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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Posts posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. I'm disgusted we have to send anyone, frankly.


    But...setting emotion aside, and recognizing the practical matter of representation at the funeral demonstrating a level of recognition of the PA that could help foster peace in the region...Armitage would be a reasonable choice.  Dan Kurtzer (US Ambassador to Israel) would send an interesting message to both Israel and the PA.  And sending John Danforth would be entertaining for the confusion it would cause.  :doh:


    My preference emotionally, though, would be to send General Michael W. Hagee...because Arafat deserves to be escorted to Hell by a Marine...




    Why not send John Kerry? We have no use for HIM here.

  2. Without the use of Fat Man and Little Boy.




    Of course, a mushroom cloud or two would be quite beneficial in the struggle to right their worldview, but I'm afraid that option is far too "insensitive".

  3. Article.



    They sure sound like standup guys, but I think this line says it all:


    "But unlike Arafat, or imprisoned Fatah leader Marwan Barghouthi, they have no credentials in the armed struggle against Israel and they lack popularity in the Palestinian street."


    And this is from the Christian Science Monitor, so you know it's not right-biased.


    What is it they're saying? Unless a potential leader has engaged in terrorism and mass murder, he won't be popular among the average Palestinian Arab?




  4. Why did the Japanese in 1945 consider it an honor to dive a zero into an aircraft carrier? How many do you think would be willing to do that now? Times and attitudes can be changed. It just doesn't happen quickly.




    Good point. I hope their society proves as flexible and adaptable as the Japanese.

  5. Among other reasons, a lot of them are sort of lying low for now because they don't like getting their heads cut off. We need to root out and kill the real enemy. And I mean kill, because there is no other way.




    Yes, well if you kill them, then won't you inflame the "Arab Street"?


    What I want to know is WHY are these people so predisposed to wanting to blow themselves up? It's unnatural.

  6. Because in your narrow minded pea brain...you seem to think every Muslim on earth is a terrorist...my grandmother used to think that our family members that lived in northern ireland were terrorist....she was wrong




    No, I don't think they're ALL terrorists, but I think MOST of them support terrorists.


    Their entire culture is complicit in creating terrorism.


    Notice, the IRish have abandoned terrorism. Think the Arabs ever will? Doubt it.

  7. Man, JSP, Saddam must have been your hero, look at all those millions of stinking terrorists and Arabs he killed (aren't 75-80% of Iraqis Arabs?). So why again are we liberating these terrible people?




    I don't know, to be honest. I thought, before this conflict began, that Arabs would love the opportunity to be freed of an oppressor and to have a chance to build a free nation.


    I have serious doubts about that belief now.


    There's still hope for the future of course, but it's gonna take some serious work on their behalf to prove their willingess and worth in the fight for freedom.

  8. But by no means does that mean western culture "embraces" religious fanaticism or racism.  And neither does theirs.




    You're right, because western culture has CHRISTIAN roots, and christianity is far different from Islam. Christianity does not espouse violence as a means to an end whereas Islam does.


    And oh, yeah, we've had what? 3 bombings of abortion clinics in 20 years?


    How many Arabs detonate themselves every fricking day?

  9. While my comments may have offended some here, I stand by them. Why? To me it seems Arabs have little or no regard for any non-Arab. Even their fellow Muslims, the Persians, are held in low esteem.


    Will someone please tell me why I should be pleasant toward a culture that embraces terrorism and is blatantly racist in and of itself? And don't gve me the "we need to be better than that" answer. Give me a real reason why I should respect Arabs and the Arab culture.

  10. And what does the "One less Arab" part mean - that the world is a better place when an Arab, any Arab dies? Would you think the world would be a better place if Allawi were to drop dead? Last time I checked he was an Arab too.




    Of course not, but to his fellow Arabs, is Allawi REALLY an Arab?


    I think not. I think they see him as something LESS because he stands for freedom.

  11. My biggest problem is the continued repeating of the same ridiculous and stupid arguments from people who couldn't find ANWR on a map if they cut Alaska in half for them.


    ANWR is one of the most desolate places on this planet.  There are few people who could survive the environment there during the time the drilling and building can take place.  The fact that NONE of those opposed (including that POS Tom Daschle) would take up the offer extended by our Congressional delegation to visit during the winter tells me all I need to know about the situation.  Plus, I've been there (my former company had a contract to provide water and sewage to the native village of Kaktovik).


