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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Expect a mod to remove most of this post since it's a copyright infringement to post an entire article.


    It's not hard to make proper wings. The most common pitfall is undercooking them. Most places want to get the food out as fast as possible. They have to learn to find the sweet spot between crisp and overcooked. The sauce us just melted butter and Frank's.




    This. As a former wing 'chef' I can attest that this is indeed the case. I'd say 90% of places outside of WNY undercook their wings, even when you ask them to prepare them crispy.

  2. Wow...I love when he plays his parents...it absolutely cracks me up!


    I'm with you, especially when he does his fathers voice. I crack up every time.


    I think he could open himself to a new group of haters BECAUSE of his brutal honesty. If he does as he says, he will not beat around the bush with contestants such as children who have never heard criticism before, this could turn off a lot of viewers...I personally don't watch these shows at all....but I'll probably watch for Howards sake


    He alluded to actually bringing out the parents of these young kids when he gives his opinion. Now that would be funny!

  3. he's gonna have Eric the Midget sitting on his lap..... :w00t:


    That would be funny if he actually did that, but I think he will aproach this more seriously and be brutally honest with contestants which should make for some good TV.

  4. The Bills are an embarrassment, but they are the only football team I will ever root for. F everyone else. I hate every other team in the NFL to varying degrees. I won't ever root for another team to win. I will however root for teams I despise more than others to lose. It's a sad reality, but the Bills have reduced my enjoyment of the NFL post-November each year to rejoicing in the misery of others.

  5. This sums it up nicely for me, too. I am not asking for a dynasty. I would like one Super Bowl win, and then the team can implode the following season. Whatever.


    I have been a Bills fan since we played football in the street, pretending to be Jack Kemp and Elbert Dubenion, about 45 years ago.


    How to remain a fan when you know you are going to be kicked in the cajones shortly after the season begins each year?


    Hopefully, you learn to invest less emotion in the team as time goes on. It used to be painful when the Bills lost one of those gut-wrenching losses. Now I just take it as something I can not control, so I try not to get too up or down about it.On the bright side, Bills fans did not have to start thinking about the next draft until late November this year, while normally early October brings Bills fans visions of draftable sugar plums dancing in our heads.


    So, happy holidays!



    This is exactly where I am as a fan, although I only have about 30 years invested. I still watch all the games and go through my Sunday ritual each and every weekend in the fall, but when the inevitable kick to the nuts comes I just can't care like I used to anymore. This franchise and it's 1000 ways to lose approach has simply made me numb, but I'll only stop caring completely when and if the Bills move out of Buffalo.


    I don't feel that I've ever had a choice.


    You're right and I'll never forgive my dad for making me a Bills fan! :devil:

  6. Howard Stern is irrelevant and he hasn't been funny for at least two decades, but still I do like to rip him on interent message boards.







































    I can't believe it took this long

  7. What I find the most disturbing is that they have convinced a generation that they are required to pay for their child's college education. I know some people who have used their 401(k) to pay for it.


    I understand them wanting the parents to contribute, but to borrow against their 401(k) or remortgage the house is just crazy.


    Indeed. Your kids can get a loan for their education, but you can't get one for your retirement. I don't contribute a dime to my kids 529's until I have fully funded our 401k and Roth IRA accounts for the year.

  8. Well, holy crap! He's fat and talks like a girl! The absolute horror!






    Did you ever go camping, or use a port-a-pottie?




    If I wasn't married, I might.


    But I don't have this quirky hang up because the woman is willing to screw a fat guy that once crapped in a bucket.



    I'll bet your're a blast to party with. Seriously man, WTF?

  9. I've never seen/heard someone go on a show and try to put on a show for the sake of entertainment. Nope, people never do that.


    Did you hear her on Stern?


    Having no idea who High Pitch Eric was, I googled him.


    He's a fat guy. Unless there is something more to him I do not know about, whoop-de-do. She'll bang a fatty.


    I have no idea what world you live in, but given the obesity rate in the USA, Eric represents a significant portion of the US population.


    Besides, why do you care what "he" looks like?

    I would think you would be more interested in what "she" looks like.


    Well besides the obesity, he also sounds like a woman when he speaks as his name suggests. HPE also once engaged in a competition where he was locked in a house for 48 hours and **** in a bucket and weighed it. He won that competition. So yes, dont worry she would even bang you.

  10. and I guess I kind of take a little of it back, Rush - Rush has some great tunes and its own sound, but then for some reason I feel like they go to synthetic and thats the Rush that all sounds the same to me...but the first album, Rush, is kind of heavy metal/bluesy and I enjoy that...


    That first Rush album is a Zeppelin / Cream rip-off and nothing more.


    The Blu-ray doesn't come out until December though. Fortunately VH1C played this show a few weeks ago and I have it on the DVR so I'll just wait for the blu-ray. I missed both legs of the Time Machine tour as last minute conflicts arose that forced me to sell my tickets.

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