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Everything posted by rfk

  1. I meant to say Ofal-fensive but seriously folks are these rooks being asked to follow difficult schemes or are they really 1400 pounds of jello with the Jet's front 7 just salivating like schizoid pit bulls. Do they zone or man to man block? Does it matter? Orten is toast next Sunday.
  2. You can't polish a turd but EJ will get his chance when Orten takes one too many sacks.
  3. One good lick from a blitzing LB on Orten and EJ is back n the game...scary...jezee the guy can't move in the pocket keep everyone in to block except Sammy..sorry its an Orten post
  4. orten goes down in a blitz..Ej mans up...Bills by 3
  5. Rex will be auditioning for Bill's HC..they will bring it and I don't know how many sacks Orten can take before he's injured...Put on yer big boy panties EJ, Me thinks you'll get some paying time.
  6. yes it is sad to watch..please give ritchie a chance to be bill again
  7. Spiller takes the hand off cuts through the gut, carries three defenders fo 7 yards and then i wake up
  8. None of this matters if the QB is unable to get the ball tp them....might as well employ homeless guys as wideouts and save some bucks
  9. EJ takes the snap and throws behind...oh wait...CJ runs 20 yards backwards..no...Kyle sips some bourbon and throws a pick six...Bills punt on 1st down, right
  10. CJ up the gut...splat he's a sh*t stain on a linebackers skivvies
  11. i'll be shouting Tuel! Tuel! Tuel! and Please Mr Bon Jovi take this team to canada
  12. There are soooo many more variables..schedule, injuries, coaching, cosmic chance, whether i pick my left nostril or right on field goal tries...player talent is about half the game
  13. Jeeze to we have to drool over every possible QB that may be available..Jeff Tuel has been impersonating Brady and dreaming about super models,,he should be ready to go...what about that nassib kid ...I heard he had some potential...wonder why we didn't know about him???
  14. The Bills have been drafting poorly for 15 or so years and they have to over pay to get anyone with talent to come to Buffalo. Changing coaches and schemes every three years doesn't help either.
  15. Right he consistently threw behind the receiver like they practiced...catch the defense sleeping
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