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The Frankish Reich

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  1. Not seeing the "gay Smurf." I hope it wasn't Papa Smurf. No way that guy was gay. He was a man's man. I mean a man's Smurf. Joking aside - this looks really stupid and probably offensive. I guess I'll see tonight if NBC doesn't edit it out.
  2. That has zero to do with "relevant experience." Hillary obviously had tons more relevant experience than Trump and she lost. Don't confuse public opinion with objective criteria.
  3. Gotta agree with @Joe Ferguson forever here. This is weird given that she is running against Trump, who had almost no relevant experience in 2016. Yes, I know he ran a company, but it wasn't like his first Sec of State's company, ExxonMobil - a huge international firm with about 60,000 employees. It was a small family-held construction firm that had, in reality, turned into a name licensing operation. I'm not saying it wasn't successful - it clearly was - but it just was nowhere near the scale of operation that would have let people reasonably say "he has relevant business experience."
  4. NYT wasn't "presenting" anything. It was investigating because the FBI said there was no definitive conclusion. You won't be struck down by lightning if you simply agree that there was some discussion out there about whether it was a bullet or shrapnel or whatever, they took a long/detailed look at it, and concluded that it was a bullet. The F.B.I. said it was examining numerous metal fragments found near the stage to determine whether a bullet — or pieces of it — had grazed Mr. Trump’s head, bloodying his ear. After clipping Mr. Trump, that first bullet appears to pass him and strike bleachers off to his left, where scores of his supporters are standing, the analysis suggests. Our politics reporters. Times journalists are not allowed to endorse or campaign for candidates or political causes. That includes participating in rallies and donating money to a candidate or cause. A puff of debris captured in a video snippet appeared to show the impact point of that shot — right beside a rally attendee, David Dutch. “The puff visible at the back of the bleachers appears at the time of the first shot,” Mr. Maher said.
  5. Hey, I deserve it. I started this as a serious thread (look back), then someone jumped in with the usual anti-Democrat non sequitur, then I dragged it right into couch (and now dolphin) memes. But mom jokes? That goes nowhere. This is now all about couches/dolphins. Only. Until it plays out. I'll let you know.
  6. Like Americans are actually somber (or even sober) on Memorial Day. https://kdvr.com/news/local/memorial-day-starts-100-deadliest-days-of-summer-agencies-issue-dui-warning/
  7. @Biden is Mentally Fit EDGY ALERT/TRIGGER WARNING What exactly does that have to do with JD Vance? If I watch it is she gonna hump the arm of a couch or something? Because then I might watch.
  8. Gotta stick with it for about 12 seconds, then it gets really good.
  9. It is a long understood rule of the internet that a meme only sticks when it has that special combination of Ridiculous + Somehow Plausible. JD Vance, you and that couch are forever associated. Roll over and get off the couch. In that order.
  10. So says the guy addicted to Twitter feeds, where last week's news has been supplanted by Kamala, then Southwest ending no seat assignments, then JD Vance and his many couches.
  11. You should get up off the couch every once in a while. Particularly if JD Vance is around.
  12. https://futurism.com/jd-vance-couch-trump-shooting-google More searches with the terms "Vance" and "couch" than for "Trump" and "shooting." Richard Gere, Rod Stewart? Meet JD Vance.
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