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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Posts posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. When did this fact become the fault of the government.  The government didn't give me my stocks. I bought them myself.  With my own money. The money I earned after  working three jobs to get through college so I could have a good, solid source of employment and income so I could take personal accountability for my life.


    Tell me why again you bring this point up?




  2. The whole POINT of freedom of speech is to allow UNPOPULAR SPEECH. Read that again for effect.



    So how come it's not OK for a white person to call a black a ni**er?


    Oh, OK. Freedom of speech is only allowed when it doesn't hurt feelings.


    This is my problem with your statement.

  3. No but I will say I think it is funny how so many companies are now moving buisness to TexASS.  Univeral Compression, Citgo and on and on and on.  where is GW from?  hummmmm....


    and Houston no less.....

    BTW...come on admit it, you agree with the dropping a couple on Bagdad would have ended the issue don't you  :unsure:




    I think we should turn the whole place into a parking lot sometimes, but NO, I don't think it would have solved it. What needs to happen is that the ME needs to be made into a safer place. Talking and sanctions will never accomplish that. And I DO NOT buy that Arabs are incapable of democratic self-rule.

  4. You lost your job? Cool. Did they shut down the doors and move?  No. Again I think it's funny NO ONE will answer the question. How is it we have BILLIONS to go attack a country and NOTHING to fix the economy?


    I would guess because you don't have one. Just keep pumping money into fighting something you can't win.



    No, actually they didn't. I worked for EDS, who had a contract with the PPL corporation. PPL came to EDS and said, hey, we'd like to rebid the work that you are already contracted to do. Rather than saying no, they said OK.


    They lost the re-bid, and I lost my job.


    So, tell me, genius. Was that the President's fault? HELL NO!

  5. I see, so how did we stop the Gemans?  Blew them ALL to hell. Men, women and children.  How about Japan?  Nuked ALL of them to hell.  So our "Surgical" strikes are going really carry an effect right?


    I see, well I have to say if I were them....I would be laughing my ass off at us being too "PC' to do what needs to be done. A couple of nicely placed bombs on Bagdad I think would have sent a very clear message not to !@#$ with the US again.  how much are those bombs these days....Billions?  :unsure:


    It strikes me funny...how long did the FBI Etal have report after report after report saying 911 was forming?  and we ignored the reports. "Nah not here, they don't have the balls to attack America".  Uh huh..... :D


    So had we followed the intelligance we already had 911 wouldn't have happened.  Did that cost Billions?  I don't think so.

    Either way it's all moot point. The extreme Right can sleep well (Unless you WORK for a living) because GW is back for 4 more.


    I don't like him, I don't like what he is doing but if he calls for me to take up a rifle again and stand a post....I will. For better or WORSE he IS our Commander and Chief.




    You know what? I lost my job 8 months ago. Did I sit around and b!tch and moan about the president? NO! I took responsibility and FOUND MYSELF A NEW JOB.


    Was it the President's fault I lost my job? NO....it was the incompetence of my company's management for losing business that was contractually obligated for the near future.


    See, that's the difference between people that know what they are talking about and those who don't. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

  6. I mean Billions and Billions being spent to stop something that can't be.  When that multi Billion dollar (Maybe a trillion by then since GW says 'I will spend whatever money it takes') Tab comes in....who is gonna pay for it?


    BTW....where IS all of this money coming from with our economy being so bad? hummmm......




    AGAIN...your proposal of sealing off the borders is going to be VASTLY more expensive and far less effective than blowing them up before they blow us up.

  7. Please stop. Now you are just getting stupid. I have SEVERAL Friends in the military over there right now. and YES I was there in the last one. They didn't want us then, they don't want us now.


    Yeah DC it can be done by ANYONE. now lets see the guy that is BACK in office "Get er' done"


    Lastly Paco...JOBS.  MORE JOBS, less unemployment. That is a damn good start.



    Earth to ICE...NO president created jobs. BUSINESSES create jobs, so by creating a business friendly environment, you create MORE JOBS.

  8. My whole position is this....Fix thy own house first.  The US Economy is bad. And if anyone thinks it is going to get any better after plunging BILLIONS into trying to stop something that can't be stopped....that is wishful thinking.


    I have no problem DEFENDING Against terrorism. But China, Russia, the Mid east THEY need to step up as well. The time has come for the US to stop funding all of this.




    Yes, because DEFENDING against terrorism is going to be cheap and effective.


    You, sir, are a geopolitical maroon. In order to keep the muslims from killing US HERE, we have to annihilate THEM THERE.

  9. There is no technical definition of "mandate" in a political sense.  No politician who was elected ever acknowledged that the margin was so small that his victory was in spite of his policies.  There is general agreement that the country is sharply and fairly evenly divided.  One can't take the position that the nation is divided and that the people meant to give the President a blanket endorsement for his every policy initiative at the same time.  If he received a broad endorsement ie, a "mandate", from the people, we would not be talking about how divided we are and that is just about what everyone is talking about.  If the winner took 60% of the vote, we would be talking about how unified the electorate was behind the winner and the broad mandate he had won. 


    If you have to argue that you have won a mandate, you haven't.  By their nature, they are obvious.




    I'd say 55 seat majority in the Senate is indicative of a mandate.

  10. Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John Kennedy, and Lyndon Johnson were all strong on defense. "Something happened on the way to that place..."




    Exactly. I'd have likely voted FOR Truman, but against Kennedy and Roosevelt and Johnson, though. The latter three were simply TOO big of spenders.

  11. One thing that slightly puzzles me about this election is the way that some people had to queue for hours before getting to vote. Why is this the case? Is it that lots of people were trying to vote at the same time instead of there being a reasonable spread of numbers throughout the voting period or is it just that there was inadequate capacity for such a turnout? Surely there should be enough places to vote that people should be able to make their vote in a reasonable amount of time whatever the turnout. Having to wait hours before being able to cast your vote seems unreasonable to me.



    It's likely because of spikes of voting before work, over the lunch break and after work.

  12. Many, many months ago, I made this observation:

    Just curious what everyone thinks...


    1) Did I have the nature of the campaign (boxing monkeys) pegged well or not?

    2) Did I have the key to victory (shut up and let the other guy lose) pegged well or not?



    No to 1, yes to 2.

  13. That 42% of eligibles don't vote may be salutory.


    ...considering that an alarmingly large number of Americans can't even name one of their Senators, much less any State or local folks, and untold numbers with a year's notice can't figure out how to register to vote, where to go to vote and then take offense at having to take 1 hour out of one day out of one year to actually accomplish the deed and them blame anyone and anything for their own failure. ;)




    Exactly, I'd rather not have idiots vote.



  14. Maybe you should stop gloating for a minute, put down the pom-poms and kool aid, look at your own personal economic situation and decide whether or not the candiate of your registered party was the right man for the job.



    I am no worse for the wear financially. I'm employed and prosperous despite a previous layoff.


    I took action and responsibility for myself, rather than blaming the presient.


    And The candidate of my registered party was named Badnarik.

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