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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. I thought Fitz got a 1580 on the SAT's?


    Yep, he did.


    7.Ryan Fitzpatrick: Buffalo Bills QB Ryan Fitzpatrick scored a 1580 on the SAT, which means he smoked pretty much everyone reading this article right now. He majored in economics at Harvard, getting a top-flight education to bolster the playing skills that would eventually lead him to Buffalo. He's not even 30 yet, but he's already recognized as one the smartest players in the game.

  2. Commodore Perry from Great Lakes Brewing Company rules all the IPAs. Try it and let me know if you have had better.


    I've had it and while it's pretty good there are many better examples IMO. Great Lakes Burning River pale ale is definitely way up there on my american pale ale list though.

  3. Exactly...I'm not sure why some folks around here who should understand this concept don't...It's not easy to Win on the Road in the NFL and this garbage being spewed that The Bills are all of a sudden supposed to be the almighty Patsies or SB Champ Packers and overcome any and all obstacles in order to win on the Road is ridiculous...The truth is The Bills are not on that level yet and everyone knows it...But they were leading by 7 points at the time of the Play, in the 4th Quarter, and they just pushed into Cincy territory...They had CLEARLY snatched back momentum at that time of the Game...It was obvious...And also, I realize there are REAL tough calls to make in the NFL...Even some Replay calls are impossible to determine...This call was not one of those...It was SO cut and dry! How it did not get overturned is still beyond my comprehension...


    So...Folks can say what they will about The Bills not doing what they needed to do to Win that Game...But it mostly applies to what they did not do AFTER that horrible Call...Because before that they may have been sloppy at times, but they had a 7 point lead in the 4th Quarter with about 8:30 left in the Game on the Road vs. an average NFL Team...That's not easy...Worst case scenario they run a couple more minutes off the clock...But 15 more Yards and they are in FG Range...A couple more 1st Downs and now there is VERY little time left for a Cincy comeback...The idea that this was not THE pivotal moment in the game is just wrong...Was it the only reason The Bills lost? Of coarse not...But it was a HUGE reason nonetheless...


    This was a natural letdown Game for The Bills, and to that point (before the mis-call) they had gutted it out against a VERY good Defense and had a Touchdown lead midway through the 4th Quarter...Then everything went to hell...It's not making excuses...It's fact...It helped the Bengals Win the Game... B-)


    The players have a 24 hour rule after games before they move on and so should we. David Nelson says it best:


    "We had the ball with four minutes left, we've done it three games this year," he said. "We had every possibility to come out and take the ball and drive down score -- we didn't do that. They had two minutes left, they drove down. We've got to play with what we're presented with and we had every opportunity to close the game and we didn't do that."


    Let it go.

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