    I don't know why anyone would be against tapping American resources using our much improved technology and oversight.  We are talking about putting a platform the size of a moderate Airport in an area about the same size as SOUTH CAROLINA (over 19,000,000 acres).  It will create between 500,000-750,000 jobs downstream and be worth BILLIONS to our economy.


    The Caribou population of Prudhoe is currently FIVE times the size it was before drilling commenced - a whole 80 miles to the west.



    But...but....the environment!!!


    Those poor caribou!


    The oil there would only last us three months!!!


    What would Greenepace do!?!?!

  12. I blame most of it on the radicals in the party, since they are the ones who are the most vocal. The moderates need to become more vocal, and show that they are the direction of the party, not the radicals. The same goes for the Republicans. They need to have the moderates become more vocal, or they will suffer the same fate as the Dems.




    I'm hoping that DOESN'T happen so that my fellow Americans will wake up and vote Libertarian.


    That would be the best possible outcome, IMO.


    The end of big government.



    Thank God cowards such as yourself weren't around during WW2 or you'd have surrendered during Iwo Jima or the battle of the Bulge.


    Wow...you are so far off the deep end.....I served 20 years iin the USN..i was part of the Gulf War I..and I'm a coward???? I was simply stating that eventhough we are attacking Fallujah....the terrorism will not stop..acts of terrorism will continue in the region...re-read the post will you....and how have you served your country??....you are a true hypocrite calling me a coward.....when you sleep all comfy at night..I was on watch protecting your freedoms....you ungrateful idiot



    Moron. I served in the US Army.

  14. Great post.  Despite my own recent Donahoe-bashing (or at least, Donahoe-questioning), it's pretty remarkable how he managed to shore up our D Line and Secondary through free agency and lower-round draft picks, thereby addressing the needs that the pundits said far outweighed the Willis pick.  Hey -- we've been a top-5 defense for both of the years since those pundits had their say.


    And for Willis?  The recent Gayle Sayers reference in one of the articles on TBD gave me chills.




    Time to ditch that av, don'tcha think? *snickers*

  15. [C.M. Burns] Eggcellent...60 seats, the House, the Court, and the President.  Finally, the Republicans will finally rid themselves of the shameful shackles of checks-and-balances, equal protection, and separation of church and state, so that they may pursue an agenda of radical social conservatism....mwaaha mwaahahahaha. [/C. M. Burns]




    By the way, it's Montgomery C Burns :)

  16. Just my prediction, but what I see happening is the Republicans getting their near or full fillibuster-proof senate by mid-terms or 2008. As a result, you will see even more staunch right legislation being pushed through. Bad.


    The Dems will practically implode, and a third party will become more prominent as a result. The Dems are losing control, and until they get their stevestojan together, they will continue their downward spiral. Bad.


    The Republicans will screw up, and push stuff too far to the right. This will shift the voters away from the Republican Party, but since the Dems still have not caught on, those voters will be looking at the alternatives outside of the "big two."


    It will take a little while, but things will start to level out. I hope by then we will have more than two parties with major support.




    This would be the ideal situation. Perhaps the lefties could come to their senses and abandon big-government entitlement mentalities for a more classical liberal approach---an anti-Federalist libertarian approach.


    That's what liberalism's supposed to be, IMO.


    Now an interesting question arises: What would happen if the unprecedented happened? What if the Republicans gained the filibuster-proof majoritey, controlled the house and the White house AND the courts?


    How could anyone legitimately challenge their authority?

  17. The violence and terror will continue even if we steam roll through Fallujah......its something we cannot stop in my opinion....Its great that Allawi say the strikes will continue, but I think he will be losing close family members...its not even sad anymore..its pityful






    Thank God cowards such as yourself weren't around during WW2 or you'd have surrendered during Iwo Jima or the battle of the Bulge.

  18. I wouldn't get to ahead of yourself. Lincoln Chafee has already made rumblings about switching parties if Bush and the other senators are 'too conservative'. Olympia Snowe and a couple of the other Republican loonies might join him. Just because they have an 'R' next to their name might not mean a whole lot in trying to get the 60 seat supermajority.




    I agree, lincoln chafee is a democrat in republican's clothing.


    However....if more southern democratic senate seats are up for grabs in 06, they could easily switch over to the Republican side of the aisle.

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