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Everything posted by gflande1

  1. I just want to add a couple things to the Slingbox discussion. There are two different slingboxes, the Solo and the Pro. The Solo is SD, has no tuner (you have to connect it to a dvr/set top box) and only one input. The Pro* is HD (1080i), has a tuner (no set top box or DVR required) and has multiple inputs (connect a dvr, dvd player, etc). You need a fast upload speed, I think the Solo requires upload speeds of 512k or more and Pro requires a 1mb upload. My mom has a slow (512k I think) connection so my Solo can get a bit grainy, to the point you cant read the numbers of the players and the graphics on the screen at some points. Prices vary from place to place, look around, you will find better prices than you will pay if you purchase directly from Slingmedia. I would suggest you purchase a Solo, as the reviews I have read about the Pro say the HD quality is only worthwile if you are on the same network as the sling (basically the same house). Broadcasting HD over the Sling Pro requires alot of bandwidth that would cost a fortune. Oh, and for those of you thinking it (I know I did), only one user can be logged into the slingbox at a time. *Current version of Slingbox Pro is HD, previous version was only SD.
  2. I heard that some people found a way to use NFL Game Pass from inside the US. They show live games outside the US. I guess you would have to find a way to mask your IP address to one that is from another country. You would also have to find away to sign up for an account using an international address. If you can get over those two hurdles, I guess it would work. Wish I knew how and had the balls to try it.
  3. Felt it in Syracuse as well. Building kinda swayed back and forth for a bit. Little freaky
  4. How did I not find that. That was so easy. I must have clicked on every button/option available looking to change that setting. All this time it was right in front of me. Thanks for the help
  5. Hope this hasnt been posted, I searched and didnt find it. Sorry if it is. Found this video on TMZs site. Pretty cool jump, although the guy talking to him (assume cameraman/paparazzi) is annoying with the stupid questions. TO Jump On a unrelated note, does anyone know how to change the way posts are shown on here? Previously all posts showed, one under the other. Now they are minimized into a tree like format. I have to click on them to open them. I would like to go back to the previous, all open format. I dont know what I changed, would like to know how to correct. Thanks
  6. The guy obviously doesnt want to be here, most likely wont be dedicated if he is. Best for both parties to send him packing to another team and get something for him while he still has some value. Does Seatle have any lineman we would want?
  7. Do you see the Bills carrying three in the active and one on PS?
  8. How do we know the Bills were really trying to move up to get Tebow?
  9. This doesnt make sense, you say its too high of a price to pay for Big Ben, but you would pay it for Clausen? How many superbowls has Clausen won? I dont want him because he is a scumbag, not because I think the price is too high. I would give it before I use it on a unknown like Clausen
  10. How many QBs have we had that the same was said about? You could replace Campbells name with the last 6 or so Bills QBs and it would sound about right.
  11. Does anyone remember who the player was who had two different vehicular manslaughers but was never charged. If I remember, I think he was a defensive lineman. He was never charged over punished by the NFL. I remember people use to complain on here about him not being punished. Thanks
  12. I see you also think its a good idea to bring Kelly back too. How about we draft a CB at 9, he could also play WR. Or how about a punter, he certainly could play QB for us.
  13. That would be cool. Almost like fantasy football, drafts and everything.
  14. Thats the kind of pick a team makes if they are either on the verge, or want to stay in the basement. We have too many holes to fill to use a pick on a position we are atleast average at. In a year or two, maybe, not now
  15. I would like to see us address WR in FA. Maybe another LB and DL too. The draft I would pick Williams or Bulaga in first, best available NT in second. Then I would like to see the best available OT, Dl, OLB in the third, fourth and fifth. RB and WR in sixth and seventh.
  16. I dont think he has any interest in coming here. He is trying to force the Vikings hand, or some other team. I hope Im wrong, I wouldnt mind having him, just as good if not better than what we currently have.
  17. How much time does Lynch have on his contract? Can you see us re-signing him? If the right offer of players/picks was made, I would trade him. We can pick up a backup HB (Jackson is starter) in free agency, then draft a workhorse next year. No way Lynch is on this team after his contract expires, might as well get something for him now.
  18. Is that because of Owens? Or the Bills.
  19. I read this on Wikipedia: "Prior to the Chiefs implementing the spread offense, Thigpen had been playing erratically with the Chiefs, and he suddenly became poised and effective running the new offense.[46] His passer rating has climbed from 44.3 to 76.9 in the five games following his initial start at Atlanta.[46] " Any chances they are attempting to replace Thigpen's name with Edwards or Brohm? I wouldnt be surprised if we make no major moves at QB, except for maybe a late round pick. Also, what does this mean to our running game? Doesnt this offense focus more on passing?
  20. Good point...look what Losman did after leaving the Bills, he won a championship!
  21. Comparing Maybin to the guy running the register at Subway is a bit much dont you think?
  22. Assuming Phili is willing to trade Mcnabb...what would it take? I think it would be too much to give, especially with all the holes we have. Would Lynch and our second be enough?
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