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Everything posted by sven233

  1. I DID account for the future contracts saying that you WILL have a DOWN year every now and then. BUT, like I said earlier, I will trade 4-5 GREAT YEARS for every 1-2 DOWN YEARS that you will have due to contracts. As a matter of fact, I said I would take 10 DOWN years for 1 SUPERBOWL WIN! This concept outlined above would give you a great chance at winning consistantly. Sure, you will have a bad year now and then while you get yourself out of cap trouble, but I BELIEVE IN GOING FOR IT NOW.....Win one and worry about the future when it gets there. But even if you have a DOWN year or 2, you can reimplement this plan over and over......but yes, you will have a bad year now and then because of the cap. BUT I'd really like to have a realistic shot at winning the whole thing instead of making the playoffs every year and losing in the first round. GO FOR IT!
  2. You have to ralize with this plan, I am not taking into consideration new, upproven players. The reason my O-Line is so expensive is because I am getting these guys through FA. THEY ARE ALREADY PROVEN GUYS THAT ARE CURRENT STARS IN THE LEAGUE. And I disagree with your points that guys might not be as good in some places as others.....For example, Orlando Pace or Walter Jones or other STUD OT will be A STUD tackle whereever they are. TALENT and ABILITY don't suddenly disappear because they are in a new place. Also, you have to realize that they will have other STUD linemen next to them making them that much more dominant. And, you say that average talent at WR won't get it done.....well, I know that Lee Evans is not making 3 MILL per year yet....You give me 3 LEE EVANS type players at my WR positions and YOU WILL BE JUST FINE.....In fact, to go 1 better, if you went with 3 ROSCOE PARRISH types at the WR positions with this line, you would be fine. Remember, you can't coach speed and those guys are talented enough to get the job done. Also, I did explain that the backup positions are, on average, making 1 Mill a piece. That allows for a few quality backups at certain positions....but remember, in this case, even if a Josh Stamer had to step in due to injury, you won't be hurth that much because of the way the team is built. Granted, if you got a bunch of starters injured, you might have some problems, but if you stayed relatively healthy, you will be in great shape. And yes, I am hurting the future a little bit with the way the cap is structured here. But like I said above....I would gladly tak 4-5 WINNING YEARS for every 1 BAD year. I would do it in a heartbeat because the goal is to WIN the SUPERBOWL. And I do believe you HAVE TO GO FOR IT. If that means a 6-10 year every 5 years, I have no problem with that.....But, if you can make and sometimes with the Superbowl 1 time in 5 years........I'll take the losing year. Maybe some of you wouldn't, but I would take 10 losing seasons in a row for 1 Superbowl WIN! I appreciate the feedback guys. I know the plan is NOT perefect, but what I am saying is that if you follow this line of thinking, you will be a lot more successful than investing tons of money in skilled positions. Oh....and 1 more thing.....why do you necessarily need 53 players? There are some that never play in a single game. There is NO reason you couldn't use just 50 players. No reason at all. But I knew some may not agree with that. That is why I built this plan on using 53 players. Anyways, thanks for the feedback guys.
  3. I agree!! But, not all those guys could be had this year.....I tried to make a line that COULD be put together if you wanted to sign the big contracts. I know mine wasn't realistic either, but a little more realistic than this one......although I do like your line better!
