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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Just an FYI. Christian Nationalism etc. is all made up commie BS. That is all. Carry on.
  2. That sure is odd. Because just three days after the text "was sent to wrong recipient", on August 2nd, 2017, a new company named Hudson West III was officially formed. CEFC affiliates injected $5,000,000 in capital to the new company. Meanwhile, Hunter contributed no capital to the new venture although he owned 50 percent of the newly established company. The operating agreement of Hudson III stipulated that Hunter would receive a $500,000 retainer and $100,000 per month. James Biden received $65,000 per month. This newly formed entity also made large credit card payments for items purchased by the Biden Family. The total payments made to Hunter’s personal company totaled $4.8 million in just over one year. In addition to the $65,000 per month paid to James Biden, payments also flowed to Lion Hall Group, a company James owned.
  3. I dropped Sirius a few years ago so I haven't listened to Howard in awhile, but a friend sent this to me yesterday. Howard has always been a huge Rush detractor...hater would probably be a better word. But he just gave a rave review of Geddy Lee's new autobiography "My 'Effin Life" The story about Geddy's parents meeting, falling in love and eventually getting married in a WWII concentration camp is quite a story. The chapter describing what his parents went through in the concentration camp is tough to read. As is the chapter about Neil's cancer diagnosis and passing. Even if you aren't a Rush fan it is a great read.
  4. The example Bilksfuk.c cites is of course to be condemned. Just don't expect it to condemn a mom transing a 10 year old son or daughter. Or for it to condemn books depicting anal/oral made available to elementary school students. This hypocrisy, which it does here every single day, on every issue, is precisely why it should be MOCKED and IGNORED.
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