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Big Blitz

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Everything posted by Big Blitz

  1. I don't believe this team is "soft." It's 2 most physical guys on their respective side of the ball were out today. Oh well. Totally sustainable.
  2. Not having a team built in the trenches to play in Buffalo weather is an organizational failure.
  3. 1st place team in the AFC might have 4 losses after today
  4. D Line is over matched by elite olines. Our D line is average. The D is built to beat KC not Indy in conditions like this. And you're missing your 2 most important players on D for a game like this. Oh and we can't run the ball at all.
  5. Houston shutting out Tennessee is making this more fun.
  6. It's 2021 either have an elite oline or you look like everybody else- they hate weather This ain't 1990 anymore #Domer
  7. Same McKenzie and that's just a fact. 3-4 fumbles ....should be cut but hey he's funny and cool
  8. Gotta love CBS sense of humor showing Houston go up 13-0 after that Wentz run
  9. Truly enjoying the Covid protocols destroying the Bills game Nice work y'all. Season is a joke.
  10. He doesn't get it. The vaccines aren't the problem - well they are and could be much worse maybe we'll just find out as we learn new things it's all novel! Oh wait we can only learn new things about the virus that will upend life forever not the vaccine - that's settled science like climate change. The problem is the cowards making and supporting policies to ease the dupes into forever pandemic. Till a cure! To get you to accept all the protocols that will be permanent...........just like they told us in April 2020! NFL season already going to ***t because of this nonsense. It's a league that's just showing you what all our lives will be like indefinitely. YEAR 3!!
  11. If in March 2020 you had 10 years left to live, 20% of those years have been thru this self inflicted masked protocols and mandated lunacy if not by your state but also virtue signaling corporations no doubt being forced to comply. I love seeing them all masked up in their commercials. Very soon, it's going to be 30% of your days as we enter year 3 no doubt continuing on with the same unjustifiable bull s...t they can no longer defend and have stopped trying to. Sundancer just keeps posting vaccine data - NO ONE CARES! ITS NOT CHANGING SQUAT regarding mandates and protocols like it's March 2020. What are we "allowed" to do? Line the pockets of Hollywood, professional athletes, and musicians. But with special vaccine cards! That are worthless after 3 months. But we aren't doing science here. We are making Karen FEEL safe. They have now moved the goal posts to "till there is a cure." Your schools in States where governors have no balls - masks will be worn permanently as you wait breathlessly for the CDC and the AI preserved remains of Fauci in 2047 to tell you that cases are now "low enough super duper low to make masks and sending you home after being a close contact as optional." Year 3!!
  12. CNN Medical Analyst Tells Airline Travelers to ‘Skip the Small Glass of Soda’ in Order to Keep Their Mask On https://www.mediaite.com/tv/cnn-medical-analyst-tells-airline-travelers-to-skip-the-small-glass-of-soda-in-order-to-keep-their-mask-on/
  13. Same place they went they realized everything they were defending about covid from its origins to the protocols to the mandates was complete bull ***t and that the right was correct this would never end. These people have zero credibility left. And should be sent to re education camps the second DeSantis takes office with over 2/3 majorities in Congress. Of course I'm kidding about that last part. Or am I.
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