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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. The reason it "smelled like gasoline and paint thinner mixed with rubbing alcohol" is because whoever made it didn't pour off the methanol that's produced early in the process. The reason you "went blind" was because you drank freakin' methanol because some asshat didn't know WTF they were doing.


    Anyone can make moonshine - it's a very simple process and it's quite easy to make it VERY strong.


    This. Also, sometimes the illegal moonshiners use old car radiators as condensers, which often have lead in them...boom lead poisoning.

  2. I suppose I'll just be looking for an energetic, focused team that plays hard and smart, and doesn't give up or back down. I'll be there and cheering my ass off as always.


    That about sums it up for me too. You never know, if the Bills are somehow able to knock Brady out early there will be a glimmer of hope at least.

  3. I love when Walt finds out about Jesse and they show his car screaming into the car wash parking lot, he runs out of the car, and then takes a breathe to gather himself and walks in as if nothing was wrong. His mannerisms when talking to Skylar were classic!


    On a serious note, I want to make my fantasy football team Breaking Bad related, my initial thoughts are:


    Vamanos Pests

    Tuco's Tweakers

    Heisenberg's Henchmen

    Crystal Blue Persuasion




    Los Pollos Hermanos

  4. I'm going to have to give them a call back tonight. I tried yesterday and they tried to offer it to me for 30 with the first month free. I'm guessing I wasn't actually at customer retention.


    It will probably take some work and waiting to get to a customer retention rep. I asked the first guy right away if he was with customer retention and he just said he handles all Sunday Ticket inquiries. I asked again if he is customer retention and he seemed a little annoyed and transferred me...to another regular CSR. She was nicer and put all my comments on my account and said she would get me to customer retention "right away". 25 minutes later they picked up, I stated my case again and she immediately gave it to me and asked if there was anything else I wanted. I figured that I'd go for it and ask for Center Ice for free too. She claimed that they weren't selling that package yet, but told me to call back in a couple weeks and I'd probably get that free too.

  5. So I called back tonight......I got a regular CSR at first and asked to be transferred to customer retention. He transfers me and I ask the girl if she is with customer retention, of course she isn't, so I ask again to get transferred. I'm on hold for about 25 minutes and finally a customer retention rep answers and I ask for free ticket and RZC, she doesn't hesitate and gives it to me for a 1 year contract. I'm satisfied.

  6. I called a second time today. Got through to a retention person, apparently.


    He gave me the basic Sunday Ticket for free this year, for a 12-month commitment to stay with DTV.


    Cool. I'm a happy (and retained) customer. My wife is happy.


    I've been with DTV for 16 yrs or so, just so I can see the Bills every week.


    I don't like haggling, but it is worthwhile, I must say.


    It's a pre-season ritual now, I suppose.


    Good news. I'll call back again tonight. I will accept no less than free ST and I am prepared to cancel if I don't get it. No bluffing required.

  7. This is the challenge. For teens today. Sadly he is not likely the first idiot who has ever done something like this. He may be the first idiot to out himself after doing so by going to Facebook.


    Sad all the way around...

    That I highly doubt.


    Yes, the guy who just killed his wife recently and posted the picture of her corpse on FB.

  8. I've looked forward to grilling, smoking and cooking more than the Bills games for a few years now and life is grand!!


    Nice. I feel like a kid on Christmas. I'm really looking forward to using this thing.


    So needless to say I've been doing a lot of internet reading on the BGE. I've come across a lot of great reviews for this accessory pack. Any Egg owners here have any experience with one of these or something similar? It seems like it really provides great versatility and expanded capacity to a BGE



  9. When I was in High School, in every boys bathroom, every crapper did not have a door.


    Every year I was there. I kid you not.


    The stalls in our baseball locker room in high school didn't have doors. This one kid on our team would always proudly take a chit in the door-less stall. As if that wasn't bad enough, it was right at the front of the locker room so you had to walk by him to get to your locker and he'd try to have a conversation with you when you walked in.


    Across on my floor there were a ton of IT people, & my place outsources alot of the IT work & they contract these people in from India(don't ask me where they find them). This has been going for about 4-5 years now. Ever since they did this the bathroom have been disgusting(keep in mind at a white colar atmosphere, not some assembly line). I mean plugged up toilets, boogers on the wall, crap on the seats. One time I walked in there late in the day & there was actually crap on the floor. I mean what kind of culture do these people have? I would think common courtesy would stop them from doing stuff like this. I mean it has got to the point where I was fearful of even taking a leak at work not knowing what I was going to find. Well they moved all the IT people out 4 weeks ago & magically the bathrooms are cleaner then they ever been. So it is not just me stereotyping either. That is the good news, the bad news is we are supposed to move to their location shortly after Labor Day so I better enjoy the work bathrooms this summer I guess.LOL


    They likely aren't actually sitting on the seats, but rather squatting on them. In college we had a guy on our floor from Indonesia who would squat on top of the seat and crap. At first it was mildly amusing as it led to people trying to get into what appeared to be an unoccupied stall that had been locked from the inside. Then he started leaving his empty slippers on the floor so people would know he was in there. It stopped being funny though when our chitters were unmercifully hit with a barrage of soiled seats since his aim was not so good. We dubbed him the bombardier.

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