  4. Nope.....I'll work for free......I just love the Bills and football in general....no need for that 2 cents!
  5. Keep in mind I wrote this at 2AM. Might not be perfect, but reading it this morning, it DOES make sense! HA!
  6. I have posted several times stating that I would build from the O-LINE and D-LINE out. I have expressed interest in the past of siging some very high priced FAs for the O-LINE and have been mocked because of salary cap reasons. People wew saying I was dreaming and the line I wanted to put together they said was impossible. And, they are all legit reasons on th surface. I am here tonight to show you that it is possible. If I were given a clean slate and was allowed to build a team, this is how I would allocate the salary cap dollars. This demonstartion is rough, but you will see the concept. I am basing these numbers on the 2006 Salary cap number which is expected to be about 90 Million dollars. Here we go: OFFENSIVE LINE - This is the foundation to my plan and where the most money will be allocated to any starters. To make the numbers simple, I have allocated an average of 5 Million per position (some postions may be more....OT and C......and some may be sleightly less....OG). However, to make this simple, I am using a 5 MILL average for each O-LINE POSITION. THIS WILL ALLOW FOR A DOMINATING O-LINE. Again, this is the FOUNDATION to a winning team! LT - 5 MILL LG - 5 MILL C - 5 MILL RG - 5 MILL RT - 5 MILL SKILLED POSITIONS - I truly believe that if you have a STUD O-LINE in place, you don't need SUPERSTARS at the skilled positions. All the QBs, RBs, TEs, and WRs that are in the NFL are there for a reason. THEY HAVE TALENT! ANY QB can throw the ball accurately if they get time to throw. All the RBs can run the ball if there are holes to run through. All TEs and WRs can get open if they have time to develop the routes. With this said, based on my plan and structure, average, or sleightly above average, players at these positions will get the job done. I firmly believe SPEED is the key at all of these positions. I will take guys with sleightly less talent at these positions as long as they have speed. They might not be able to cut back or bounce as well....or run as crisp of routes as the SUPERSTARS, BUT with my SUPERSTAR/STUD O-LINE, they can be sleightly less than perfect, but still be just as effective because of the time they will have. The QB will have all day to throw which allows him the time he needs instead of having to make the quick and decisive decisions (that is where QBs in this league are separated....SOME READ FASTER THAN OTHERS AND THUS ARE PAID MORE). In my scheme, an average QB will have the opportunity to look great (JP is a perfect example of this.....takes him a little longer to read defenses, but he will have time behind my STUD O-LINE and has the SPEED to make something happen if nothing is open...perfect for my offense). As I stated earlier, SPEED is the key at the other positions and you can find guys with enough talent to get the job done at the prices I outline below. REMEMBER, A GREAT O-LINE WILL MAKE AVERAGE PEOPLE AT THE SKILLED POSITIONS LOOK GREAT. QB - 4 MILL RB - 3 MILL TE - 2 MILL WR - 3 MILL WR - 3 MILL WR - 3 MILL DEFENSIVE LINE - Same thing applies here as with the offense.....BUILD FROM THE LINE OUT. IF you can stop the run and GET substantial pressure with your FRONT 4, YOU WILL MAKE THE REST OF THE DEFENSE LOOK GREAT!!!!! IF you only give a QB 3-4 seconds to throw, you can change the game. With this said, my D-LINE will average 4 MILL per position. You can get some great talent for 4 MILL per position. DL - 4 MILL DL - 4 MILL DL - 4 MILL DL - 4 MILL LINEBACKERS - I still see this as a fairly important position. You must eliminate the run game and have very athletic LBs. With that said, you don't have to have SUPERSTARS, but you must have SPEED and solid players. With that said, a good LB core can be had for about 3 MILL per linebacker. You can be VERY good at LB for that price. LB - 3 MILL LB - 3 MILL LB - 3 MILL SECONDARY - With a solid SOLID and FAST front 7, you take a lot of pressure of your secondary. If you can get to the QB in a hurry and eliminate the run game, you make the secondary's job a lot easier. With that said, I get 2 SOLID corners.....again, not SUPERSTARS, but SOLID CORNERS (2 TERRANCE MCGEE type playes would be good here) I have allocated 3 MILL per CB in this plan (actually more than necessary, but they are important and you can get VERY GOOD, not great, corners at this price). I allocated 2 MILL a piece for each of the safety positions. Again, SPEED is the most important factor here. They don't have to be the most talented guys with the front 7 I have in place at this point (GONNA GET TO THE QB FAST AND STOP THE RUN). You will have a VERY SOLID defense if structured this way. CB - 3 MILL CB - 3 MILL FS - 2 MILL SS - 2 MILL That takes care of the starters. That leaves 31 palyers for the backups to complete your team. That will give you your 53 man roster. Personally, I wouldn't field 53 guys....I really think you could get by on 48-50, but for this example, we will use the full 53 man roster. Backups would make up on average 1 MILL a piece (Some Vets making sleightly more and some younger players making less). That would add up to 31 MILL for the backups. 