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Everything posted by Tiberius

  1. So a porn star, a bible salesman and a guy named ***** walk into a courtroom….
  2. I dunno, the prosecutors are sure trying to get his ass tossed in jail. We shall see.
  3. Trump is going to jail Start wrapping your heads around that MAGA
  4. Post that begin with “I” generally turn out to be boorish and myopic
  5. Ya, how crazy all those Evangelicals support Trump even though he routinely violates most of the Ten Commandments* Old Testament, lol
  6. The abortion issues could win the election for Biden there. Glad he sees that and is campaigning there.
  7. Don't care what France is doing. This gives Biden a shot at winning Florida
  8. And it will draw into the election voters that do not usually vote.
  9. Affordability many times is an issue when the dude has no job. It falls on the women to do everything.
  10. Whatever. You got these older guys manipulating young girls for sex and wanting to control them. They see a guy like Trump and are like, no thanks
  11. We'll see. Abortion bans bring out a lot of voters who do not usually vote
  12. I remember a Sabres game in 2006 during the Bush presidency and Bill Clinton was in attendance. Place cheered like crazy for him Whatever Well, sure. anti-immigration crusades have been going on ever since the white man came to these shores. Abortion defenders have done extremely well all over the country, even in deeply red states. And Trump is starting to smell like death warmed over. Florida is in play, IMO
  13. Biden's campaigning in Florida hoping to pick off that increasingly red state, which he might do on the strength of the pro-choice movement. Trump is in court fighting to stay out of jail. Ya, Dems are in a panic! 🤣
  14. Sarcasm? Or you actually think things are terrible?
  15. Trump is just openly a criminal. Biden is what you guys hate, a typical, pragmatic politician
  16. Ya, that has a lot to do with Biden 🙄
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