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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Posts posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. I hate to say this, but it appears as if Bush is going to lose.  :D  :huh:  :D  :D


    People don't turn out to vote for the incumbant. I hope and pray I'm wrong... :D



    Tell that to those who voted Reagan in 84. In record numbers.


    Settle down. It was an unweighted exit poll, nothing more, nothing less.

  2. Its funny that supporters of the party of "family Values" and Christian Ideals are the ones who are most often spewing this hateful, stereotypical, borderline racist drivel. I am a near 6 figure executive DEMOCRAT and voted today. No bus ride for me.

    I have more respect for a "welfare warrior" who votes to try to improve their own life rather that some Radio Patriot who hears Lee Greenwood sing "I'm a real American", runs out of the house in his American Flag tee shirt and votes for Bush because he doesn't want to be accused of not supporting the troops </RANT OFF>



    OK, well he should have said they got all their dutiful little criminals out to take down the names of Dead Democrats. :D

  3. HUGE lines here in PA as well. I voted at 7:10 AM and waited an hour to cast the ballot. This is in a Philly suburb. Several people (who aren't just using it as an excuse to miss work), have been in line for several hours in Philly precincts.


    It's a beautiful day here, driving up turnout in Philly.


    I'm sure Spector will win though I didn't vote for him. And I think Kerry will win PA, although I didn't vote for him either.




    I'm not so sure about Kerry. It's been close for a long time, and Bush took the lead in a few polls late. He definitely had momentum here in the Lehigh Valley. I am still predicting that despite fraud in Philly, Bush will win Pennsylvania.

  4. We have to do our part to make sure countries are eliminating terrorism, and that does involve war and invading them at times.  I don't think this is even close to all of what we need to do, and I think Kerry realizes this better then Bush does.




    So that would be why he spoke out AGAINST invading Afghanistan?


    Uh-huh. Well kid, nice to see you've been duped.

  5. 15 years here and i have never seen them even lined up out the door, much less all the way out to the street. 


    it can only mean one thing...


    see ya george.  don't let the door hit ya' where the good lord split ya'!




    Good luck with that prediciton. Bush wins in PA.

  6. One of the reasons for growth under Clinton had to be the gridlock. The Republicans have grown the govt at unprecedented levels, even if you take homeland security out of the numbers (the article removing the homeland security numbers is at CATO). It's really shocking what the Republicans are truly up to.


    How can any person who wants smaller government still vote for Republicans?




    Because an all-democrat government gave us Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, Welfare and numerous other HUGE government wasters.


    That's why. It's the lesser of two evils.

  7. The right to vote is the greatest gift mankind ever gave itself.


    Think about it....for the 8000 or so years of recorded history prior to the US, the average guy couldn't have ANY say in who oppressed him.


    Now we get to choose our oppressors! It's progress!!


  8. And when one heaves a big sigh over potential election litigation, one has to remember who opened the election litigation Pandora's box in 2000.  It may not be pleasant, but it's a fact - it's amazing how many people either don't understand that or have conveniently forgotten.



    Uh yeah, GORE did.


    After all, he LOST the first count in Florida. I will never forget that.

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