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Everything posted by Duck_dodgers007

  1. Who? Bush was a hard working successful businessman? Ha!
  2. It's just shameful that a former president that ran up massive deficits is now making money encouraging the wealthy to hide their wealth in foreign banks so they don't have to help pay the country's debts. The soldier that was wounded in Iraq can't off shore his injuries.
  3. What makes you think I am you idiot? Why are you so stupid?
  4. No one, not even lazy people should go hungry in a country where we produce so much food we can't possibly eat it all
  5. Obama hasn't fixed this mess fast enough so let’s return to the same exact "Pro Business", Pro War policies that Bush used to turn Clinton's unprecedented surplus unto the worst mess since the Great Depression! Maybe after that we can restart the Vietnam War.
  6. Yes I'm jealous of a guy that can send my fellow citizens to die in a war that I can then avoid having my taxes pay for! Bush is a disgusting person, reminds me on Syrian leader
  7. Why should Bush have to pay taxes to help cover the expense of the war he got us into? Or to pay for the prescription drug benefits he signed into law, or to cover the deficits he created with the tax cuts he signe into law ? Why should he have to pay his fair share?
  8. True, media black out opens this up to speculation though. No media!
  9. You, little you, are attacking my thread out of jealously, pathetic. Where is President Bush???
  10. No! You are jealous of others success. You are jealous of middle class people that are successful, like me. You are jealous of me because I'm better than you Grow up
  11. The last leader of the Republican Party isn't even giving speeches to support his candidate??? How about that?
  12. Everyone isn't a fox news zombie. So save your pathetic rhetoric for other fox news zombies. I'm actually an investor myself, it's a big part of my life, but I'll pay my taxes when I cash them out. I won't try and cheat the country whose military I served in, whose police protected me, whose policies supported the middle class and I love
  13. Who??? President Bush? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha The boy was born with a silver spoon up his butt and now after slashing tax rates and creating our modern deficits he is giving a speech on the even of an election to tell people how to cheat on their taxes. Why isn't Bush out on the campaign trail? His brother is!
  14. Bush in the Caymen Islands today. GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands (AP) — Organizers of an investment conference in the Cayman Islands say they have been forbidden from disclosing any details about a speech by former President George W. Bush in the offshore financial haven, an event spokesman said Thursday. The keynote speech by the former president is "totally closed to all journalists," and conference organizers are forbidden from discussing any aspect of it even in general terms, spokesman Dan Kneipp said. http://news.yahoo.com/media-blackout-bush-speaks-cayman-islands-204640389--finance.html
  15. You want to impeach Obama over this, were you calling for Bush's impeachment?
  16. Ya, mistakes were obviously made. Nothing compared to the massive, wildly expensive and deadly mistakes of the Bush administration. Have fun with this
  17. Obama in North Carolina means he has a chance to take another Southern state away from Romney.
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