78 MILL for the STARTERS 31 MILL for the BACKUPS 109 MILL TOTAL Now, I know the Cap is 90 MILL, but remember how contracts are structured. You use bonus money up front to lessen the base salaries and will bring the Cap numbers down to the required number. For example, the Redskins last year had about 128 Mill invested in their team but were still under the 85 Mill Cap. So, 109 is NO PROBLEM at all. Through the years, the Cap number will increase along with contracts, but as long as you follow this bacic formula, you will always be competitive and a winner. Sure, maybe you will have an average year now and then due to the backends of some contracts, but as far as I am concerned, I will take 5 GREAT years for every 1 Average or even Bad year. I know this is just a rough outline, and it might not even be that simple, but it really isn't that much harder than this. I'd like to get some feedback on this plan. Again, I know there is more to it than this, but the purpose of this post was to show the winning formula for building a football team. It probably can't be done EXACTLY like this, but this syestem can be put into place with little modification. THIS SYSTEM IS DEFINATELY REALISTIC. THIS IS HOW I WOULD BUILD A WINNING FOOTBALL TEAM.
  7. You know, I spend a lot of time on this board. I do my occassional posting if I have something that needs to be said, but for the most part I just like to read the opinions of others and see what all of you are thinking. But, I need to comment on something that I feel has been maybe been looked at wrong. I am here to say that I think we all have been a little to hard on Mike williams. Granted, I know I have been one of his harshest critics, but that is only because I believe he could have been better. Now, I am not going to sit here and tell you he is worth the huge contract he has at this point, but I think we might want to work out a new deal with him and have him say. He IS NOT as bad as we all have made him out to be. It is not a coincidence that Willis' numbers started to drop when Mike went out. In fact, I really think he is a GREAT run blocker (that's right.....i said great). Now, his pass protection is NOT very good at all, but it is about average. Now, with that said, he does have a lack of heart and passion which is too bad because I do think he could be better...maybe even dominant. That alone makes him hateable and that is the source of a lot of negativity here....including myself. That alone makes people want him run out of town. But, I am here to say that may be a mistake. He has a boatload of talent. The challenge is getting it out of him. I don't know if that is possible or not. I don't. But, sometimes it takes players a few years to "figure it out." I would argue with anyone that he was a great lineman the second half of the 2004 season. And, as I stated earlier, it is not just a coincidence that Wills' numbers dropped off this year after he went out. So, what is my point.....well, I guess I am just trying to say that maybe we just can't give up on the guy just yet. He could be a big part of getting our line on track in the future if he just FIGURED IT OUT!! I truly believe that he could be a force if someone could just light a fire under him and got him dedicated. Will that happen......I don't know. I JUST HOPE IT DOES HAPPEN! The last thing I want to see is him to go somewhere else and finally "GET IT" and become a probowler for years to come. I want that to happen here....NOW. Who knows.....I'm probably dead wrong on the guy and he will never get it. But, I just am looking for some hope to turn all this crap that is going on at One Bills Drive. I have been saying this for a long time on this board, but you can fix a lot of problems on this team if you just get a DOMINANT O-LINE. Just picture it for a second: LT - DA BRICK LG - HUTCH C - BENTLEY RG - WILLIAMS (a dominant, passionate Williams) RT - PETERS Ah.........It wouldn't matter anymore who you had a QB.....Any average QB would star behind that line. Willis wouldn't be stopped......Receivers would have ALL DAY to get open!! Even MM trick plays would have a chance at working behind that line. Our offense wouldn't be stopped! OK, I know.........WAKE UP!! Not going to happen. But,if I were in charge, it would happen. If I was GM, all money would go into making dominat Offenseive and Defensive lines. QUALITY BIG MEN MAKE A TEAM GO....THEY WIN GAMES. You could be average at most other positions if you had great Offensive and Defensive lines. So, yeah, if I was in charge, the skilled positions might not have th best talent, but with the lines, they could become abover average. And that is how you build a winning team......FROM THE LINES OUT! It is that simple. If you spend money on the lines, YOU WILL BE A WINNING TEAM. I know, the above situation won't happen, but the concept is correct. I will end this long post with this.......IF YOU WANT TO WIN, AND WIN CONSISTANTLY, IT STARTS WITHE THE BIG MEN ON BOTH SIDES OF THE BALL. PERIOD.
