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Everything posted by BillsFan130

  1. Lol a death on the football field will result from a cheap shot like a flagrant hit to the head or a freak accident like shazier last night. My point was to minimize those hit to the heads/cheap shots by letting them tussle a bit. A little tussle won't be the thing that would kill an NFL player... It will be the cheap shots in which we saw a few examples of last night
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-5JT36xAPE My comments are not 15 years out of date though. Here is an example last year where Malkin took a cheap shot at Wheeler, (I stated earlier it was Ladd but was mistaken) and the next game (the link I posted) these two faced off and fought. Wheeler gave respect to Malkin after the game and the dust was settled from there. But yes, I for sure agree with everything else you stated in your post
  3. It seems like more Americans feel strongly towards the no fighting in Hockey. I could be wrong but that just seems like the consensus from watching and listening to American sports shows/podcasts. I am Canadian and it would not sit well for the majority of our fans here if they took fighting away in Hockey. In regards to your stance for fighting in Football, I think the tussle would settle a lot. Generally after one fight in Hockey, the dust gets settled and there isn't anything more from there. Not always true, but most of the time. A good example was last year when Malkin injured Andrew Ladd. The next game Ladd and Malkin dropped the gloves cleanly, and Ladd actually gave props to Malkin for fighting. All was forgotten from there and respect was actually gained between the two. That is what I am trying to get at in terms of Football. I think a little tussle to settle things is a lot better then taking a cheap shot back
  4. You think? As barbaric as it sounds I love watching fighting in hockey. The staged fights can be a bit lame, but I love the bad blood Fighting
  5. Ya the problem is the league doesn't do squat. They don't want star players being suspended for a long time
  6. Lol a simple "No I don't think it would work" would also have done just fine lol
  7. Opening the ice generally means lower scoring as weird as that sounds. Do you remember 2014 Sochi Olympics? Every game was like 2-1. Teams take away the middle and keep everything to the wider perimeter. Sorry getting off topic from my original topic but I had to clear that up lol. I also love fighting in hockey and I think the game would turn very ugly if they took it out. There would be a lot more cheap shots cause players know they don't have to fight if they do something dirty
  8. Why is hustling to the line b.s? That's smart coaching/QB play. I wish the Bills were smart enough to do that when there is a questionable call
  9. I know. I know there are flaws to what I'm saying. I appreciate your comments Hmm I'm old school in terms of hockey so I don't like your rule changes to no fighting and switching to the European ice... Haha. I appreciate your comment though. Most people I'm sure will definitely agree with you in terms of the no fighting in the NFL as I am well aware I'm in the minority
  10. I would argue that the players crown of the helmet can be a lethal weapon as well though. As we saw multiple times last night. And I think the opposite. If you let players tussle a little bit, I think cheap shots would go down. If you don't let them handle it, then cheap shots will go up. Posters here are already saying "end gronk's career" and "go after his knees"
  11. Same idea in hockey though. Very very rarely the inmates run the show where the refs can't control it. If helmets come off or punches to the head are thrown, then automatic ejection/suspension. Could start with that
  12. I hear your points and I know what I am saying is a bit farfetched. I just know this system works in hockey wonderfully, and I'm wondering if it would limit cheap shots in Football as well
  13. I was high on Matthews and gave him the benefit of the doubt but I am starting to think he is overrated. Seems like he is never open and he is unreliable when trying to make the catch
  14. I was talking with a few posters about this yesterday regarding what they should have done to Gronk after the cheap shot he put on White. A few posters said cheap shot him back next game, and I disagreed with that as I said they should have clocked Gronk one and even tussled with him right after the hit. Now a poster brought up that fighting is illegal in the NFL and results in an ejection, which is true. Which leads me to my next point. Why doesn't the NFL loosen up on that rule a bit and let the players police themselves a bit more? I am not saying take off the helmets like hockey and throw haymakers, but let them tussle for a little bit and let them defend themselves or their teammates. I made the example yesterday that Hockey has the best policing system in any sports. You hit someone dirty? You are going to have to fight the person like a man and own up to it. If Hockey didn't have fighting, I really think people would be going around slashing people's hands, or taking head shots, or just doing anything dirty to try to get that payback. They don't need to do that though because fighting allows them to police the game outside of the officials. A prime example was last nights game. Smith Schuster smoked Burfict in the head, and then Cinci comes back and drills Antonio Brown in the head when he scores the TD. Almost like an eye for an eye type of deal. The players are not allowed to police themselves in the NFL and this is where head shots come in, and pretty much anything else dirty will come in. Like I said, I am not saying go full out hockey and take the helmets off and scrap. But maybe give them a little more freedom to defend themselves and their teammates. And if they do initiate the tussle, give them a 10 yard penalty or something, just like you would get an instigator penalty in Hockey. Thoughts about this?
  15. Lol well said Sean McDonagh! (On the bad officiating)
  16. I just don't understand why they feel the need to over officiate games
  17. Small market, bad team, and not exciting to watch. Here are a few examples. Would you want to watch a team like Tampa Bay or a team like Jacksonville on Monday night?
  18. Lol I agree, awful all around. What scares me is drafting a QB early, then have Rico trying to develop him. Rico has to go in the off season. No way I would trust him with a young QB
  19. Ya Its true. The only difference was shazier was at least moving his upper body. I don't Everett moved at all.
  20. Hmm interesting. That can't be good news. Thanks for the update
  21. From what I heard it was a QB draw/fade option. Don't even know why a fade route was an option on that play
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