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Everything posted by gflande1

  1. I think that the fact he isn't a white, high motor player, should be added to the list.
  2. I was surprised to not see Ralph at the PC. Hope he is doing well. Without him there would be no Buffalo Bills. Another thing I haven't seen mentioned here is Mario mentioning all the improvements coming to the facility in the near future. Is this from the NYS money they are supposed to get? Anyone know what improvements? Wonder if they are turning the owners box into a hospice.
  3. Didn't see this posted. If it was, I appologize Williams' agent, Ben Dogra, wrote in a text to The Associated Press: "We are still continuing to talk." Link
  4. Just reported on WGR, Meacham has joined the group for dinner
  5. Just read this on twitter...dont know how original, but I like it "WMD (williams, Mario, Dareus. Ie Weapons of Mass Destruction"
  6. How much does Houston stating they now want to re-sign Mario weigh in on our chances?
  7. I don't know why people are blaming it on Evans. It looked like he had possession of the ball and the defender made a great play. If the defender hadn't punched it out, it would have been a catch....no fault of lee's if you ask me. Sucks the Pats made it in....again....god I hate them
  8. Looks like the Packers are going to raise some money. Too bad they are the only team to be "Fan Owned". I would love to have me some Bills stock. Link Might be a nice gift for any Packer fans out there.
  9. Doesn't Droid support Flash? If so, you might be able to access those sites with your chrome browser. If not, try the free version first. I don't remember there being an option, I paid the $2.99. Game came in well on iPhone as long as I had 3G. Looks like Skyfire is only available for the Droid and iPhone. Maybe its time to trade your BB in.
  10. Dont know much about blackberrys, do the run flash? If so, try firstrow or atdhe. I was able to watch the Oakland game on my iPhone using an app called skyfire (mobile browser with flash) Good luck Go Bills!
  11. Thanks. Found maps to it by simply searching on here. Next time I will try that before asking. Don't know if we are going to make it early enough, we won't arrive until 1100. I know that doesn't leave much time to tailgate, but getting these guys on the road before 0800 was hard enough (coming from Syracuse). If not, I will be through with a smaller group for the Jets game.
  12. Wheres Hammers lot? Is it open to anyone or is it friends of Hammers? Thanks Go Bills!!!
  13. Going to the Pats game with a bunch of guys from work. We will have a total of five cars and would like to meet up to tailgate. Everyone will be coming from I-90, so I was thinking lots 3 or 5b would be the most convenient. Are these lots self parking, or are they part of the new parking plan? If so, any suggestions on making this as painless as possible? I normally park in a lot at the corner of Abbott and Southwestern, just don't know if the allow tailgating or not. Thanks for any suggestions you may offer The lot I usually park in is a private business.
  14. Not only is Ralph cheap, now he's too ugly for us to be considered the best looking team? j/k The team must have graded well to make up for those two fugly mofos
  15. I think thats what Chris Brown reported after practice. I dont remember seeing him grabbing at his leg (unless Im thinking of the wrong play). You could tell something was wrong, he was favoring his leg, but it didnt seem like it was a concern. I guess theres not much you can do with a hamstring injury, just time and rest. Isnt that one of those injuries that nag some players an entire season?
  16. Saw Maybin at practice last night, he looked good. The one thing that stood out to me is how skinny the guy is. He looked small compared to the other LB doing position drills.
  17. It appeard to be about 50/50 last night. Saw Bell hold his own on several occassions, also saw him get pushed into Fitz on a couple other plays. Saw Merriman line up across him to blitz fitz and he manhandled Bell. Think its about time Bell has some real competition to practice against, its only going to make him better. After last nights practice (my first) I am feeling really excited about this Defense. GO BILLS!!!!
  18. I saw the play last night that Parrish came out. The ball was a bit overthrown and Parrish ran hard for it. He didnt get there in time, but continued running to end zone, then slowly walked back down the sideline while practice resumed. He walked over to what I assume were trainers and they briefly looked at his leg. He didnt appear to be limping or anything, just walking slow. They didnt seem to be that concerned, just stood there and talked. He took his helmet off and his night was over (this was late in practice). Its possible its all precautionary?
  19. JasonRomano Jason Romano Buffalo Bills WR @DavidNelson86's guide to surviving NFL training camp (just now on First Take) - http://lockerz.com/s/126207231 4 hours ago\ Hope this wasnt already posted
  20. The Bills will spend some money re-signing some of our current players. I hope Florence and Poz are two of them. Also, we have UFA to worry about next year. I read somewhere that Stevie Johnson's deal is done at the end of the year, do you see an extension for him? What UFAs do we have at the end of the season?
  21. I cant believe Maybin will be paid $3,757,500 (757,500 base, 3,000,000 bonus) for numbers that I could have gotten. Buddy Nix, I will do as well as, if not better, for half the money!
  22. I love how the story starts with "I can't verify its truth", however Mr. Weo post it as fact. It also gives no timeline, could have been yesterday, could have been 15 years ago, but again, Mr. Weo post it as if it was a recent event. Please put down the bong
  23. Gruden has looked like a buffoon this draft. Ive been watching ESPNs and NFL networks coverage and they are equally as bad. I alternate the mute between the two so I dont have to hear anyone of them too long. It seems that both goto commercial breaks at the same time, or atleast close to the same time. I would have to say Maylock is my favorite.
  24. Please tell me your not Buddy Nix. If you are, we are screwed!
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