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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. That's a great first date.  We did the BNL concert in Dallas for our second date (and first kiss).  Worked very well.



    I thought it was a good idea at the time since most of the women I knew were big fans of BNL. In 1996 they were still kind of an underground band but were certainly big in Canada and WNY. When I told her I had tickets she just looked at me with a blank expression. She had never heard of them! She ended up loving the show, we dated for a few years and eventually got married. <_<

  2. 4 of the guys I work with brew their own, and they all pick on me for drinking keystone light.


    I like the stuff they brew, but when I'm buying it's all about price.


    30 pack for $10.99  :w00t:  :doh:



    But if they are brewing their own they are paying probably between $20 and $30 for 2 plus cases of beer. A small price to pay for great beer.

  3. Microbrews and homebrews are often stereotyped as being heavy and dark, but you can homebrew any style of beer you want. Hell, I could easily clone Coors or Budweiser if I wanted to, I'd just substitute about half of my grain bill with corn and rice and voila!.... you have your typical American style light beer. I just brewed a Hefeweizen for my wife, it's a very light German wheat beer, lightly hopped. The yeast strain unique to the style produces clove & banana-like flavors, thus it's often popular with the ladies.


    Another great beer review site:



  4. People that do this at my work really piss me off. Why is it ok to do what you want on your lunch hour and then eat lunch when you are supposed to be working. It is like people who come into work in the morning and eat breakfast. It really bothers me for some reason. Oh by the way I get an hour, and yes I eat my lunch during that time. Sorry for venting.



    I would think an hour is long enough to eat AND walk the 2.5 miles.

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