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Everything posted by lawnboy1977

  1. 8 team leagues have the chance to be stacked no matter who you pick because there is a much better chance you will have better players with less teams.
  2. Right because some of the conservative type posts on this board have been sooooo intelligent.
  3. as much as I agree, I dont think him joining a fat camp is going to help defeat the right wing.
  4. I think before we do that we enroll members of congress and their families in the military, any branch who gives a crap. Actually, Moore should call up that guy from clebrity fit club, he is notorious for getting celebrities in shape.
  5. I'm not sure if this is toughness or stupidity. The guy basically has a hip that he can barely move even with the help of painkiller injections, but he wants to play the whole season anyway! My god, I admire the guys commitment to the team, but I don't think anyone would blame him if he took the season off. Birk wants to play for a price
  6. Yea it was "his team" accroding to his press conference the day after the season ended last year. Shame he couldn't lead the team of carry it on his back like the great Qb he thinks he is.
  7. Lots of great players went to the senior committee, 2 of them go in this year. George Allen was voted in by the senior committee.
  8. Well he's right, you can't fault him for wanting a new contract. Its exactly like anybody anywhere asking for a raise in their job after they busted their ass and exceeded expectatations. The only problem with T.O. is the way he is handling it by bad mouthing his teammates. If Willis does have a 1500 yard 20 Td year, he damn well better get a new contract. he better get a new contract that makes him the highest paid Bill in history!!
  9. This whole discussion just leads to the fact that it really doesnt matter where we buy our gas, but we buy too much of it as it is. I'm not sure what the numbers are but Americans are more dependant on oil than any other nation in the world by an astonishing amount! I thought this site was amusing if not disturdbing at the same time. Most people on here probably hate the type of stuff on this site but the "Detroit Project" is an interesting premise. Detroit Project
  10. I dont see how snopes info is any different from that on the DOE website. Anyway, that original post is so dumb and we have all seen it before. Its just like the ones about not buying gas for a day, like thats going to change anything!
  11. That is one of the greatest websites ever! I use that constantly to discredit people. haha
  12. That was a good episode. That was the onbe where Tony's teeth fall out in his dream right?
  13. Announcers technically dont go into the Hall fo Fame but there is that award they give out every year that Madden won, Van Miller won and Don Crique won as well. As far as madden the coach, he has one of the highest winning percentages of any coach in the past 30 years, maybe in history. He coached for exactly 10 years and won over 100 games. During that time the Raiders were always one of the best teams in the NFL. I'd say hes a good candidate for the Hall.
  14. Its certainly not about him starting the first game, thats why i didnt think that issue of him not starting was just that a non issue. I simply thought what he said was funny. That his team is trying to "win now"!!
  15. used to be about 50/50 maybe a little but 60/40 in favor of the Sabres. Its now about 70/30 or 80/20 in favor of the Bills!
  16. The news to me isn't a big deal, its what Alex Smith actually said that is hilarious. "I know how this works," said Smith, the top overall pick in this year's draft. "This is a team game. This isn't all about me. I think the team wants to win now. We expect to win now, and as of right now, this looks like the right decision." He does realize he was the number 1 draft pick for the worst team in football doesn't he? Rattay gets the Nod
  17. Keyshawn is a possesion receiver, never has been a big play guy like TO, MOSS, Harrison or Moulds. But for him to say Drew never had a receiver like him is stupid. Terry Glenn, now Johnson's teammate should smack him around for that!!
  18. He's actually originally from NYC but he happened to set up shop in Buffalo for a few years.
  19. Is this based on a percentage or and overall number?
  20. I see they managed to take a picture during the five minutes in a day when shes not trashed!!
  21. Pat Robertson represents everything wrong with the religious foundation in the world, hypocrisy!! Does God want us to do assassinations or is that just Pat Robertson's ass talking?
  22. There's a lot of times I'm not sure I know where I stand with Sullivan, he says somethings that dont make much sense once once in a while, but he does speak his mind thats for sure give him credit for that. This article on the defense is interesting because he makes a point about the Bills not playing any high quality opponents at least offensively inferior opponents. The thing is though if you look around the league and teams that we played last year and teams that we will play this year who is high quality that we'll play? He mentions that the Bills shouldn't have to apologize for their schedule, that's true, but seriously what team does have tough competition all round? yes we play NE and NYJ twice each year. But the rest of the schedule, AFC south? Miami? Houston, Cincy, Denver? None of those teams have hugh number producing QBs or offenses all roung really, with the exeption of maybe ATL and possibly New Orleans. Look, New England has the same schedule as us for the most part cept for 2 games, and the fact they don't have to play themselves. I think the schedules in the NFl today are designed to constantly rotating and as even as possible so nobody can be faulted for that. Any thoughts? I'm just rambling.
  23. Well forget about now boys, might as well pack in the season!
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