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Everything posted by Duck_dodgers007

  1. Nullification really is the only option that I can see. Senate only needs 51 votes to repeal Obamacare, but they will never do it, not even with a Republican majority. Hiding behind supreme court decisions is a great way to avoid confronting hot button issues. As with Roe V. Wade, we'll be told that the solution is to appoint a majority of conservative supreme court justices to overturn the Obamacare decision. This will never happen of course, thus giving federal lawmakers the luxury of avoiding the issue forever.
  2. Everyone knows Romney is a phony and if he wins we are no better off than with his twin Obama
  3. Pelosi just claimed Teddy Kennedy helped from heaven push through, barf! She didn't thank RINO Roberts????
  4. Unbelievable! Big spender Bush bites America in the arse once again
  5. Romney is just a white Obama, not any different at all
  6. Wouldn't it be great if he got 5 or 6 sacks this year? I'd take that!
  7. I want a chance to go to a home playoff game. Nothing like it in the world!
  8. Buffalo guy, Cleveland guy, Chicago guy, all the friggin same
  9. Those camcorders should be the things remembered as game changers, all cops now know to beware of them
  10. There is no requirement to be a Buffalo guy, and guys that make lists are suspect
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