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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Countless idiots have blown these jackpots and are left penniless. This is pretty close to what I'd do...




    Instead, one approach could be to put half the winnings in high-grade municipal bonds, where the income earned is tax exempt, says Matthew Goff, a financial adviser in Houston. That could bring in roughly $3 million a year in income, he estimates. Another 40% of the winnings could be put in high quality corporate bonds, where it could earn about $2 million a year. And for the sake of helping the jackpot keep pace with inflation, the rest of the cash could be invested in dividend paying stocks. All told, that adds up to an annual income stream of about $7 million, that winners can live off of without having to touch the prize money, says Goff. “You could be much more conservative than say someone with a more typical portfolio,” he says. “Risk taking becomes more of a luxury than a necessity.”
  2. I forgot about my holiday case of either wine or spirits. I got the spirits this year. Flavored vodka, gin, brandy, rum and tequila.


    This reminded me of that old Johnny Coli blog, where he told the story of working in a liquor store during the holidays and throwing in a page of gay porn with each gift basket shipment. That blog was pure gold.

  3. If Yes gets in, Chris Squire wants Rush to induct them..





    If you get in, who would you want to do the speech?

    I haven’t given it much thought, maybe those Rush guys who got in last year! I’m pretty good friends with Dave Grohl and Taylor Hawkins (of the Foo Fighters) and they did a great speech for Rush… so probably not them, since they just did one. But if you know Geddy (Lee), let him know that that would be fine by me. I don’t know how these things work, though, I don’t know how much control we have, how much control the voting committee has, and of course we’re still kind of wondering how many members of Yes would be inducted.

  4. They were still alive toward the end of '06. I remember going to the Tennessee game and they were still alive in the wild card chase. But alas, Robert Royal didn't bother getting his feet in bounds and the Bills lost. Not to mention, Vince Young was INSANE that year (and that game in particular), something that everyone seems to forget about.


    How could I forget? I was actually at that game! Ok, so it's only seven years since this team has manged to cling to a sliver of hope into late December. I feel much better.

  5. I get a great afternoon with my co-workers eating good food and having a few drinks and a ton of laughs. The 7 of us including my director and manager are a pretty tight knit group and we enjoy our time together outside of the office. We also get to come to work everyday and are respected and thanked for our contributions and skills. That goes a long way with me anyway.


    You're spot on with this. I actually get a fairly good monetary bonus each year, but next to zero of this. I'd rather have it reversed.


    I get a subscription to the Jelly of the Month Club. It's the gift that keeps on giving throughout the entire year.


    That it is Edward..that it is indeed....

  6. Steel Panther! Awesome!---was playing some Panther at work this AM. "It Won't Suck Itself", "17 Girls in a Row".....


    Album of the decade! Listening at work on headphones I assume? I have a new favorite song every week. This week I'm enjoying Gold Digging Whore....


    There's a half a dozen girls you could be dating

    But this one's going to ruin your credit rating

    Better check your FICO!!!

  7. Duke survey: Firms to hire less, shift more jobs to part-time due to healthcare law



    “I doubt the advocates of this legislation would have foretold the negative impact on employment,” said Campbell Harvey, a professor of finance at Duke's Fuqua School of Business. “The impact on the real economy is startling. Nearly one-third of firms may either terminate employees or hire fewer people in the future as a direct result of ACA.”
  8. I wonder how many other teams have been able to go un-penalized during games this season? It would be very interesting to see if teams like the Bills, Browns, Jaguars, Lions, Bengals, etc. receive more penalty calls than the same teams that have been "winning" during the last 10-15 years (i.e., Pats, Giants, Saints, Packers, Colts, Steelers, Broncos, Cowboys, etc.).


    A quick google uncovered this little nugget from 2011.




    The rare accomplishment has happened just 40 times since the start of the 1976 season, a span of 8,173 regular season games.


    Yet it happens for the Pats twice in the same season, and they have yet to play us at home so three times is looking like a strong possibility.. Yeah, nothing fishy here at all. <_<

  9. I am the lone Bills fan who roots for the Pats once the Bills are out of it.


    Yes, you have to be.



    I love the way they play. Brady is the ultimate competitor and Belichick is the best coach of my lifetime in any sport.


    Sure if you can still admire an undeniably great coach who is also a dour, unsportsmanlike !@#$ stick and one of the greatest QB's of all time who is also a candy ass cry baby.


    All of us wish he was running the Bills organization. Anyone who claims otherwise is lying or deluded.


    Of course, but since this is pure fantasy we can continue to call a spade a spade and hate them for what they are.


    Does anyone really believe the league or the refs want them to win or are some of you just blowing off steam?


    I don't, frankly I don't know what the motivations are, but anyone who will deny that the Pats have been beneficiaries of these calls at roughly the same rate that teams like the Bills and Browns are screwed by them are the delusional ones.


    I am girding my loins for the responses that criticize my opinion. Doesn't matter. I'm okay with that. Fire away.


    I won't criticize your opinion, because you are right. I just don't know why people do this to themselves. Every year we can say the same damn thing come late November into December. If, if, if if.. Until the Bills are one of the teams being chased for playoff spot come this time of year it's just not worth caring about anymore.

  11. Do they even know it is a flu at this point? They pretty much have to cover all their bases and get anything they can. But anyway, I could see people in a panic situation like this (as if there would be some realistic panic moment anything like this one) not having any clue what they actually need.


    But hey, that massive zombie herd was pretty damn cool. There's one thing that could definitely bring down the prison if it ever moved that way.


    I don't think they have confirmed it on the show, but they could have looked to get a flu lateral flow test kit (works like a pregnancy test) from the hospital to know for sure...maybe that was one of the other items on the list since they have doctors there and that would be an obvious thing to ask for. On one of the talking deads a writer did say that it is indeed an extremely virulent flu that has broken out at the prison and that they modeled it after the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic that ended up killing a lot of young, healthy people.

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