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Posts posted by BillsShredder83

  1. 10 hours ago, Royale with Cheese said:

    Related image

    Reminds me, should get my ex wife a gift certificate here 

    9 hours ago, Limeaid said:


    I went to Renaissance Fair locally and after watching for a while my daughter pushed me to give a try.  It was 3 axe throws for I think $5 and I paid the man and said I'd give it a try.   I told her before hand that these type of games are a lot harder than they look (I had not seen a bulls-eye in the 15 minutes I was watching) and took the axe from the handler.  He said I had the wrong grip but I just went ahead and threw it not even standing all the way up the counter.  Hit the bulls-eye with first shot axe sticking to center of target.  The handler then yelled "See it is not difficult, you just need a good eye." and gave me a "champion's prize". I do have a good eye (or did before current issue) and one eye which is basically useless. The throw I did would not work for anyone else since my vision is so different than others.   I wore the prize and received a lot of congratulations from fellow fair attendees.

    Bet you smelled of a bunch of strange wench the next day ???

    6 hours ago, Tenhigh said:

    Now THAT guy knew how to smash a table

    And hookers.... and 8 balls...

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  2. 15 hours ago, Jigsaw2112 said:

    At this point it's obvious what the Dolphins are doing, and a few other teams are definitely in yard sale mode.  

    If the league wants to prevent teams from sandbagging themselves for a high draft pick, what are they to do?  The current system rewards failure, but middling teams who could make the leap with high end talent end up stuck on the 6 to 8 win treadmill (As we Bills fans know all too well.)

    How about this for a concept:

        1. In 4 years, eliminate the draft as we know it.  This will work all the traded picks that currently exist out of the system.

        2. Install an auction style system in its place.  Every team already has a salary cap, so every team would still have a budget.  Since we basically spend 4 months ranking these guys anyway, develop a consensus computer ranking system 1-250.  Have the same show on draft weekend, starting with the #1 guy, but every team with cash to spend can bid on who they need, one player at a time, just focus on the player instead of the drafting team for 15 minutes.  

    By doing this there's no incentive to fail, you still have to spend wisely, and the fans still have hope that their team can get quality players.

    I believe the NFL could make a good show of it, and with all the cap rules currently in place a team couldn't just dump all their guys and buy half the first round.

    Any thoughts?


    I like what you're doing here but how do you handle trading players for picks... and also.... if all things are even the first year how do you assign tie breakers for the #1 pick cause that's the year everyone goes all in after consensus QB. I like this for sure. Just some kinks to workout. Before I throw this one out, again I wanna say this is a cool idea and a good post .... BUTTTT


    OTHER issue I'd forsee is alot less players being actually drafted. Teams would shoot their loads so early on, I cant see anyone having capital left in 5th-7th rd. Could just mean more street FAs, but guessing players union would be extremely bum hurt over that. Cool post have a good weekend brother and of course


  3. 1 hour ago, Brianmoorman4jesus said:

    Imagine if this Antonio Brown thing came full circle and we just signed him now lol After the whole circus he still ended up in buffalo without having to give up anything in a trade ?‍♂️


    Before anyone jumps on here, obviously this was a joke and I know it won’t happen 

    It's like a really sexy girl with AIDS. Looks good, you can picture it being fun, but damnnnnnn no way you're going in there LOL! DONT GET AIDS BEANE!!!

  4. 4 hours ago, FUTURIST said:


    The Bills are playing to win the 2021 Super Bowl, not this year's Super Bowl.  They have a TON of cap space for next year and are being realistic.  They are not going to go on a 4 game winning streak in the playoffs this year with wins at Houston or Indianapolis, then beat a rested Patriots, then beat the Chiefs in Arrowhead, and then beat a team like the Saints in the Super Bowl.  It is not happening.  What we learned from the Dolphins game is the Bills are a playoff team, they are not a Championship caliber team.  

