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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. It is not ignorance. Raleigh has done so very little to give Charlotte any cred. Charlotte is bigger then Raleigh and receives far less funding (partly because of schools, yes). Raleigh is nice but it is not Charlotte.


    The Sabres come to play in Raleigh twice every year, therefore Raleigh > Charlotte.

  2. ...and they're all in the South, does that no surprise anyone? So nice not to see Miami, Atlanta, or New Orleans on there, too.


    Charlotte is much better then Raleigh, but Raleigh receives all of the funding and is lured by the state bureacrats to the capitol. It is rather interesting as a case study. Charlotte has businesses luring other business and Raleigh has government luring business.


    Research Triangle Park home to over 170 global companies.

  3. How do ya deal with the mosquitoes outside, I get bitten alive here in NW Raleigh just walking outside, last thing I want is to spray up to watch a football game


    I bought one of these. I keep it on 24/7 and empty the trap every two or three days and it's full of flying critters. The mosquitoes used to be brutal back there, but this thing has managed them quite well. .

  4. That is exactly what I am trying to do. Looked at it last night & I think I could do it pretty easy. Although the one thing Flom suggested is interesting where I could just run an additional line out of the box outside. I may have to look into that.


    FWIW, I just split the HDMI, less of a hassle so you dont have to move your box in and out. Here is what I bought:




    I only needed a 25ft run of flat HDMI, you may need longer.




    Total cost was about $50.

  5. I was visiting my friend down in Greensboro last year & he kind of gave me the idea. He built a beautifull deck with a bar in the middle & had 3 tvs mounted with a canopy covering the bar area.. He dropped a hot tub into the lower lever of the deck. It was awesome. I am not looking to do something that extravagant. You could do that in NC where the weather is nicer/more predictable. I am just looking to enjoy a few nice fall days outside in WNY come football season.



    The TV is underneath a lean to porch so even if it's raining I usually still watch outside. I have a fire pit out there too so I even watched the BCS champoinship out there in the snow. That set up your friend has sounds awesome. My next upgrade that I'm thinking about is getting a projector and outdoor screen so I can watch night games and movies on a 12 ft screen. It depends on what I'll have to concede to my wife to get the go ahead for that! To be honest, I was considering doing away with the ticket a few years ago before I put up the outdoor TV, but it has made an otherwise miserable Bills game viewing experience a blast.

  6. I split the HDMI cable for the outdoor tv on my backyard man cave. I ran 25 ft of flat HDMI under the carpet and thru the wall to the outdoor TV. It was dirt cheap at monoprice.com. If you go the coax route I ran a buried line of RG6 well over 100 ft from my house and the signal is fine. My friends joke that I should have just built a wall with a TV on it in my backyard since I never really watch anything inside the man cave anymore since I put up the outdoor TV.

  7. Great poll. The recent "triple hop" campaign had me laughing from the first time I heard it since as Pooj mentioned nearly all beers are hopped at least three times during the boil. The "tasting" of cold is also humorous. But I think the universal implied concept of the sex appeal that you apparently gain when drinking these stojan beers is the most ridiculous of all.

  8. I've been down in NC for about a decade. All things being equal, I would move back to WNY tomorrow. I like it down here, but there is no place like home.


    I'm in the same boat as you, we've been in Raleigh for about a decade now. My wife and I love it here, our kids are happy and we've made many great friends, but I'd move back to Buffalo in a heartbeat if I could make a strong case that it made any sense.

  9. So instead, you go with such fine alternatives as Philly (ok, they're done) and Boston? No thank you.


    Yes. You may be forced to root for some hated teams, but better that than having another fanbase enjoy the sweet victory of Lord Stanley's Cup before we do. When determining who to root for among teams that already have a cup, you root for the one who has won more recently first. Therefore the rooting order is:





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