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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Posts posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. Your Nixon comparison is so right on. Let them flame away. This isn't about Kerry, and it never was. It was about Bush and his failures... I'll never, ever see the events of the past four years in anything but a negative light. He scared 51%, and it worked. Whoopty doo. Nixon lives again... the man who could not admit mistakes.




    And all Nixon did was open China, bring the Soviets back tot he table and work tirelessly to get us out of Vietnam.




    You, sir, are a maroon.

  2. When you send this country into a REAL war when you piss off the wrong country with your far right masquerading as a center-right, then I won't cry for you. Seeds were sewn that will just grow into some nasty things down the road; don't be surprised.


    When you overturn Roe vs. Wade and force women to either go to Canada for operations or to use coat hangers or to abandon their newborns all over or use illegal day after pills, don't be surprised.


    When you make issues such as gay marriage the forefront of a crusade instead of protecting people's jobs and this momentum is shattered, don't be suprised.


    When you are forced to implant a chip in your body, or to have your house searched unnecessarily, or when a family member dies in the next big terror attack because you believed your far-right buddies that you were safe, don't be surprised.


    You get what you pay for, and in this case, you get what you elect.


    Too bad it's real life, otherwise it would seem like fiction.




  3. You have to be joking right? Your the one who sounds bitter to me pal. I played football right thru college and your going to bring up Kelly with politics?? I love the guy but he has no brain! Like the "Who" says: "pray we don't get fooled again" You got fooled sucker!  :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:




    I love it. I absolutely love it.

  4. I think you read too much in the raw numbers, as the population has grown significantly in the last twenty years.  The big thing for Bush is he won the popular vote by a majority.  Nonetheless, he probably does not significantly increase the number of red states, as it looks like he only has a net gain of one state, assuming Iowa remains in his pocket.




    And New MExico

  5. That's funny because I heard Bill Clinton called Bush and told him the same thing.


    Congrats Republicans....I hope to god this works out for you.


    Interesting that the main reason people voted for him were "Moral Values".


    Aren't we talking about a former drunk who took over a country just because he "thought" they had weapons of mass destruction???


    One positive to come out of this is that Cali is going to begin Stem Cell research with their own funding.


    At least one state is using common sense.....



    Oh so bitter.


    Too bad liberalism is dying, huh?

  6. This is great news indeed.  Do you feel that we will now be able to bring down the hammer to a greater extent in Iraq now that the political ramifications of any move made have been removed from the equation?




    This is what I'm hoping for. The Iron fist in Iraq. Show the "insurgents" what the price of killing Americans is.

  7. I think so. And I also think it's only going to get worse.

    The vehemence of the "anybody but Bush" campaign has convinced me that the vast majority of these people will never be able to respect or support him and the arrogance of the current administration has convinced me that they could care less about trying to create an atmosphere that respects the views of those who see the world differently.

    It's a recipe for disaster and I think it's only going to get worse. The next 4 years has the potential to make the GOP's disgusting treatment of the Clinton administration look like child's play, and that's bad for all of us.




    PROBLEM: The congress is Republican too.

  8. (BTW, I think the Democrats are really rudderless now- this was their Take back America election and they got whupped. They don't have, at the moment, one candidate they could say is the future of the party.)




    Exactly, this is why I'm so ebullient today. The Democrats have finally...>FINALLY< in my lifetime fallen to pieces. It's gonna be sweet to see that Joe Lockhart look like he ate a turd.

  9. Does this also hold true for the war on the Constitution, the war on the middle class, the war on homosexuals, the war on women, the war on non-Christians, the war for corporations and the war on anybody who isn't a wealthy, white, hetrosexual male?-)

    Sorry B, but I feel this country has gotten progressively dumber and meaner over the last four years thanks in no small part to the "leadership" of the administration. I can't imagine what these self-righteous, spoiled-rotten chickenhawks will attempt next without the spectre of re-election hovering over them.





    Wow, you're not too bitter now are you?


    Better a leader like you described than a panty-waisted, treasonous, flip-flopping, gay-lover who would no doubt have raised middle class taxes despite his "promise" not to do so.


    See, it can cut both ways the bitterness. So much nicer to be civil, don't you think?

  10. Unless something really unforeseen happens or reveals itself, and I doubt it, it looks like he won fair and square and deserved to win. Rove did it again, and the kids disappointed again. The election certainly came almost exactly as expected. The GOP was better at getting out their people and the 100,000 extra in Ohio, always the state, did it for them. They're great at it and should be congratulated for winning the election. Kerry blew it, IMO, just by being an opportunist when he didn't need to be, and made a few mistakes in the campaign. The country is still divided down the middle, good luck to GW for the next four years. And congrats to all you Bush people for winning this one.



    I raise a shot of Crown Royal to you, Kelly. Excellent post.

  11. Considering the deficit is now at a trillion dollars, air quality and environmental protection are mere nuisances, the federal government has grown by a third, and we're engaged in a "war" that has claimed over 11000 American soldiers, it's not wishful thinking.






    The Democrats were ROUTED last night.


    Absolutely crushed. They will, by the end of this mess, have not only lost the presidency but 5+ Senate seats and MANY MANY seats in the House.

  12. In any case,  the Democrats certainly do come out of this looking like gigantic hypocrites if they sue.  They've been screaming about the popular vote for four years.  Well,  the one thing we are sure of is that Bush clearly won the popular vote last night by a much larger margin than Gore did in 2000.




    That's never stopped the DNC before.

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