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Pine Barrens Mafia

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Posts posted by Pine Barrens Mafia

  1. And Delaware and Oklahoma, neither of which is reporting much of anything yet.  And the Illinois projection is so far based almost exclusively on Cook county.


    Really...I'm pissed at the coverage.  I'd hoped they'd have learned the risk of being premature back in 2000.  Calling OK for Bush with 2% of the returns in is a load of crap.



    No schitt....


    The partisanship in the media is ridiculous.

  2. I voted at 7:30 AM this morning. Everyone I know is voting for Bush except my gf. My mom even is (everyone who knows that story should be shocked), but they despise LIBERALS.




    I have the same kind of anecdotal evidence.


    Everyone in mine and my wife's family is voting bush. Except for my father-in law, the wife's sister and her husband. That's it.


    It's a margin of 14-3 in my family. And I'm willing to wager it's similar across the country.

  3. The exits that have been reported so far are absoulte BS. For example, the sampling is 59% Women vs. 41% Male. To any Bush supporter who is even the slightest bit worried -- SUCK IT UP AND GOTV!!!! This is going to be a close election and we knew last night it would be that way. You want it to be a landslide for Bush and melt when it isn't. Again, SUCK IT UP, go vote, and get your family, friends and neighbors out to vote.


    The Republican GOTV machine is hitting on all cylinders and this was a calulated move to derail it by the DNC and main-street-media. The DNC simply can not handle the thought of losing an election with high voter turnout. If you let this demoralize you then they win and you'll feel like a fool tomorrow. Think of the guys over in Iraq laying their a$$ on the line and expecting you to pull through for them. Get your minds back in the freaking game and keep the morale high. Bush will win if you do.



    w00t! fantastic!


    These nellies that are worried just don't get it. Bush is going to win this election.

  4. This from NRO's Jonah Goldberg

    THOSE BOGUS NUMBERS [Jonah Goldberg]


    Okay. I've now got a third source. Here's what I feel comfortable saying. Those numbers with Kerry leading by 20 in PA were definitely from the Kerry campaign. Whether the represented an early voting tally or just a totally non-serious collection of tallies from various dudes with clipboards is unclear. But they are entirely bogus for the purposes of understanding what's going on today.


    As for what is going on today. Florida seems to be looking ok but tight. Still too close to call in Ohio. Etc. When I have something more concrete, I'll let ya know.

  5. Didn't Reagan run up record deficits during his tenure?

    Didn't Bush just pour 200 billion dollars into a military project?


    Sorry, but I'm still failing to see any appreciable difference here.



    Yes, but on things the gov't is SUPPOSED to spend money on: Military, etc...


    He funded a war, not a buildup.

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