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Everything posted by Duck_dodgers007

  1. Post war Germany??? Seriously? You are so pathetically ignorant it's astounding. Do you know anything about the German situation at the time? The French occupation, reparations, political stagnation. You really should just shut your ignorant self up. Why not $45 billion? What's wrong with that?
  2. Why, because you like learning how you know nothing? You guys are two complete idiots
  3. So we would be better off with less money? Huh? And scaricty of goods? WTF are you talking about? We can make an unlimited amount of anything now. The real trick is not how to make stuff, but ensuring people can buy everything that is made. I'll also say this, if this doesn't work, increasing the money supply and all, the next step will be the direct creation of jobs by the governments of the world. And what would you Conservatives rather have, more money circulating or more government?
  4. See, you probably think you just made a great economic point. "The impact on stocks from central banks’ concern for economic growth and employment is “unambiguously positive,” said Allen Sinai, chief global economist at Decision Economics Inc. in New York." I'm down with that!
  5. Unfortunately this is the basic understanding of the average person. Can anyone point to a way we would be better off if there was less money?
  6. Kamikazes on Dec. 7 Boo for the historical inaccuracy! Did you guys walk around drunk saying "Remember the Maine"??
  7. Ha ha, ya, she might do something stupid, like filibuster her own friggin bill! Oh honk!!!
  8. we have to raise taxes to fund all those things Its better than borrowing to pay for it
  9. http://movies.yahoo.com/news/lincoln-cussing-f-050000268.html pure fact???
  10. Have the Republicans stated the deep cuts to health care and social security they want?
  11. Sounds like the Party of No was trying to be creative in its anti-American obstructionism...oops!
  12. It didn't? What about all those tens of thousands of "slaves" wearing the Union blue who fought for the Union, were they free or slaves? You sound pretty ignorant He tried it, it didn't work and he abondonded it. The racism at that time was so much more bitter and hateful than in our time that it made it seem like the only solution that had a chance of success
  13. Have you heard anyone support it as fact? If you have I'll admit I am wrong, as I may be, but I think it's an original theory, but probably true. I'm just saying Speilberg is advancing a theory that very well may be true but it sure as he'll is not in Goodwins book, it's just not there Yes, but your are a a dumb person, and I'm a guy who is smart who just types fast and makes a few typing errors which makes a moron like you feel empowered to at least say something. You are still trash
  14. Oh, now, "made up" is what a theory is. Goodwin makes no claim on this at all. The movie also includes the peace negotions as a factor getting the the conservative republicans on board, no proof of that, and that Mary Lincoln made Lincoln get his feet dirty to save his son from military service...highly speculative, but maybe good history. That's what history is, theory of what happened. We know the amendment was passed, Speilberg offers an interesting, thought provoking and very reasonable theory of the process. But he has to add some fiction into it to make it work, I have no problem with that Thanks! I wrote that, you think it's so good that Joe Cool [me] had to of cut and pasted.
  15. Abridged is being kind. It's really almost nothing to do at all with her book. Goodwin is mentioned for publicity sake only, imo. She does very little on the passage of the amendment and nothing at all about all the machinations the movie presents. Speilburg is historian himself, taking the facts we have and presenting them in an original theory that may or may not be totally true. He takes one part of the enormous period of the war and makes a masterpiece, IMO. The movie was awesome, beyond stunning, Lewis better win the Oscar or the process is broken. Is there any evidence Lincoln wanted the amendment passed before the war was over because he thought it couldn't be passed once the wartime emergency had passed? Goodwin never makes that argument, it's not in her book. Further, them movie, like many movies reflects the age they were made in. The passag of the thirteenth amendment was used because it reflects in many way the passage of Obamacare, the party of no and the racism of today that is so much more whispered but was right out in the open in 1865
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/two-conservative-republicans-booted-house-budget-panel-154212850--business.html Booted! Taking out the tea party trash
  17. Hmmm...how long till someone tries and smear you with anti-semitism brush? There are only illegal aliens, never illegal settlements
  18. Looks pissed. A broken and angry man http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/romney-pumping-gas-photo-151702638--election.html
  19. I know! I mean if this was still the Bush Administration the liberal press would be reporting on things like this EVERYDAY! It was always on the damn news like this. You couldn't turn on the news without some Americans killed in Iraq here or there, yet the press ignores it when it happens once in Libia, how unfair! Like I said, I'm outraged!
  20. It was sold out last night so I have to wait. Was th "negotiated peace" the attempt before the election? I know the southern negiators were right across the Niagara river here in Canada and Lincoln did not take them serious at all. The Confederacy was just racists gone wild.
  21. Yes, so this Benghazi is a serious issue, right?
  22. It's outrageous, when have Americans ever died before? Obama is death!
  23. Why do you try? You are an obvious idiot yet you try to discuss issues you do not understand, why??
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