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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. It's always been like that -- you need Superfan to get the games in HD. Superfan also gives you the ability to stream games over the internet, "Shortcuts," each game cut down to less than 30 minutes, and some other stuff.


    Call DirecTV, ask for customer retention, and tell them that new customers are getting Superfan for free and ask what they can do for you. I haven't paid for it in the three years that it's been around.


    Fez as per usual is on the mark! I just called and they added the Superfan package and the specialty HD channels at no charge with no hassle.

  2. I'm not a frequent listener. But having Sirius I like to click ch100 once in a while and make a bet with myself that Stern is talking about himself or a cast member...and I'm usually right. They did recently do a History of Stern which I found interesting. They also play old bits from K-Rock. If you are a Stern fan you have to admit there is a 180 degree difference of where the show used to be and where it is now. Someone called it growth. I call it stagnation.





    I agree, the show is much better since the move to Sirius.

  3. Ok, here is a question for those of you that have negotiated with Direct Tv in the past. I have been a subscriber for seven years and FINALLY this year I'm ready upgrade to HD, but in a big way. I want to get 3 HD-DVR's for my three new HD sets. What are my chances of getting a price break on this order? Any strategy suggestions?

  4. When Chuck Norris drinks beer, the beer doesn't get him drunk. The

    beer gets Chuck-Noirrised.


    Your favorite beer style is whatever Chuck Norris is drinking.


    The human bitterness threshold is 100 IBU's. Unless you're Chuck

    Norris. Chuck Norris tastes as much bitterness as he wants.


    In the Bible, Jesus turned water into wine. But then Chuck Norris

    turned that wine into beer.


    If you have 5 beers and Chuck Norris has 5 beers, Chuck Norris has

    more beer than you.


    Chuck Norris' favorite beer is Broken Glass.


    Chuck Norris can roundhouse kick a glass bomber into a 6-pack...of cans!


    Chuck Norris can boil wort in his bare hands.


    Chuck Norris rejects Arrogant Bastard. It's just not worthy.


    Chuck Norris brushes his teeth with DFH 120 IPA


    Chuck Norris solved the shortage by growing hops from his beard.


    Chuck Norris pisses 12 bottles of Dark lord a day. That is why it is

    so scarce. You have to fight him for it or steal it while he sleeps.


    Chuck Norris can eat hops, barley, yeast, and water and piss Russian

    Imperial Stout in a matter of minutes.


    Chuck Norris can open a bottle by looking at it.


    Chuck Norris can leave a pint of beer on a table for days. If he WANTS

    it to stay cold and carbonated, it STAYS cold and carbonated.


    Chuck Norris' Guinness is carbonated with nitroglycerin.


    When Chuck Norris says he's buying a 6 pack for the game, he's talking

    about BARRELS.


    Chuck Norris can roundhouse a 4-pack of DFH 90 Minute IPA into one

    bottle of 360 Minute IPA.


    Anyone who pisses off Chuck Norris gets handed a Dead Guy Ale.


    Chuck Norris thinks Avery Beast isn't hot enough.


    Chuck Norris can force carbonate with a harsh glance.


    Chuck Norris can ferment unfermentables.


    Chuck Norris' table beer is made from the second washing of Charles Bronson.


    Chuck Norris grinds his grain with his teeth, and boils the wort with his rage.


    Everyone loved the first batch Chuck Norris brewed. Then he killed

    them all with a swift roundhouse kick. All went to heaven with no



    Chuck Norris has no need for lauter tuns. The grains release the

    sugars out of fear.


    Chuck Norris cellars all his beer in his beard.


    Sam Adams Utopias is actually just Miller High Life tapped through a

    Randel filled with the beard trimmings of Chuck Norris.


    Chuck Norris uses 120 minute IPA as a palet cleanser.


    When Chuck Norris orders a beer, the beer pays him.


    Chuck Norris is the only person to ever beat Andre the Giant in a

    drinking contest. And he did it by a two case margin.


    When Chuck Norris pours a bottle conditioned beer into a glass, the

    yeast stays in the bottle out of fear.


    Chuck doesn't use a bottle opener to open his bottles; he just bites

    the top of the bottle off (then chews AND eats the glass).


