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scuba guy

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Everything posted by scuba guy

  1. I think what the refs missed is the hit to the crown of the helmet by bosa to allen
  2. I do remember all the crap big 88 would take from radio shows and fans would always say when he catches the ball the wind would blow him over. Always got tackled fast not much yac
  3. 15 min in to,fox post game and krickets about the bills win No replays nothing
  4. Wait I thought the answers said we suck Def can't,force a 3 and out Oc sucks What happened
  5. Classic movie star and actor Loved the movies had played in can't think of the one where he was a thief and trained the one gal insurance rep to steal When she was in his castle and went up the wall he was looking up,at her buttocks and he interesting she she what Sean said I nothing
  6. Same for me we both joined about the same time same year I don't post that much either
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