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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Joe Biden spry for his age? Ole Daz trying to wrestle JFRs position from him in the PPP useful idiot rankings. Tell us daz, what do you know about nazi churches? spry/sprī/ adjective Lively, active, and brisk; vigorous.
  2. I hear McDermott plans to bench the starting DL and start all WRs on the DL next year. And when teams run for 500 yards a game on the Bills it will be Leslie Fraziers fault. Also the only way to fix it will be to sign new D linemen instead of starting the ones sitting on the bench.
  3. Typical commie response from Daz. Just give them more money, that will solve the problem that this commie regime purposely caused. What a tool.
  4. It's really well past time that we stop reacting to this crap with shock. No more wtf, holy *****, how can this be? Etc.. This is the world we live in. The commie infiltration of our institutions over decades and decades has borne this fruit. Time to stop being shocked and start WAKING UP.
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