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Everything posted by gflande1

  1. Now that Turd is gone, do you see them bringing in an offensive coordinator to replace him? I understand that Alex will be doing the play calling, but I havent seen anything saying he has been promoted. If they bring someone in, who would you like to see? I wouldnt mind seeing Frank Reich (currently the Colts QB coach). He as familiarity with the no huddle (Bills and now Colts) and is a fan favorite. What do you think?
  2. If you want to bring in a backup quarterback that has experience around the no huddle, why not hire Frank Reich. He has to be a better option than Turd
  3. I will have to look for it...but I read somewhere that he could have played in the Bears game had it been regular season. The Bills coaches dont want to take any chances...dont worry, its preaseason.
  4. Wouldnt it be easier to list the players that stay after this season? Honestly, theres not a lot that would be starters on one of the "contending" teams. Really, how many can you list?
  5. One big problem with your comparison...as far as population and average household income...Buf-Tor < SF-OAK or Balt-Wash
  6. I dont like defending Dick, but there is alot more to a football team than just a HC. The team played those games, not Jauron. I agree that he is a bad HC, but the players need to be held just as accountable if not more. His coaching didnt lose all of those games, it was a bad team that played poorly. You also have to remember that the 5-1 record came against poor teams, the 2-8 finish was against teams that were much better than us. I will admit that we would have probably won a couple of those games with better coaching, but it cant all be blamed on Jauron. If Dick was coaching the championship era team, they would have found a way to win. Its the team, not the coach that wins games. We have to admit that this is not an elite team. We need a new owner and a new philosophy. Getting rid of Dick and replacing him with another loser coach will show the same results.
  7. I wish what was true, but history has shown that he probably wont. Didnt we say the same thing after Williams and Mularkey? I hope we have a good season. I hate to say it, but a bad season just means we start rebuilding with a new GM and HC. I like the team we have. With a few more key players, I think we have a chance. I dont think this season is it, but it could be. I think another off season like we have had with a couple key pickups we will be in the hunt.
  8. I still think coaching is still our biggest weakness. As far as any position on the team, I need to see a couple games before I can say what our weaknesses are. I agree that we are improved on paper, but saying that WR is no longer a weakness because we got TO is a bit early if you ask me. The same goes with every other position. I think its going to be a long season, against some very tough competition.
  9. I didnt get to see that game live. I was at basic training and we werent allowed to watch tv. One of the guys had a radio in the other dorms and would update us with the score. I believe I was the only Bills fan. Anyway, I started to hear that the Bills were coming back and I didnt believe it. I thought it was a joke. It wasnt until later that week when I called home and found out. Thanks for the link. I watched all of the classic bills games on youtube this morning. Sure brings back some good memories.
  10. The king of thd dipheads has spoken. :-) As far as there being nothing to do in Cortland, I just would like to remind you that Ithaca and Syracuse are not that far away.
  11. I remember the 90s, I actually had season tickets with my brother at the time. I've been a Bills fan since 1973. As far as the fry comment, I have done more and lived more in this lifetime than you ever will. With 17 years in the armed forces and two long deployments to Iraq, I have had my share of life. You made one of the worst analyis of the Bills off season, but Im the one who serves fries. As far as the TO comment, I noticed you became a member after Owens signed with the team. Thats where the comment came from. Guess I was just in a bad mood. Sorry...Owens fans are probably more knowledgable about the bills than you.
  12. From Billsdaily.com May 1-3 Rookie Minicamp May 18-20 League Spring Meetings May 18-20 1st Week OTAs May 26-29 2nd Week OTAs Jun 2-5 & 8 3rd Week OTAs Jun 9-11 Mandatory Minicamp 6/28-7/1 Rookie Symposium Aug 8 HOF Ceremony Aug 9 HOF Game Sept 1 Roster cutdown to 75 Sept 5 Roster cutdown to 53 Sept 14 Bills open season in NE at 7pm
  13. It would have been nice, but I have a feeling the bills are pretty content with the team we have. I doubt we will see many free agent signings, unless a LT comes available, but even then, I think they are content with the tackles we have.
  14. I really like this draft. I cant remember when I was so excited for the start of Training Camp like I am now. I cant wait to see how all our off season moves will result. I dont think we are there yet, but we could be very close to the playoffs this year. I hate to say it, but I hope if the team does well enough this season, we will keep the current Front Office and Coaching staff. I dont know if I could go through another rebuilding. Things are finally looking like there going the right direction.
  15. Did you become a BB Fan 4 Life after the Bills signed Owens? Doesnt seem like you saw many Bills games last year. Are you thinking of Jerry Jones? I know it gets hard following a guy like Owens around and making it appear you have been there since the begining. You should change your name to OwensBallWasher4Life it will make it easier for the rest of us.
  16. I agree. Im content with the first day we had. I was praying they would pick Brown in the second, but they must have seen something they didnt like, and something they did in Byrd. I am far from an expert, so I have to mention experts who liked the pick. I also admit that you would find just as many that didnt.
  17. Doesnt Maybin have experience at LB? Any chance we will see him rotate in and out at both DE and OLB?
  18. Theres a reason why Brown slipped that far. A lot of other teams passed on him as well, tells me the Bills weren't the only ones to have concern. I was surprised like many that we took a CB/FS that early, but some draft experts like the pick saying he was one of their 2nd round sleepers. The Bills obviously see him as someone who will contribute or they wouldnt have picked him. Not a wasted pick in my opinion.
  19. Unfortunalty he isnt worth that much. Running backs are a dime a dozen, I dont think you would get much in a trade for him. Especially with his off field issues, teams wouldnt want to take the chance. At best we would get a box of tampons for Jackson to use.
  20. Where did all these owens fans come from??? How is he going to be a bust when he has played successfully in the past? Please go back to being a Dallas fan.
  21. I cant see why a guy who has been playing successfully at one position would all the sudden changed. I think he really wanted to play for New England, thats why he started saying he wanted to be a LB in a 3-4. To me money makes a person change their mind, enough money in his face you could get him to play any position. Any chance he can throw a pass?
  22. Sorry, didnt realize that with your month of posting and 9 f-ing post you became the owner and ruler of the board. If you dont like to hear what I have to say, then dont f-ing read it. Bet you have been a Bills fan since owens was signed. Go back to being a Cowboys fan, loser
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