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Everything posted by KGun12TD

  1. Yet when it counted most...he throws an INT? Yeah, this GUY is great...no slouch!
  2. Do you work for OBD? Yay, for us fans that are keeping it together! "You can fool some people sometimes But you can't fool all the people all the time" - Bob Marley OBD - your time is running out...
  3. You think this is bad...try the JETS forum. I live in NYC and have to deal with those morons.
  4. I love EXCITING football! Hmmm, please give me some more exciting football! Gosh, I don't know what I will do with myself right now...we are so exciting! That Chan Gailey, he is such an exciting coach! He's got our beloved Bills as exciting as ever! Let's see all the "FIRST season with new team" coaches: Jeff Fisher - ONE season so far is 5-6-1 (with a freakin competitive team) now that's EXCITING! Joe Philbin is 5-7 - Barely any talent on the Dolphins Bruce Arians/Pagano - 8-4 (they were supposed to be a rebuilding team) and for good measure: SAINTS - No Coach is 5-7 Seattle - 7-5 and 2nd year coach still better and EXCITING! I AM SO EXCITED about Chan...(insert SARCASM) BINGO! = right back at ya bro...I think people are just missing the point...
  5. So, you're saying going from complete crap to mediocre in three season is where we need to go or should be happy with? While what you presented here is good and all - THE BILLS are still at the bottom of the NFL after 13 seasons. It took Chan/Fitz/Wanny three years to make us mediocre! GREAT! STATS! Really? Stats? NOT WINS? Stats? Really? This is a great reason for me to continue to spend my money to see them play? Fitz doesn't have a lot of what Luck has ---- WINS! That's what matters most. PLEASE see Chan's winning percent in three seasons. PLEASE! Garbage is what this is!
  6. Todd McShay and his moron friend Kiper are the worst prognosticators of NFL talent EVER! How they continue to be "GURUS" of anything football is beyond me. They get the first two picks right and that's about it!
  7. If **** had wings...it'd fly! I hate these stupid posts...If, if, if, if, if!!! They didn't! They suck for it. What will they do now is a worthy thought!
  8. Yeah! Chan will get him and never start him...he is married to Shitz! Until Chan, Buddy, Wanny and a whole bunch of morons at OBD are gone...nothing will change!
  9. I don't know where Jarvis Jones is going to drop, BUT, Please get this guy on our roster next year. About the QBs...If we can't get a top two then we should wait and pick either Aaron Murray or Tyler Wilson! That would make me very happy!
  10. Are the fans the only ones that is seeing what a mess this Organization is?

  11. Hopeless! House cleaning is the only way anything good will come from this....Chan, Nix, Wanny, Ralph, Russ, and God know who else! Clueless, ABSOLUTELY clueless!
  12. Dude you are sooooo right on the money! They all sucked/Suck!!! Puhleezzzzz
  13. I really feel bad for Dareus. He is a great guy and a very talented player. I think he gets a pass for this season. I'm looking forward to seeing him for years to come.
  14. Please not another coach that falls short every season...he has a high winning percentage but never wins when it matters. Vick Sucks!!! Nothing good will happen to this team until new ownership is in place. I will be patient as always and hope for the best...sigh!!!
  15. At this point, I want to keep CG and DW as coaches...this way we're guaranteed the 1st PICK! Wooooo Hoooo!!!
  16. The Entire Coaching staff is CLUELESS! The QB is a mess...Gailey said if you sit a QB that makes a mistake or two then there won't be any starters in the league...what a crock of crap! Fitz makes more than one or two mistakes. He is NOT a decent QB at best. OMG! I can't take this garbage that is on the field any longer! I love the Bills with all my heart, but this is beyond garbage they're putting out! I've lived all my life in NYC and have put up with a lot of crap from my friends, but this is the lowest of all... Go Bills!
  17. Rivers is a really good QB. He's on a poorly coached team. How Norv Turner is a HC in the NFL is beyond me. I would take Rivers in a heartbeat.
  18. This keeps getting worst everyday! Now the 3rd string RB is the one to call out this team? Geeez!!! Its AMAZING that these guys all get paid to do this for a living. Un-Effin-belivable! I love this team and have endured the good and the bad - BUT - this has got to be the worst I've experienced as a fan. I still love the BILLS and will always love the Bills but I truly can't stand to watch Gailey and the Wanstedt coach this team any longer! The hype coming into the season was too much - maybe! I bought into it and now I guess I'll have to deal with it! This is a pretty bad Bills team! Period.
  19. Herm is an IDIOT! I always mute the volume when he's talking. This guy is the moron who made it...ESPN always seem to hire morons for he most part.
  20. How about turnovers? DO lead the league in that too? How about stressed-out fans? We must lead the league in that!
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