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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Posts posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. yeah no sh--. Egg all over our faces just like 3 years ago. What a screwup. Even if we do land Butch Davis, who is a good college coach, it is just the principle that ND swung and whiffed AGAIN. Embarrassing.... :devil:



    Sorry man, but ND is a joke. They ceased being a viable football school sometime in the 80s.

  2. I think one can support their right to govern their own church on the one hand and disagree with their decisions on the other.  Freedom of Religion does not come with immunity from criticism.



    Yes, but the radical gay-loving left should not have the right to force a denomination to accept a lesbian as a minister.

  3. You're crazy. The Eagles aren't that good? 4 losses in the AFC?? Give me a break. The Patriots are not that good?? 10-1...spank everyone except PITT!!


    Who the hell IS good then? And I mean besides your hard-on for Peyton and the Colts. Are they the only really good team in the NFL??


    If the Steelers, Eagles and Pats aren't that good (3 best records in the league) then the rest of the teams in the NFL blow a huge dick.



    I'll agree with the Eagles assessment. If we had played their schedule rather than oure, even we would be no worse than 9-2 right now.


    However, the Steelers and Pats are good teams.

  4. they are also developing a radio frequency passport that will allow persons to be identified from a distance.


    Boeing has been developing unmanned robotic aircraft for military purposes for the last 5 or so years.


    When a group of government officials has all these weapons at their disposal, and no need for any human intervention besides those who are willing to watch the display screens we as a race are in deep trouble. Too much power in the hands of too few.


    I have to admit I am horrified with the direction of our society in what appears to be our future.




    Why? Would you rather send men into combat or machines?


    I'd rather send machines to fight our enemy's men. Let them bleed. We can always build more machines.

  5. Losman has an upside. Bledsoe has none.



    No truer words were ever written.


    Mark, Jay, 89, Jack and a few others including myself had a chance to see Losman play in a closed workout at RWS before he got hurt. This kid was impressive in just that short workout and sure it was just a practice, but somethings just can't be taught. Very good pocket presence and though he took off with the ball a little early on some plays, I think that can be traced back to his days at Tulane were he played behind what was described as the worst offensive line in college ball. That said, this kid can chew gum, run and throw the football...on the money. The thing that fans are going to have to realize is that its going to be an on-going learning experience for Losman and that patience will be needed while the kid learns how to read NFL style defenses and the different looks he never saw before at Tulane. People either don't know or are to young to remember, but Jim Kelly got the stuffing knocked out of him his first two years playing pro ball for the Gamblers. It took Kelly time and the same is going to be true for Losman.

    If the Bills, futher into the season get eliminated from any post season play, we will see Losman on the field. One Bills drive wants to see what they have with Losman as much as "us fans" for the most part, want to see this kid play. Weather he can tie in the intangibles, physical skills and Quarterbacking intelligence is anyones guess right now; including the Bills.



    RJ looked like a hall of famer in practice, too.


    I'll believe it when I see it.

  6. so you like drew?  YOU WANT THE TRUTH " YOU CANN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH" you better stop drinking come up for air OPEN YOUR F####ING EYES  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :D




    Did I say that?




    But from what I know about Losman's NFL career:


    He couldn't make it out of training camp, and when he did get into a game he lookd atrocious.

  7. I guess I just disagree:



    Mike Vanderjagt: 182-209 for 87.1%


    Adam Vinatieri: 240-292 for 82%


    So let me get this straight. He is "clutch its ridiculous" , yet in a 9 year career Adam Vinatieri has missed 52 field goals.


    Mike Vanderjagt in a 7 year career has missed only 27 field goals.



    hey, master of the obvious:





  8. Of course, if those freedoms are unused, all the blood spilled in their defense is wasted. 


    Personally...I think an honest (even if disagreeable) criticism of soldiers honors the fallen moreso than your blind criticism of such, simply because it exercise those freedoms rather than suppresses them.



    I'm not suppressing anything. Merely pointing out that the idiots in the media who wanted to crucify this poor kid for doing what had to be done and people like Petrino who don't have the nards to defend their own country yet are all to willing hide behind those who do.


    Maybe Heinlein did have it right after all.

  9. ESPN is going the same way MTV did. Remember when MusicTV -- yes, kids, that's what the "M" stands for -- actually played music?  Too many people trying to be the "next Chris Berman" or "next Jim Rome" with their cutesy catchphrases and one-liners; just lose the stand-up act and give me the sports. Please?

    For the record - I like Boomer; he's an original. Hate Rome and anyone pretending to be him; Bob Costas's "idiotfest" comment (re:the current state of sports radio) is thanks in no small part to Rome's influence on the younger generation of sports-talkers.


    These days, I'll try to catch the NFL Live/NFL Matchup shows and anything Bob Ley does, but that's about it. Oh, and "Sports Reporters" - the guys with my Dream Job. Don't watch that as much as I used to, though. John Saunders is a solid host, but I miss Dick Schapp. A lot.



    Not to mention they always have that fool Dan LeRetard on.

  10. After I thought about this some more...did Mike Shanahan win his Super Bowls with the Broncos as a one-man show, controlling everything?


    He's the only one I can think of.  All successful NFL teams seem to have power divested...between the head coach, GM and/or vice president/player personnel director.






    Two Words:


    Jimmy Johnson


    He was the prototype for this one man show thingy that's taken hold of the NFL.


    Unfortunately for us as Bills fans, he was the beneficiary of a ridiculous trade that brought him success. Without Herschel Walker, there's no way Johnson wins a SB in Dalla$$ and there's no way this coach/GM mania spreads throughout the league.

  11. people are so quick to cast aside the fact that in 3 years, donahoe rebuilt a defense that was #2 overall last season and is even better this season, in INTs, sacks, pressures, and every other conceivable stat. In a tougher schedule. The defense is stacked and poised to be good for many years.


    Look around the league and tell me how many franchises went from a rebuilding year to a consistently dominating defense in 3 years, with long term, cap friendly contracts.


    Mularkey will take the offense to the level that our defense and special teams are playing. And when we get there, watch out. We've seen it two weeks straight. Keep watching. Your support of Tom DOnahoe will crystalize.



    I love the defense, I've said that many-a time. It's much more solid than Butler's was.


    That being said, Defense wasn't really our problem. OFFENSE was. And to wit, the offense (until the emergence of McGahee) wasn't that great. Now it's mediocre. If it can just cross the threshold to good.....this team could be dangerous.

  12. Theisman comes across as condescending from time-to-time, but he does know a thing or two about the game.  I like Maguire too (you can call me a Buffalo homer, I probably am).  He comes up with stuff out of left field that makes me laugh out loud, and the bonus is that he'll tell Theisman to stick it.  Mike Patrick is a very underrated (IMO) play-by-play guy.  He knows how to call a game, whether it's a close one ot a blowout.


    And I love Suzy Kolber, she seems cool.  I think I fell for her when I watched her host the Matchup Show.  What a cutie, AND she knows football!  :lol:


    It seems I'm in the minority, but I like espn's Sunday Night Coverage.




    Whadaya know? You said something that makes sense! :D


    Mike Patrick is my favortie play by play guy on all the networks. It used to be Dick Enberg, but he's losing it a'la Pat summerall.

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