  8. How does the draft change now that Young has officially declared that he is entering? I see Bush, Leinart, and Young being the top 3 picks......that leaves 4 more players that will go before us. Here are the other guys I think will be gone: DA BRICK AJ HAWK MARIO WILLIAMS JIMMY WILLIAMS With that said, I am not sure who I would pick. Everyone knows that I want the DA BRICK, but there is no chance he is there. I know the other popular pick around here is Ngata.........I personally don't think he is worth a top 10 pick.....probably a mid rounder at best. I am just not impressed with him. So, I am hoping that he is either gone before our pick or we don't go near him if he is there. If this is the case and these are the guys off the board, I am definately looking to trade down and aquire more picks... Where do you guys see all this going now that Young is officially in?
  9. Although Brick is the guy I want, as I have stated before many times.........THERE IS NO WAY HE IS THERE AT PICK 8!!!!! He will not make it out of the top 5. This guy is the best OT since Bosellie (sp?) coming out. This guy is the real deal and will be a FRANCHISE tackle for the next 10 years.......NO WAY HE IS THERE!!!! Well, that being said, I am hoping I am dead wrong and he is there at 8. I can dream........
  10. Just a thought here guys, but there is a GREAT chance that he goes back to Texas. He has said on a number of occassions that he plans on going back for his senior year. So, let's not jump all over this until he declares, if he declares! I have a hunch he will go back to Texas, but who knows (I personally would come jump at the chance to declare just to avoid injury and for the fact his stock won't get any higher than it is right now). But don't get too excited because he might go back to Texas. If he does come out, only better for us because that means 1 more player will drop to us at 8. Personally I hope he comes out.
  11. As long as Marv and Modrak address the O-Line and D-Line, I am willing to give this a chance. Obviously the new OC and DC are the most important thing right now and hopefully we can get better there, however, on the player side of things, the lines have to be addressed and addressed in a big way. I guess I want to here what the plan is and what their philosophy will be. Hopefully we'll get more infor tomorrow.
  12. The only ex-bill I wouldn't have a problem with coming in as OC would be AVP. I have thought about this before and I really think he might be a good choice, especially now that he has had some experience. I think he knows his football and could do a good job. Might be the chance he needs and is looking for. Especially now that we know no big name won't be here as OC. I think it might be a good idea.....seriously.
  13. This keeps getting worse the more I think about it......What coordinators are going to want to come in here and work under this guy? Moo will probably name himself as OC. This really is getting more depressing by the second.
  14. Well, this has certainly been a strange day. But, now that we know who the coach is going to be, it is very strange to me that they haven't officially named a GM yet. Isn't the GM supposed to decide on who his coach is? Sounds like they have it backwards a little bit. Don't get me wrong, they obviously know who the GM is (Marv), but what doesn't make sense why this announcment hasn't been made already. I guess I just don't know why they are doing it this way. But then again, this team has been doing things wrong for the last 5 years.
  15. I really thought that the pilot story was a joke when I read it. In fact, I didn't realize that it was actually on WGR's site until several minutes later after I stopped laughing. I just thought someone made it up at WGR's expense. But, now that I actually see it on their site, I am not laughing anymore (at least as hard). I just don't know what to think. But, I have to give it some sort of thought. If this really is true, THE BILLS dropped the ball again. I HATE THIS. I guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow for a real update.....Clayton and Mort and others are done for the night, right? No chance for a real update. Oh well, bad news if this is true.
