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Everything posted by Corp000085

  1. Empire is simply dying a very very slow death. WNSA died quicker, but empire is just taking longer to die. its very sad. ESN used to be complete must see tv from about 2pm till midnight from the months of september-june. (hockey and football season)
  2. I really do. This is the circle of life right here. I'm in tune with nature, the way of life, and my guitar, which i just put down to post. Now, back to the circle of life... If we could all go back in time to the monday night after the jax game last year. the sentiment here is the circle of life. 2-0, 0-2, it doesn't matter. its a great read. Ok, back to attempting to play some dead on the guitar.
  3. use OE. You could mess with the registry codes to see if you can extrapolate what their smtp server might be.
  4. This is great! we still have bandwagon fans!! Its not even 1994 anymore either.
  5. john elway against the packers. before that game, he was a chump with numbers on the back end of his career... just like bledsoe. someone has to be optimistic still, and its me.
  6. Is JP worth a top 10 pick? Ask that question after next season.
  7. i really hope you're right. It could also be yet another loss in a terrible season. But, i hope you're right about beating the pats.
  8. I remember that play attempted like 3 years ago. moorman completed the pass to moulds who scored a TD, but it was called back on some stupid penalty.
  9. Man down! Man down! Yeah its terrible to cheer an injury, but it couldn't have happened to a better citizen. Kellen Winslow Jr, the soldier, found out what nfl war was about by breaking his leg. Irony factor here is that the nfl found out what real was is because it was pat tillman day. I'm sure Senior is proud of his son's war comments, holdout, and the general way he's handled himself. Speedy recovery son... here's to hoping your better by dec. 12th, so TKO can TKO you over the middle.
  10. Is it dan henning, or killdrive, or whoever that guy was for the first year of GW? I think i counted 3 million play action pass attempts. You can't run PA pass attempts with a broken offensive line and no blocking/pass dropping RBs. Tools. Throw it to moulds, he'll score. At least we have 2 weeks to stew over this before the pats come to town.
  11. and for as bad as RJ really was, he was accurate as hell, and never really threw interceptions. Now, RJ was terrible, but when he had time, he was accurate.
  12. yeah. a sustained drive, thanks to charles woodson. bledsoe seems ok and its nice to see lindell hit a clutch distance kick.
  13. my attempt to have people post here to consolidate the game discussion for those of us not in the chatroom.
  14. bonus: titans get screwed on an obvious replay blunder at home.
  15. by the sounds of it, based on the amp you described and how the car died on you, its the battery. Cars will either not start or will die suddenly, usually after the RPM's go down to idle, if its the battery. If the alternator fails, the car will slowly die on you. The lights will dim and eventually it will die alltogether. My wife has had good luck with the wal mart battery we got. They install it for free and its guarenteed. $60 i think... better your battery than your alternator though. Might want to look at the circuitry of how that amp is hooked up. I'm not an electrician, but i do know you can get stuff so it won't drain the battery.
  16. apparently neither could the refs. i'm still horribly bitter
  17. ramius is right. if its just you and her, three things apply. first, you should kick her ass. second, you both should be drunk and loose. third, who cares if you lose. the end result will be the same.
  18. In general, i thought the espn top 25 was a complete ripoff. Every show had like 10 to 15 that didn't even belong there. The espn 25 headlines was a good series though. But yeah, no goal is definitely top 5 in my book. They didn't show when leclair scored through the side of the net. that should be #1 since it was a complete blunder and it was caught on tv. But, since that game was covered on espn, and they are in bed with the nhl, both espn and the nhl hid under the blanket on that one. That phantom goal was worse than no goal, worse than the homerun throwback, and worse than that phantom pass intereference against the pats like 8 years ago in my book.
  19. unless mcgahee rips off a few meaningless yards at the end of the game. then we'll rip henry and the coaching staff.
  20. Why is this just a blank thread? i don't understand... i don't have anyone ignored. Even the dumb posters give me something to read.
  21. 51-3. I wish radio shack would make a commercial where howie long is dreaming about that... First he dreams about the terrible 51-3 loss in the AFC championship. then he's awaken by his cell phone. its terry bradshaw telling him it was just a terrible dream... then he goes to sleep. then jim kelly comes in his bedroom, takes his cell phone, drops back to pass, and throws it straight up howie's a$$
  22. shut your eyes and take a deep breath... trust me!
  23. ok, you made me laugh... now its time to read the next thread! BTW rico, i like that avatar of johnny fairplay better than the other one.
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