    Yeah this is fitting. Only way you're seeing a trade is if it helps bigtime next year too and were not overpaying. Would be nice to get a guy in here now though and have this season and a full offseason to get acclimated. Seems WR is probably the toughest position to adapt to whether from trade or a draft

  5. 2 hours ago, Tisker A Tasker said:

    For those who have never seen it, here's the onsides kick that Henry Jones returned for a touchdown twenty years ago (cued up to the good part)



    Was this a night game. Around Christmasish? Remember listening to it while doing that drive thru Christmas lights thing with my mom. Was salty about missing it ??

  6. Went B+ for a few reasons. Timeout and challenge management has been a general weakness. Although he is not the GM, he has been loyal to a fault to some of "his players". Also if I voted A there isnt much room for improvement and hes still a little green and will hopefully improve.

    Edit: also who the ? voted F lol lingering Pat's fan

  7. 14 hours ago, WideNine said:


    Dunno if there is ever going to be an easy button  - it's an evolution thing.


    Every time we find a product to beat back bacteria they have billions of chances in a colony for a few to develop the mutations needed to render themselves immune to it. The scientific community used to scoff at the concept of positive mutation, but it is witnessed over and over again in the micro verse. Doesn't help when there are so many off-the-shelf antibiotic hand soaps and cleaners that basically fast paced that evolution to create strains resistant to a broad spectrum of antibiotic chemicals used to sanitize hospital rooms and equipment and led to fun things like MRSA.


    MRSA bacteria can invade facilities like hospitals as well as sports and training areas and is pretty hard to eradicate. The Cleveland Browns facilities had a reputation as a MRSA hot zone and had several players complaining that their facilities were rife with MRSA, and there are or were some NFL lawsuits for players who careers ended early do to MRSA-related infections.


    Similar to resistant strains of bacteria - wide use of anti-fungal sprays on crops seems to be genetically traced to a virulent form of fungal infection candida auris that is resistant to most of the anti-fungal treatments our medical community had for such emergencies because anti-fungal medicines leveraged similar biochemical pathways as the sprays used on the crops. Candida Auris is a bit of a CDC bogey man because like MRSA it seems nearly impossible to remove from a facility once it is found to be present, and it has a relatively high mortality rate for several strains. There have been reports of doctors and nurses refusing to go into hospital rooms to treat or care for patients with such an infection.  


    Honestly I would be a bit freaked out myself as someone in that healthcare industry. I almost feel like we would be better served going back to the old days of medical house calls where doctors  visit folks in their home vs. treating folks in hospitals because hospitals and clinics are a perfect storm for creating hot zones of resistant bugs.


    And no, I am not a germ-freak, just found that I liked to read about bio-medical challenges and advances.



    Interesting post! Thank you!

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Hebert19 said:

    So. Here is my question.  If you take current team and add AJ green and von miller...could we win the superbowl?  I say yes. 


    So what would the cost be?  My guess is a first and a 3rd.  Maybe we swap some later picks too.  


    If so.  And we believe allen is the guy.  And we have our D under contract next year.  We have our 2 receivers under contract as well as our tight ends.  We also have singletary.  We also have a ton of cap room.  


    So the core of this team...which is pretty good will be back next year no matter what and yes we will have less draft picks but we have money to add pieces via free agency again on short term contracts.  So nothing lost really.  


    If you could make these trades knowing that this team is still a 10-6 team next year...would you make a run at the cost of a top WR and lineman in the draft?


    Keep in mind.  We will be picking mid 20s likely so the picks aren't slam dunks.  


    To me.  We need to try and win it this year.  

    Busting feels good, but it feels better if you build up to it, stay there for a long time and win it (maybe even more than once). Dont wanna be the team that wins it....Then has to sit in it's own mess in shame, missing the playoffs after, or generally limping.

  9. 5 hours ago, Hebert19 said:

    Can't recall this being posted but heard it this AM.  That's how you win in this league score touchdowns when given opportunity and play good defense.  A testament to the coaching on this team as 'the herd' said.  


    He also said this is best D in the league. 

    % might level off some, but I I expect us to continue to get better here getting Singletary back and having a big threat like Duke

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