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Everything posted by Tiberius

  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/05/07/biden-trump-bizarre-split-screen-holocaust-stormy-daniels/ President Biden was in the Map Room at the White House, going line by line over a speech he would soon deliver commemorating the Holocaust, when, a few hundred miles to the north, a prosecutor stood before the court and declared, “The people call Stormy Daniels.” Cut through the 2024 election noise. Get The Campaign Moment newsletter. Biden would soon visit Capitol Hill to join some of the country’s top elected officials in memorializing an atrocity that killed 6 million Jews and to pledge repeatedly, “Never again.” He appeared at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum ceremony at the same moment his predecessor was listening attentively in a courthouse on the 13th day of his hush money trial, where an adult-film actress was called to testify about the tawdry details of their alleged encounter. The person who introduced Biden called him a “mensch” and recalled his surprising attendance at a shiva for his late wife. The person testifying about Trump called him “arrogant and pompous,” and recounted the time he surprisingly appeared in his underwear and purportedly talked her into having sex with him in a Lake Tahoe hotel. Well, she wasn't a comedian on camera, lol
  2. Trump praising Hitler, calling troops suckers and losers, putting down POWs, praising Putin, just a barf person @Doc
  3. Total moral degenerate. People want this guy to be president?
  4. Men also may be leaving the workforce due to a larger dissatisfaction with capitalist society, Vissing said. "Many jobs are simply not satisfying," Vissing said. "Working for others who get the benefit of our physical labor and intellectual property is not rewarding either emotionally or financially. People want to work doing jobs that matter to us. We want to use our creativity. We want to matter, and in many businesses, employees simply don't get treated with the respect and support that we need and want. People walk away from them." Unemployed Patriot?
  5. What the heck? They just want to be grifters like Trump? https://www.newsweek.com/american-men-dont-want-work-anymore-1897567 A larger factor may be men's declining participation in higher education. While women historically were excluded from universities, they now outpace men at college roughly 60 to 40 percent. And for those without a college degree, unemployment is far more likely. Those with only a high school diploma have an unemployment rate of 3.9 percent compared to just 2.2 percent of those who achieved a bachelor's degree, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. A recent study from the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston linked a drop in self esteem related to the jobs on the market as a possible factor.
  6. Ya, what the hell was this poor dumb bastard doing?
  7. Ya, voters care so much about this place, sure. Bush got us in there, Biden cleaned up a mess Trump was afraid to deal with, too busy kissing up to Kim and Putin
  8. Ya, the occupation should of just gone on forever.
  9. https://metro.co.uk/2024/05/06/us-soldier-detained-russia-stealing-woman-identified-20787254/ A US soldier arrested in Russia after being accused of stealing from a woman may have been visiting his girlfriend. Staff Sergeant Gordon Black was supposed to be returning home to Fort Cavazos in Texas after completing his deployment at a US military base in South Korea. Instead he travelled some 400 miles northeast of the country to Vladivostok, a Pacific port city near Russia’s border with China and North Korea. Black did so without permission from US Army bosses, according to US officials who claim he was not travelling on official business, NBC News reported.
  10. But she might grow up to be a doctor who helps heal people
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