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Everything posted by BigB7184

  1. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/3432728?GT1=6902 5th paragraph down, starts with "Guys who clock..."
  2. yeah, even though hes now on the seahawks I still dont see anywhere in his stats where he could be a key departure for anyone
  3. yea that works but its the same link that was posted earlier http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=29192
  4. nice pics! was that kevin everret just running around or was he doing some actual practice?
  5. there was a fg and Mcgahee just scored a td 17-7!
  6. who just made a 32 yd punt return?
  7. so how did the 2 touchdowns come about? Losman run one in?
  8. why is he an asehole? He was told Lewis would be out and ready to be at camp by now. Wouldn't you be pretty worried if Willis was going thru the same thing?
  9. I hate to ruin it for anyone but Monica (Glenn Close) will be leaving in some shape or form next week because she will not be on the show for season 5 because she wants to be at home with her daughter since shes a senior in HS. She said she might come back later or make guest appearances though. That was a great scene when she got pissed off at the end. I wish she wasnt leaving.
  10. Actually hes living here in Virginia Beach, VA. My grandfather's name is Jim Morrison and hes 82 and hopefully 83 in August... Even my dads name is James S. Morrison but he goes by his middle name Scott
  11. that would be a great trade but why would Philly trade away a great kicker for TH? unless we traded them Lindell also
  12. oh look a commerical when buffalo picks, THAT NEVER HAPPENS!
  13. yeah I just watched that. when are they gonna do it?
  14. The Alternate Home uniform in the middle looks like the jerseys from "The Replacements"
  15. Sorry, the page you requested was not found on our server.
  16. I've never been to a Bills game and the only game I've ever been to was a Redskins/Raiders game during the Mark Rypien era in Washington. I am still young tho(20) and I hope to definitly get to a game in the next 3-5 years at least. GO BILLS
  17. I would say post a pic...but you know....I don't think I really want to see it
  18. I think the problem was we didn't have enough of it...come on baby...your gonna want that cowbell
  19. Oh come on the announcers said he was SO CONSISTENT and DEPENDABLE this year.....yeah from 25 yards and shorter
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