    Chuck Norris knows the location of the Lost Abbey

  5. Time Stand Still - Rush


    Make each impression a little bit stronger

    Freeze this moment a little bit longer

    The innocence slips away...


    Summer's going fast,

    Nights growing colder

    Children growing up-

    Old friends growing older

    Experience slips away...


    That song is on one of my least favorite Rush albums, but those lyrics are really beginning to hit home with me. My kids are growing up way too fast....

  6. My neighbor built the extreme makeover house here in Raleigh a few years ago. That home owner has taken very good care of the place and is very appreciative of what was done for them. He also went out last year and built the home in New Mexico on an indian reservation. He told me that house is completely trashed already.

  7. Other than the handful of the talentless hacks beholden to the major corporate pigs who force radio stations to play their music, I don't see any serious artists bitching and moaning about it. They don't make money off the music. They make money off the merch and touring. The only people who stand to lose any money are the people who aren't actually making the music to begin with. The major music companies would love for you to think you're ripping off your favorite artists. Then people will ignore that its the major record companies that are the ones ripping off the artists. They just don't want your competition.


    I love the argument that if the major companies ceased to exist all the artists would suffer and we'd have nothing to buy. The idea is laughable. The ones that would suffer would be the parasites living off someone else's art and the fabricated artists manufactured by the record companies to sell a style. The people actually making the music would be just fine.


    Wouldn't it be nice to listen to the radio again? Wouldn't it be nice to hear genre-breaking stuff by people who aren't just pandering to some music exec who pays off radio stations to force garbage into your eardrums? It's the record companies that have limited the choices you have because it helps them maximize their returns by limiting the money they would have to use to discover talent. Instead they're telling YOU what the talent is. That's bull sh--, man. They've made the choice to limit your choice. You can make the choice to get the music you want to hear by leaving them out of the equation. Steal the music. Go to the shows.



  8. "You still haven't made it into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame - are you considering naming your next album 'That's Bullsh!t'?"





    Geddy, Alex and Neil all got a good laugh from that one, but even if they ever got in (and I don't think they will) I think it's even more unlikely that they would attend the ceremony.

  9. Does anybody recall the last time the Sabres played a HOME Sunday night game after a HOME Bills game?



    I don't know if this was the last time, but I remember doing a Bills/ Sabres doubleheader in the early 90's. I think it was Bills vs Eagles & Sabres vs. Wings.

  10. I am a huge fan of COlbert and the Colbert Report, and that show last night was great, especially how his producer (or was it director) is a huge rush fan and kept interjecting rush stuff into the show


    "You've been touring for over 30 years. Do you ever get tired of being so awesome and kicking so much ass?"



  11. Thank you but I tip to Bill in NYC for posting it in another thread. :ph34r:



    p.s. what's with all the anti-Sam Adams? I like most of their brews.



    I don't think Sam Adams beers suck, but I think many are regarded as just being ordinary in craft beer circles. I think what Jim Koch has done is great for the craft beer industry as a whole, also he has done some great stuff for the homebrewing community with the longshot competitions.

  12. Microbrews get WAAAAAAAYYY too much credit in my opinion. They are in it to turn a profit, just like any other business

    Of course they are, who would suggest otherwise?


    and if they could actually sell enough beer and work the logisitics, they would ALL become macrobrews in a heartbeat.


    In what sense do you mean macrobrews? That they would distribute on a wider scale? If so, then I'd agree. But if you mean macrobrewery in the sense that they'd compromise the quality of their beers by using cheaper ingredients thus turning their products into bastardazations of the intended styles, then no I don't agree that they would do that in a heartbeat.



    I am a HUGE fan of beer and am not ashamed to appreciate many of the fine macrobrews. I've had some good micros, and I've had plenty that were certifiably disgusting. I hate when a beer tastes like shiit and then some beer snob tells me I don't appreciate "the art of the craft," like I'm missing something.


    There are many styles by the BJCP guide, nobody said you have to enjoy them all.


    I don't question why some like to drink a thick black stout that costs $7 just because it came from some small brewery in Portland. As such, I also don't require justification from anyone else when I throw back a Pabst Blue Ribbon.


    There is a time and place for every style of beer in my opinion, after mowing the lawn wouldn't be a good time to enjoy an Imperial Stout, but it would be a fine time to crack open a PBR.

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