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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Posts posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. Talk about fraud teams in a fraud conference.

    1st the Falcons, now the Pack.

    Couldn't happen to a better team :w00t:  :w00t:  :w00t:

    (other than the Felons) :w00t:

    Maybe this is the year the Eagles finally get over the hump after all.




    BZZZT. The Iggles, even if they DO make it to the SB will not beat the rep from the AFC. Period.

  2. That game was reminiscent of the early 90s matchups with the fish. I lovede every nail-biting minute.


    Lost in all the malaise from some are two salient points:


    We won back-to-back road games.

    We finished .500 in division.


    both are HUGE considering the Bills recent history.


    It took till now, but I finally believe this team is heading in the right direction and is starting to play with heart.


    That took heart to come back from 10 down on the road against a divisional rival with nothing to lose.


    GO BILLS!!!

  3. My wife has one every year ( teachers ). Usually a dinner an open bar. I know plenty of the teachers and their husbands/wives , so it's not bad. Low key.


    Work has a no booze luncheon, which is fine.



    Going to the wife's this year. At her boss's house. Like her coworkers though, so it ain't so bad.

  4. I'm not aware of the percentages, but there's still gotta be a good chance you could have kids that are perfectly healthy, correct? My uncle is bi-polar but he has two young children that are 'so far so good' healthwise, although I am aware the condition usually doesn't manifest itself until after the onset of puberty.


    Besides, what if years from now they discover a cure? If you and your wife really wanted them it might be worth rolling the dice.



    Hell, I passed along the gene for sure Alzheimers.


    Emily's worth it. She's my reason for waking up in the AM.

  5. My wife *sucks* at managing money (her words, not mine).  We tried a bunch of things so that she wouldn't blow money on stupid stuff, but couldn't make anything work.  Eventually we settled on an "allowance" for her.  She gets $X/month and spends it on whatever she wants.  Some of her relatives think that I'm trying to "control" her, but it was *her* idea. :w00t:  It's worked great for us since March '03. :w00t:


    Each family has to make their own decisions on how those things work; it won't be the same for everyone.






    yeah, see that's how it works in our household, only in reverse.



  6. It's a crappy movie.  Movies are supposed to have a plot, some sort of direction to them, a script that's more than just a collection of gags, etc.  It's movie-making, not Nam.  There are rules... 






    How can you say a movie about a slacker who does nothing but bowl, smoke reefer and drink white russians all day whilst getting involved with nihilists, cowboys and porn producers is crappy?



  7. When we got married, we established a joint account that we must put a set amount of money into every month for common bills.  Anything we have left over after that we may spend as we see fit without consulting the other.


    Are the wife and I insane for that, or just far too sane?



    No, you must have married a blow-up doll is all.



  8. "Fair? FAIR?!! What kind of nihilists are you guys?!!"

    I will never understand how anyone can put together so many great lines into such a crappy movie...





    What are you some kind of communist???


    PETE! where are you? We have ourselves a real live pinko here!!

  9. Rent it!?!?!? Based on your recommendation I went out on bought it unseen (no downloading it illegally from the internet for me  :w00t: ). One of my best purchases ever!




    hehe....nice to see the old lady ahsn't applied the budgetary clamps on you yet.


    You know, now that I think of it. f it. That's a movie EVERY man should have in his collection. Wife be damned. I'M OFF TO AMAZON!!! w00t!!

  10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Walter Sobchak: OVER THE LINE!

    Smokey: Huh?

    Walter Sobchak: I'm sorry, Smokey. You were over the line that's a foul.

    Smokey: stevestojan. Mark it 8, Dude.

    Walter Sobchak: Uh, excuse me. Mark it zero. Next frame.

    Smokey: stevestojan, Walter. Mark it 8, Dude.

    Walter Sobchak: Smokey, this is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules.



    The Dude: Walter, ya know, its Smokey, so his foot slipped over the line a little, big deal.

    Walter Sobchak: Dude, this is a league game, the winner of this gets to progress into the next round robin. Am I wrong? Am I wrong?

    Smokey: Yeah but I wasn't over.

    Walter Sobchak: [pulls out a gun] Smokey you are about to enter a world of pain.

    Smokey: Yeah but...

    Walter Sobchak: [shouting] A world of pain.

    Smokey: Dude, could you...

    The Dude: Jesus Walter, you bring a !@#$ing gun bowling?

    Walter Sobchak: [shouting] Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one who pays attention to the rules any more?

    Smokey: Yeah but...

    Walter Sobchak: [shouting] You think i'm !@#$ing around? I'm not !@#$ing around!

    [points gun in Smokey's face]

    Walter Sobchak: Mark it zero! !@#$ing mark it zero.

    The Dude: They're calling the cops, man.

    Smokey: All right, its !@#$ing zero. Are you happy now you crazy !@#$?

    Walter Sobchak: ...Its a league game Smokey...



    Only a league bowler could fully appreciate the humor in that scene.


    I love it man.

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