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Posts posted by BillsShredder83

  1. 1 hour ago, Nextmanup said:

    Sure, McDermott recently acted like a giant douche bag to a youngish reporter, getting in his face in an attempt at physical intimidation, dropping F bombs like nuts on him, and asking him "Are you on the team or not?!" 


    This was at a press conference.  Presumably because McDouche didn't like a question or two, and apparently actually thinks the media is supposed to bolster the team as though it is part of the Bills P/R department.


    Not many people heard about this because Pegula controls the media in WNY now either directly or indirectly. 


    Quite an interesting little story.


    McDouche = psycho




    I want my coach psycho, and I want him to fight anything he perceives as a negative impact on the team. THATS HIS JOB. His job is to look out for the team first and that means hes might step on media toes to do it. Who cares. The media is to report what they think the see, they certainly dont care that it steps on his toes.

    The media and coaches aren't always paddling in the same direction and that's ok. They're opposing forces and this just sounds like a butthurt loser on the wrong side of a battle. I hope the a** kicking continues


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  2. Sulky sounds like a deusch. Our head coach is a control freak and an alpha male.... big freaking surprise. After all the whining about Jauron. And the stories of Marrone acting like this to staff that's supposed to be paddling the same direction, THIS IS AN ISSUE?


    No. Maybe he wanted the team to see it and know he's got their back and doesnt have to spit on his palm for media cooperation. Winning will get media cooperation. Whatever McD is doing is working. Stay the course. I dont care who he pisses off as long as the team respects him and hes working towards winning.


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  3. 23 minutes ago, WhoTom said:


    I don't know about other sports, but NFL coaches have guaranteed contracts. They're better off being fired.

    Yeah but they do some things to counter this. When rex was fired there was a clause that if he took another coaching job hed have to pay the Bills back the years salary from us. Part of the reason it made sense for him to go into the studio and not try for a DC job

  4. If you haven't struggled with a real mental illness, you just honestly cant put yourself in this guys shoes. I gotta route for the guy, cause to root against him is to root against myself in a way. I've absolutely been down that path and it's a nightmare. If Richie Fn Incognitoooo can get his isht together, leaves some hope that maybe I can put together a decent life too. 

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  5. 22 hours ago, C.Biscuit97 said:

    Sad part is (and I’m guilty of it), people would rather just laugh at big of an idiot he is.  But I do feel like a good start for AB is just manning up and admitting his mistakes in all of this.  He loves to blame everyone else for everything. 

    Yeah agreed. Easy to make fun of but the dudes been dislodged from the thing that he identifies with, and I bet it sucks. And makes you crazy at times. Probably not that indifferent than going through a divorce really. He just needs to find an Avenue that isnt social media to dump this into

  6. 6 hours ago, eball said:

    Well, it starts on Saturday afternoon when I'm awakened from my afternoon nap by a knock at the front door.  Still groggy, I open the door to what appear to be identical twins, perhaps in their early 20s, asking to come in so they can tell me about their cleaning service as they reveal French maid outfits under their overcoats...

    PM me for a link to this movie lolllll

  7. The way Warren Buffet still has a drive to make money, is the same thing as Brady playing. No need for it, but they do not know how to turn the switch off. You dont get to that level without being kinda insane like that. If they knew how to turn that drive off, they wouldn't be who they are.

    Brady will probably find a new thing that drives him like football does, or he'll miserable. Built in nature. I hate the dude but hes a mental Terminator robot, I respect it and wish I had "that" (but also eff him ??)

  8. 1 hour ago, Royale with Cheese said:

    I think overall, Drew Bledsoe had a pretty decent NFL career.  He had some good years but also a lot of meh years...and bad years.


    He was the #1 overall pick.  Do you guys think in his overall career, he was a disappointment?  Certainly not a bust but not having the career you want from a #1 overall.


    I have arguments for both.  


    On one hand, he did play a big part in the change of the Pats.  They were absolutely terrible before he got there.  A few years later, brought them to a Super Bowl.  


    On the other hand...he had a lot of bad years.  He started struggling towards the end of his career in NE and Belicheck saw it...which is why he felt good enough to trade him inside his division.

    His Bills career was a disappointment as was his career in Dallas....he was still relatively young when he came to Buffalo too.


    I am going to say yes...he was a disappointment.  At #1 overall as a QB, I think you're supposed to be the guy the holds that position for 10+ years and you make a significant difference and didn't have enough of that.

    Not what you're exactly looking for here... but remember a shootout against the Vikes in his first or 2nd year here. That's one of my fav games ever. I was a kid so I know my vision is distorted of it, but I feel like moulds and price both had 150yds in that game and the whole offense had tds! I dont care what the specifics are cause I was young but I never forgot the feel of that game. Our offense was pretty good that year, with an awful D

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