him and the broncos will have one less guy to worry about making our offense even less dynamic than he is. I can’t blame josh though
  3. At this point, I’d let the other receivers show what they can do. Gabe is a good blocker but useless as a catcher. He’s the Dawson Knox of WRs
  4. Gabe Davis sucks. Guy is this years Tremaine edmunds he’s all potential and no production.
  5. There is the penalty to put us behind the sticks and in a bad spot. Nice job guys
  6. Weak penalty. He slides really late and who expects that from a WR? The DB was already in process of tackling
  7. Haha. Love that holding penalty after all that on the bengals
  8. I think it’s pretty evident at this point that not only schematically, but philosophically our coaching staff isn’t good at maximizing talent and putting players in positions to succeed
  9. Imagine being a Panthers fan where not your GM screwed up by taking Bryce young, but where your owner seemingly made them take Bryce over Stroud. That’s Dan Snyder level ownership
  10. Last week they didn’t look like anything special too. Our offense just didn’t do anything all day. I think at this point in the season we are what we are: a middle to lower class team with a great QB
  11. Stroud looks good. I’m worried with our regression this will be another AFC team that passes us
  12. I mean they beat us. So I’m sure they will have a couple of upsets
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