  16. I know what you are saying about having more than 1 need on the O-Line. But, if you read my other posts, I am a big supporter of picking up at least 1 of the following 2: Bentley Hutchinson I think you could get both if you wanted to. However, if we were to get DA BRICK, we would only probably need 1 of the 2. Depending on what we do with Preston (we have no idea what he is going to be able to do because he got very little playing time this year), Bentley might be the choice. But, if that is the case, you still need a LG (unles you put Bentley there........his natural position). But, all I am saying is that DA BRICk is perhaps the best OT prospect since Tony Bosselli (sp?) and Orlando Pace. This guy is a stud and would play LT for you for the next 10 years. A guy like this isn't around very often and when you have a chance to get him....even if it means trading up a couple spots, you have to get him.
  17. I agree........no way he makes it out of the top 5.....HOWEVER, he IS the guy I WANT!........IF he is there at 5 when GB is picking, I am doing everything I can to trade up with GB and get him. No way he gets by SF at 6. If we get this guy, optimism will rain supreme with me......especially with a solid FA addition or 2. I will actually be excited about the line. Thant being said, I will leave my fantasy world now.......He isn't getting out of the top 5.
  18. IF Sherman is out...........I would make him my coach in a heartbeat. Would not even have to think about it. I like the idea of Capers as DC as well. That was my first choice when it was official that he was fired.
  19. That is where we dissagree. I think McGahee is the better receiver! He just hasn't gotten the chance yet. It wasn't that long ago when the guy was catching 5 yard passes and taking them to the house. Also, he has had some real great catches this year both on out patterns and accross the middle. The guy can catch and can be great at it. But the Bills' coaches just don't use him right. He can be a complete back. It is just up to the coaches to figure that out.
  20. So maybe we try and swing something with GB at 5? I think you might be right on with their pick and he would be there at 8 if we traded with them....That 3rd for Henry might come in handy....probably will take a bit more than that, but that would be a start. But I think we could work something out with GB at 5 if he is still on the board at that point. Also, I don't believe Young will be coming out. Seems like he is going to be staying 1 more year. (On a side note, am I the only one who thinks Young will NOT be a good NFL QB?)
  21. If Brick was still there at 6..............there is NO WAY that you can let him go. You HAVE to trade up for this guy.
  22. I have my own opinions about the draft, but I want to hear some of yours. It seems like there is a lot of posts out there saying that this guy and that guy will be gone by the time the Bills pick. I know, a lot of talent will be off the board, but remember guys, we are picking 8th. So, that means only 7 players will be off the board by the time the Bills pick. Also, we know 2 of the picks for sure with Leinart and Bush. So, that leaves 5 other players that will be gone. Who will they be? Place your best guess! Unfortunately, the guy I want.....DA BRICK........will be one of them. I just don't see him getting pat the Jets. So, there is 3 off the board. Looks like Williams will be off the board as well. There's 4. Hawk from Ohio St. will be gone as well. That's 5! That leave 2 more. This is where it gets interesting. Who do you guys think those other 2 will be? Oh, please no more of this Ngata stuff. He IS NOT a stud and IS NOT worth a top 10 pick. He might be OK in the pros, but he is NOT a star. One more thing.....since Brick is the guy I want, I am looking for some wy to get him........I don't think it can happen, but I'd love to hear some ideas. I can't come up with any scenerio. Trading up looks to be the only possible way (although I WOULD do that for this guy........he IS DOMINANT AND WILL BE A STUD AND STAR). So, let's hear everyone's top 8 picks and where they are going to go! 1. Houston 2. NO 3. Ten 4. NYJ 5. GB 6. SF 7. Oak 8. BUF
  23. And a 5'6, 150LB man CAN? Also, I'm not saying he should be in there to block! I want him to be running routes and catching passes in front of LBs. He is a better player than Williams!!!!! You have to put your best players on the field. PERIOD!
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