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Everything posted by Braedenstearns

  1. Dude he is hurt! You cant expect a guy to go out and run like he did last year with a sprained ankle!?
  2. Where do y'all live? You like close to the Saints stadium?
  3. What game is that? Jets. I would let Thad play that. EJ didn't do that well against them last time. This time it really is big! But EJ also is probably better. I dont know!
  4. Now this is hard.... If Manuel didn't go out in the Browns game we would have probably won, even if he did get hurt, if Thad was our backup QB ( instead of Tuel) we might have won! Bengals game id Stevie was on the field we probably would have won. ( Thad wouldn't have been throwing to Hogan). If Gilmore or Mckelvin player we could have beat the Jets! We would have been in first place! I know this is a lot of maybe's but I think that we would have won these games. Anyone else have a thought on this?
  5. I would say ride the hot hand. if Thad is winning keep Thad in. If he is not doing well when EJ gets back, put EJ In.
  6. Who do you think so far has let their injury effect them the least? In other words who is being the "Strongest" in battling their injury. I would say CJ or Fred. Fred has that knee injury and CJ has the sprained ankle. To practice and play on a sprained ankle takes a lot of power! I just got over a sprained ankle, I couldn't even walk on it for a week, I give CJ a lot if applause ... as do I Fred.
  7. It was his first time in a year playing! And his second start. 3 TDS! That's impressive!
  8. Why?.... The only loss I'm thinking we might take is the saints. After that there is really anyone. Pats will probably rest the starters, and we almost beat them with all their starters. GO BUFFALO!
  9. I'm going to maintain my optimism! Because I believe the bills have everything they need to do it. I also think I'm one of a couple who still thinks the bills will make the playoffs....Probably the only one who thinks they will go 12-5 or 11-5.
  10. OK. Now that's just weird. I believe Thad Lewis can take is to the playoffs. If the defence plays well we go 12-4 or 11-5. What Thad showed on Sunday, I know he can win games if The D can stop the other team.
  11. Oh wow, I cant tell if you really mean it? do you? Everyone who thinks im crazy because I started this topic, I started it because I wanted to see what everyone thinks about the Bills going 12-4..... Guess it wasn't a good idea
  12. 11-5 is a gamble.... but think, we could be undeafted right now ( maybe) Almost all our games have come down to the last two or three drives. The bills are right there.
  13. Should have went 4 or 5 WR set. Like what I have seen them do on two point conversions.
  14. Does anyone think the Bills will go 12-4? Or maybe 11-5? I think the Bills have a shot to go 11-5. LETS GO BUFFALO!
  15. It said he begins rehabilitate today? Does anyone know how long that takes?
  16. I wanted a Doug fluite vs the Jags type of roll out.
  17. That's what I agree with. If he made it most people here would be saying that he is a great play caller!
  18. I know people are probably saying " if we kicked the field goal then we would have won!" But I like it how he feels comfortable doing that, even though he had a practice squad QB in the game. OK. Now... Who thinks it was a bad move or was it a good move. Only thing I didn't like is how we ran the same play three downs in a row!!
  19. I don't think it will keep him off the field. If he does that not good.
  20. I wouldn't b surprised if there is a lot of passes to Goodwin Sunday. There isnt really any film so they don't have anything to prepare for him.
  21. http://m.buffalobills.com/s/30841/260?itemPos=1&itemUri=2105827027%2F411101337421212123306145923 I really like Marquise. I cant wait till he gets back out on the field.
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