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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Posts posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. Once again, capitalism works, communism does not.



    See how simple it really is?


    There's a reason Euro governments are trying to shed their outmoded socialist programs....they've been crippled in the global economy. The reason we kick the snot out of them in the market is because we have less government as opposed to their more intrusive federal systems.

  2. Tell those snot-nosed bastards that if they can't live up to the commitment that they signed on to, they should be prepared to face a future filled with failure. Because let's face it: if you're not smart enough to get out of the military with an Honorable discharge, you've got to be pretty damned stupid.



    Sorry, I just watched that 60 Minutes 2 thing with those punk deserters who ran off to Canada. If i had the chance, I'd kick all of those cowards in the teeth. Hope they give them all the firing squad for being deserters in time of war.</edit>

  3. And you, are the cause....not the cure...


      As if you're not already paying for a system that has double digit cost increases year after year when the overall inflation rate is in low single digits during the same period.  Ever realize that the cost is already is coming out of your pocket? You don't think your salary isn't effected by the premiums paid by your employer?


    Laughable? Yes, it is, your already overpaying for a system that's broken.


    Your so typical of the myoptic views shared by millions of Americans that we're the best, regardless of what the evidence or alternatives may be. What better role can a government play than it the health, welfare, and security of it's people?


    But hey, lets simply fall back on our "six pack" and not discuss or debate the issues. Lets' instead resort to "comrade" and Chairman Mao remarks or insinuations. Funny how those who know the least about other countries are often the strongest supporters of "our" way of life. Have a 12 pack instead and bury that head in the sand. Reality has no place in your life anyway.




    Did you even read the thread about Tennecare that was posted here?


    If you had, you'd realize what a colossal blunder a national health insurance Ponzi scheme would be. Hell, even the greatest thievery of the private sector by the government in all of history (Social Security) is failing. Why? BECAUSE GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS DON'T WORK!!


    Learn a little about history. The NRA, the TVA, the Social Security system, Medicare, Welfare, the EPA, the Department of Ed have ALL been massive failures and drains on our economic prosperity. And now you and your short-sighted ilk want to throw an even bigger, more oppressive byzantine mess onto the taxpayers of this country?


    Only a FOOL would want to give up more of his or her hard-earned paycheck to an already bloated and inefficient governmental mess. Only a complete buffoon would want to feed the leviathan that is the Federal Government more.



    Government intrusion is what is immoral, not the workings of a free market system.

  4. Amd of course you'll have some skewed half true story to back that up. I personally deal with Canada daily in my line of employment, and while they admit their system isn't absolutely perfect, virtually everyone one of them that I've spoken to about this feels the USA is morally bankrupt when it comes to our health care system. Sorry, but there was a news piece a month or so back where quality of service and yes, wait times, were looked at and guess what, the good old USA did NOT finish #1.  They compared the Canadian system, Germany's (I believe), and the UK's, and possibly one more. I found myself getting angry when I read it because I know in my heart that our country and all the purported God loving right wingers will not have anything to do with something that could possibly benefit everyone.  Worse yet, is that they've managed to convince millions of everyday folk to drop in, lock step, behind them as if they're the Pied Piper to help fight to maintain this corrupt, immoral system. The estimates are that we have 40-45 million people in this country without health care insurance, meaning their access to the "system' is extremely limited. That's sad, that's immoral, that should be criminal.


    What is also true, is that we have a strong and powerful right that speaks of God, and then decries any attempt to help their fellow man. Our system exists for greed, plain and simple. Very powerful insurance companies would fight change in anyway they can because their very existance would be on the line. Hospitals, the doctors, right down the line, all feed on greed. And no, Mr Gecko, greed is not good.


    I guess this is why it is easier for a Camel to pass thru the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven.



    This is so laughable I don't know where to begin.






    Immoral is allowing corrupt politicians to handle something better handled in the free markets. Immoral is allwoing one portion of society to live off the fruits of another portion's labor.


    Why the hell should my taxes have to rise to support the healthcare needs of someone who's working a minimum wage job somewhere/ Can't you see where someone might abuse such a system? And what about the 300 pound blob of goo that refuses to lose weight and take care of their health? Why should I pay their burden?


    It sounds like you just took a page out of Chairman Mao's little red book, Comrade.


    Immoral? What a joke that post was.


    Oh, and another thing...Who gives a flying f*ck what Canadians think about us? Without us, they'd still be trapping beavers for a living.

  5. The HUGE problem with your argument is you are assuming a tax rate of 0% in your comparison. Remember, it's not 9.25% vs 0%.


    For example down here, its 9.25% vs 6.5%.

    So, its not $100 in 6 months, its less than $30. $30 over 6 months? That's $5 a month. That's $.16 a day.  Search the couch cushions.



    Actually it is ZERO. Where I live in PA. No sales tax on food or clothing.


    Also the same in Delaware.

  6. At least you can get it done if you don't have insurance with having to go bankrupt.


    And I highly doubt that this is a likely occurance.



    Oh? Do some research into the issue and you'll see some of the serious problems with the Canadian way of doing things.


    And what good is a bypass if you die before you dcan get one?

  7. As Mark 6 says though, what about the other points.  IE: Florida..........go to the Miami Herald web-site, there must be 4-5 murders a day just in Miami.  Weather is great until the hurricanes stop by.  I doubt housing is cheap there either



    Let's say for the sake of argument you're a new parent.


    your baby uses up 1-2 cans of formula a week at about $20 a can. She also uses up diapers at a rate of one pack a week approx $10.


    Let's add the tax burden for just 6 months of this (assuming you can give up the formula at that point).


    The total cost would be over $1000, of which $100 or so is taxes. That's 100 that could have been saved or spent on something else. Now I don't know about you, but I'd rather have that 100 in my pocket.

  8. My sister works in the county budget office.  She says Giambra is the most coprrupt politician she has ever seen.


    I don't live in Buffalo anymore, and there are probably other reasons for this mess too, but government isn't the problem so much as corruption and incompetence in government.



    Smaller government = less corruption.


    Simple equation and the truth.

  9. It was fun when I had my friends who came down here for the Bills game. I asked one how his job was going. Told me he just got a raise, and is now making $45k. (i didn't ask, he just gave that up). $45k down here will get you a nice refridgerator box and maybe a razor scooter for transport. In Buffalo, that's a decent living.


    People like to B word. If it wasn't for taxes, they'd find something else.


    I am counting the days till when I can pay 9.25% tax when I go buy a 12 pack. And guess what, I won't even complain about the $.60 in deposit.



    well when you're paying 9.25% on diapers, food, gas, clothes, furniture, appliances, coffee and everything in between, it really adds up.

    Haev a kid soemtime and you'll find out why taxes suck.

  10. OK. New York State is a tax happy hell hole to live.


    How much better is it where you live ? Taxes ? Crime ? Housing Costs ? Population ? Good people ? Schools ? Weather ? Economy ? Yada yada yada...


    Ejamacate me on this " Paradise " you folks live in. I may move in a few years and would like to know where Paradise is located ?



    Well, PA is its own hell, but at least there's no sales tax on food and clothing.


    Florida has no Income tax and Delaware has no sales taxes at all.

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