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Everything posted by JohnnyBuffalo

  1. Another WR down....good gosh almighty that is bad luck
  2. Hopefully they asked Tyrod to throw the ball this series
  3. This offense better step up and put together a drive! A nice LONG drive.
  4. It was sacrcasm brother. Take it down a notch.
  5. Really? Thanks for pointing that out. You must be a Mensa member
  6. Why does anyone talk about Tyrod....when this defense is so horrifically inept
  7. Hahahah. Do you know how hard it was to even get Niagra on my phone! It came out Biafra, Biatra and something else! I finally swore my head off and just hit post!!! Hahaha
  8. Niagara Falls....because I had to correct it one final time!
  9. I am frustrated and sadden to read posts that say "no chance"! You know why placebo works in clinical trials? HOPE. BELIEF. While odds may be against something there should never be no hope! I won't allow myself to think that the team I pull for won't believe they have a chance of winning and if they believe it....then maybe it's possible. Man I hope they can pull out some magic...wouldn't that be something!
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