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Everything posted by Tiberius

  1. Just name calling. How deep is that? Go vote for the overthrow of the best government in the world
  2. He's prosecuting a coup attempted against your government. You seem to be on the side of the coup plotters. Shame, shame and eternal shame to you!
  3. Real patriotic of you! All these people trying to come to America because it's awesome. You guys trying to ruin the place. Go live in Russia if that's they type of place you like
  4. A coup plotter trying to win the presidency does not bother you at all. How patriotic of you
  5. @JDHillFan You think trying to steal an election by threat, force and fraud is funny?
  6. MAGA tried to run a coup plot and failed, and people still want to vote for that POS? He tried to overturn a legal election and you are going to vote for him? Shame on you. Go live in Russia
  7. Trump such a scum bag POS https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/2024/05/12/trump-accusers-metoo-trial-stormy-daniels/ Amy Dorris tried not to watch too much news last week as Stormy Daniels gave her courtroom account of sex with Donald Trump. But little details from Daniels’s story have stuck with her, she said. The age gap. Daniels’s description of leaving a hotel bathroom and being surprised to see Trump in his boxers. Dorris said it reminded her of her own encounter with Trump outside a restroom in 1997, when she and her boyfriend attended the U.S. Open tennis tournament in Trump’s VIP box. “I came out,” Dorris recalled, “and there he was.” Cut through the 2024 election noise. Get The Campaign Moment newsletter. Dorris said Trump was suddenly kissing her and groping all over her body, despite her protests. She first disclosed her account publicly in 2020 after years of hesitation. Trump at the time denied the allegation though a lawyer. Dorris said she lost friends, shut down her social media and left her house for months over worries about her safety and privacy. Now, Dorris and some other women who had publicly accused Trump of kissing or touching them inappropriately — sometimes alleging assault — are watching his campaign to return to public office with alarm. They are confiding in one another, following Trump’s trials together and occasionally talking over Zoom. Despite a national reckoning with sexual misconduct shortly after Trump’s 2016 election, they feel the former president is politically more impervious than ever to their claims. More than a dozen women have accused Trump, who is on course to be the Republican nominee for president for a third straight time, of sexual assault or aggressive, unwanted advances they said left them feeling violated. Trump or his representatives have denied all of the accusations and have sought to undermine the credibility of the accusers. The accounts span several decades and some have resurfaced in the criminal and civil trials he has faced as he seeks to return to the White House. Many of the allegations first emerged publicly in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign, and Trump argued that they were politically motivated. “Do you not believe us?” Dorris asked of Trump supporters this past week. “Or do we not matter?”
  8. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/05/11/carbon-capture-climate-change-exxonmobil-montana/ The remote stretch of public grazing land in southeastern Montana has hardly changed since homesteading days, but underneath this wind-swept expanse lies a hidden asset in high demand: thousands of acres of porous rock where oil company executives say greenhouse gas could be piped in from afar and stored forever. ExxonMobil and the Biden administration see in the grassy 100,000 acres a launchpad for one of the world’s most audacious climate experiments, a plan to take emissions spewing from power plants and factories and trap them underground where they cannot contribute to global warming. The scheme is inching forward despite criticism it will permit polluters to keep polluting while slowing the transition to solar and wind energy. And now sponsors face the additional hurdle of intense local opposition. In the ranching community of Carter County, Mont., the prospect of shipping in all that carbon pollution and injecting it underneath an area called Snowy River is about as popular as an outbreak of hoof-and-mouth disease. “The question I keep hearing is, ‘Why are they making us the dumping ground for the rest of the country?’” said Rod Tauck, chairman of the Carter County Board of Commissioners and a descendant of homesteaders who more than a century ago settled his family ranch. “Not a single constituent I know wants this.” Such tensions are emerging nationwide, throwing an industrial-size wrench into the quest by the White House and major energy companies to advance a vast network of “carbon capture” infrastructure across the country. It would involve tens of thousands of miles of new pipelines, and scores of remote storage sites on the scale of Snowy River, targeted because the porous rock underneath them can act like a carbon sponge. This vision for using technology to reverse climate change was once viewed widely as far-fetched. Now, proposals to divert carbon dioxide from smokestacks to vast subterranean wells are regarded by the White House, the United Nations and the International Energy Agency as crucial to preserving any hope of meeting the world’s climate goals. The Biden administration’s plan to zero out emissions from the power grid by 2035 increasingly hinges on the success of colossal carbon capture deployment. The government has made billions of dollars of incentives available to motivate companies like ExxonMobil and Chevron to rapidly develop it.
  9. No, you just showed how you hate nice women. Sad
  10. Attempted coup? You understand that? Or even care?
  11. Liberal white women? You mean women that think?
  12. Trump is in court all the time, rightfully so. He's a criminal trying to undermine our country. Putin loves him and he loves Putin. Why? Because they both hate free societies
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